6 of the Best Exploration Ships in Elite Dangerous: Horizons (2024)

Exploration is undoubtedly one of the most appealing things about Elite Dangerous: Horizons. As a space simulation game that includes a vast galaxy with billions of stars, Elite gives players a chance to see the universe like few others. To truly explore the Milky Way, however, you’ll need a decent spaceship for exploration. The best exploration ships in Elite Dangerous: Horizons enable you to travel across the universe faster and more efficiently than the rest and are well equipped for explorer missions.

When it comes to choosing an exploration ship in Elite Dangerous: Horizons, jump range is the most important thing to consider. The higher a ship’s maximum jump range, the fewer Hyperspace jumps you’ll need to make to reach distant stars. The number of internal compartments a spaceship has is also important due to the greater number of additional accessories explorer pilots need, such as Fuel Scoops and SRVs. In addition, spaceships with larger fuel tanks are better for explorer pilots who make long journeys across the galaxy. These are the best exploration ships in Elite Dangerous: Horizons that meet the requirements of explorer pilots.

Read also: 9 Notable Places to Visit in Elite Dangerous: Horizons

Elite Dangerous: Horizons - Launch Trailer

Table of Contents

1)1. Orca

2)2. Diamondback Explorer

3)3. Asp Explorer

4)4. Anaconda

5)5. Krait Phantom

6)6. Dolphin

1. Orca

Orca is a large and luxurious passenger-liner ship with an appealing design. This is a spaceship that has been specifically designed for passenger contract exploration missions. As one of the few ships in Elite Dangerous that can equip luxury cabins, this is one of the best vessels for completing passenger contracts in the game. Orca is quite pricey at 48,539,887 CR, but it’s the best in the passenger transportation business.

The Orca

This spaceship’s jump range can be maxed out to an impressive 36.17 light-years (without engineering). It also packs in nine internal compartments, including three class five ones, which is a good number. Orca’s 32-ton fuel tank is only bettered by a few (much more pricey) spaceships. Therefore, Orca scores highly as an exploration ship.

Other Specifications:

  • Default top speed: 308 m/s
  • Default boost speed: 390 m/s
  • Cargo space: 72 tons
  • Armor: 396
  • Shield: 233 MJ

2. Diamondback Explorer

The Diamond Explorer is a relatively cheap exploration ship that’s great value for explorer pilots. It’s a dual-purpose spaceship that has been designed for both exploration and combat purposes. The spaceship costs 1,894,760 CR, which makes it a real bargain for one with some impressive specifications.

Diamond Explorer’s most impressive specification is undoubtedly its outstanding 41.61 ly maximum jump range. That jump range makes it one of the very best ships in the game for jumping between the stars. On top of that, it incorporates a decent 32t fuel tank that will enable you to travel further without having to stop to refuel.

The Diamondback Explorer

Explorer pilots who like to partake in some combat will also appreciate this ship’s weapon hardpoints. Although it only includes three weapon hardpoints, one large and two medium ones give this spaceship some serious firepower. So, this isn’t a bad option for lightweight PvE (player vs. environment) bounty hunting either.

Other Specifications:

  • Internal Compartments: Eight
  • Default top speed: 251 m/s
  • Default top boost speed: 328 m/s
  • Default cargo space: 12 tons
  • Armor: 270
  • Shield: 131 MJ

3. Asp Explorer

The Asp Explorer is among the most flexible spaceships in Elite: Dangerous that’s ideal for exploration. This is a medium-sized ship with considerable outfitting potential, which makes it a popular choice among Elite players. You won’t need to save up too long to snap up an ASP Explorer for 6,661,153 credits either.

The Asp Explorer

The Asp’s jump range of 38.19 ly ranks it among the best spaceships in the Elite universe for Hyperspace jumping. For outfitting, Explorer incorporates eight compartments in total, which is perfectly adequate for equipping essential exploration modules. One of those is a class six one you can equip a decent Fuel Scoop with. Its 32t fuel tank is also more than adequate for long-distance space travel.

This spaceship’s co*ckpit also has a novel unobstructed glass canopy. The Asp Explorer’s glass canopy provides unique panoramic views of space no other Elite spaceship matches. You’ll appreciate that novelty when you press the middle mouse button to look up, left, and right in free view mode.

Asp Explorer’s canopy

Other Specifications:

  • Default top speed: 254 m/s
  • Default maximum boost speed: 345 m/s
  • Default cargo space: 38 tons
  • Armor: 378
  • Shield: 152 MJ

4. Anaconda

The Anaconda is one of the very best exploration and combat ships in the Elite Dangerous universe. It’s a massive ship that’s the third most expensive one in the game at 146,969,450 credits. However, Anaconda is still one of the crème da la crème spaceships in Elite, which justifies its hefty price tag.

The Anaconda

Anaconda boasts impressive specifications across the board. Its max 41.45 ly jump range is only bettered by the Diamondback Explorer, but Anaconda has a better range with engineering enhancements. The Anaconda has a whopping 12 internal compartments for additional equipment. One of those compartments is a class seven one for which you can fit a top-notch Fuel Scoop. It’s also got a large 32-ton fuel tank, eight weapon hardpoints (one huge and three large), and a further eight utility mounts.

Other Specifications:

  • Default top speed: 183 m/s
  • Default top boost speed: 244 m/s
  • Default cargo space: 114 t
  • Armor: 945
  • Shield: 362 MJ

5. Krait Phantom

Krait Phantom is a great multipurpose spaceship that’s particularly good for explorer pilots. This is a slightly stripped-down variation of its Krait MkII sister ship, which is a more combat-oriented vessel. With a more streamlined design, however, Phantom is a better choice for exploration. You can snap up this ship for 37,472,254 credits, which makes it cheaper than the MkII.

Like all the other best exploration ships in Elite Dangerous: Horizons, Phantom has a very decent jump range. Its max jump range of 34.79 light-years beats most alternative ships, but Phantom doesn’t compare quite so favorably with the likes of the Anaconda and Diamondback Explorer in that respect. With FSD (Frame Shift Drive) engineering, however, Phantom can eclipse Asp Explorer for jump range distance.

The Krait Phantom

Phantom also has a good amount of internal compartment space. It incorporates a total of nine internal compartments for your exploration gear. Three of those compartments are class five and one is class six. Therefore, you can fit quite a lot of higher-class optional equipment on the Krait Phantom.

Other Specifications

  • Default top speed: 256 m/s
  • Default top boost speed: 358 m/s
  • Default cargo space: 82 t
  • Armor: 324
  • Shield: 260 MJ
  • Fuel tank: 32 t

6. Dolphin

Dolphin is a passenger liner that’s a good budget option. Like other Kruger passenger liners, it has a stylish design and can equip luxury suite cabins. At1,337,330 credits, this is certainly a budget option well worth considering. If you can’t wait around saving for a more pricey exploration spaceship, go for the Dolphin.

This ship can Hyperspace jump a maximum of 35.10 light-years with upgrades, which is great for a cheap spaceship. It comes with nine internal compartments, which is one more than the Asp and Diamondback Explorer ships. Therefore, Dolphin has enough space for the essential exploration gear. Dolphin’s good default 290 m/s speed and 361 m/s boost are bonuses that make it a quicker spaceship for approaching stations and exiting their Mass Locks before jumping.

The Dolphin

With its luxury suite cabins, you can utilize the Dolphin for VIP passenger contracts. Those VIP contracts offer high payouts and enhance Explorer rank. Thus, you can quickly recoup the Dolphin’s cost by completing passenger contracts with the ship.

Other Specifications:

  • Default cargo space: 14 t
  • Fuel tank: 16 t
  • Armor: 198
  • Shields: 143 MJ
  • Hardpoints: Five (3x utility)

The above spaceships are the best exploration ships in Elite Dangerous: Horizons for propelling you across the Milky Way. Those are spaceships with great jump ranges, sizeable fuel tanks, and a good amount of internal storage for equipping exploration equipment.

6 of the Best Exploration Ships in Elite Dangerous: Horizons (2024)


What is the best exploration ship in elite dangerous? ›

The best ship for this build is the Krait Phantom. There are a handful of ships that excel at exploration for one reason or another, but the Krait fits this build perfectly. It's one of the best medium ships available owing to its versatility and impressive Jump Range.

Is the Orca a good exploration ship? ›

Orca's 32-ton fuel tank is only bettered by a few (much more pricey) spaceships. Therefore, Orca scores highly as an exploration ship. Other Specifications: Default top speed: 308 m/s.

What ship has the longest jump range? ›

Jump range comparison
VesselJump Range
DefaultWith optimal module selection
Asp Explorer13.12 ly38.19 ly
Krait Phantom9.78 ly34.79 ly
Anaconda9.41 ly41.45 ly
7 more rows

What is the best first ship to buy in elite dangerous? ›

The Eagle is a very popular combat ship for those starting out their career as a Bounty Hunter, although you should invest in better shields as soon as you have the funds to do so, as the hull is a little lightweight.

What does C mean Elite Dangerous? ›

In supercruise, speeds are typically measured in multiples of the speed of light, represented as c or in megameters per second, represented as Mm/s (1c = 300Mm/s). A ship that is traveling at 1c is therefore traveling at the speed of light.

Is exploration profitable Elite Dangerous? ›

Make money from exploration

Exploration is sadly not quite as profitable as we were hoping for in Elite Dangerous, but there are some decent credits to be made if you can't resist the siren-song of deep space. There are two stages to exploration in the game.

Is killer whale better than shark? ›

Willy vs Jaws. Whale against Shark Who would win in a fight to the death? Although the great white shark has a fearsome reputation, in a straight fight it is outclassed by the orca. Not only are orcas much bigger, they are also smarter.

What ships can fit in an orca? ›

Industrial Command Ships. Maxed out for hauling, an Orca can fit over 90,000 m³ in its cargo hold.
Cargo space
  • Rifter – 27,289 m. ...
  • Scythe – 89,000 m. ...
  • Osprey – 107,000 m. ...
  • Skiff – 100,000 m. ...
  • Procurer/Mackinaw/Retriever/Hulk/Covetor – 150,000 m. ...
  • Raven – 486,000 m.
Jun 22, 2022

Who wins orca or sperm whale? ›

A lone sperm whale would kill an orca in a one-on-one fight. Even when both creatures travel in pods, the orcas typically choose to separate the smaller whales from the group and kill that rather than face the terrible fury of a bull whale.

What is the highest equestrian jump? ›

The Guinness World Record for the highest jump by a horse was set by Captain Alberto Larraguibel and 'Huaso' in Chile, 1949. The pair jumped 2.47 metres! Formerly named Faithful, Huaso was born in Chile in 1933.

What is the highest platform jump? ›

High jump 2.45 m

On 27 Jul 1993, Cuba's Javier Sotomayor leapt 2.45 m (8 ft 0.45 in) in Salamanca, Spain. No one else has ever jumped above 8 ft (2.44 m). Sotomayor also recorded the highest high jump (indoors) – 2.43 m (7 ft 11.6 in), in Budapest, Hungary, on 4 Mar 1989.

What is the max jump range with a Krait Phantom? ›

The Phantom can jump nearly 75 LY with a fully-sized fuel tank. If the tank is downsized to a 2C plus a 1C optional (6T of fuel against the FSD's 5T/jump consumption), the fuelled jump range rises to 80.14 LY. 80.51 LY is the theoretical max for a tank level of exactly 5T with nothing in the reserve tank.

Is the Python a good combat ship? ›

The Python is considered by some to be the most effective balance between firepower, manoeuvrability, and protection currently available among all ships.

Is the Anaconda the best ship in Elite Dangerous? ›

Some traders make use of the Anaconda due to its high jump range and decent cargo capacity; however, at only 468T of cargo, it is surpassed by several other large ships such as Lakon's Type-9 Heavy and Type-10 Defender, the Federal Corvette, and the Imperial Cutter, making it the least effective ship in its price range ...

What is the biggest ship in Elite Dangerous? ›

The Beluga Liner is a ship manufactured by Saud Kruger. Comparable to an Imperial Cutter in mass and even bulkier in volume, the Beluga is a ponderous cruise liner designed to carry passengers to their destination in luxurious comfort.

What is the fastest way to make money in Elite Dangerous? ›

Mining is one of the more lucrative sources of income, and with the right ship and setup players could earn well over 100 million credits an hour. There are two main types of mining, core and laser. Laser mining is the easiest and most profitable, but core mining is more engaging and may be preferable for some.

What happens if you run out of fuel in Elite Dangerous? ›

When a ship exhausts its fuel completely, the Power Plant will shut down and the ship will become stranded.

What planets should I scan Elite Dangerous? ›

The most valuable planets are earthlike worlds (ELWs), water worlds (WWs), and ammonia worlds (AWs). The most valuable stars are black holes (BH) and neutron stars (NS). The least valuable planets are rocky, icy, and rocky icy bodies, which are sometimes referred to as a whole as "rice". Terraformability.

Are there Earth like planets in Elite Dangerous? ›

As the name indicates, the planet Earth in the Sol system is the standard by which all bodies of this type are compared. Naturally-occurring Earth-like Worlds are very rare, and they also occasionally support indigenous intelligent species at various stages of development.

Can a megalodon beat a blue whale? ›

Most estimates of megalodon put an upper length at around 50 feet and 50 tons. Some larger estimates do exist (placing megalodon up to 67 feet in length and well beyond 50 tons), but the fact of the matter is megalodon was smaller than a blue whale. In terms of size, a blue whale gets the advantage.

Can orca beat a megalodon? ›

Orcas clamp down on the flukes of blue whales several times the size of a Megalodon and stop them dead in the water. They would do the same thing to the shark – seize its tail and, as it suffocated, batter it to death.”

What do sharks fear? ›

Just like we check under our beds for monsters, sharks check for dolphins before nodding off. That's right, the toughest kids on the undersea block swim in fear of dolphins.

What can rival a orca? ›

Top Orca Security Alternatives
  • Trend Micro Deep Security.
  • VMware Carbon Black App Control.
  • Illumio Core.
  • Prisma Cloud.
  • Sophos Central.
  • Microsoft Defender for Cloud.
  • Sysdig Secure.
  • Lacework Cloud Security Platform.

What animal can take down an orca? ›

Do orcas have predators? Orcas are apex predators, which means they're at the very top of the food chain and they have no predators. Killer whales are some of the largest and most powerful animals in the ocean, and no other predator is able to challenge them.

Will an orca flip a boat? ›

Such an encounter would have been almost unheard of more than a few years ago, but since 2020, marine experts have been noticing these odd human-orca interactions along the coasts of Portugal and Spain. The animals have started approaching sailboats, sometimes striking the rudders and even breaking them off.

What is the most powerful whale? ›

It has established that blue whales are the strongest, in terms of the absolute amount of force they can generate. They are stronger than other large whales, including the massive sperm whale, the largest toothed cetacean, although they are not the strongest relative to their body size.

Who kills whale sharks? ›

Whale Sharks can grow up to 40 feet, they often fall prey to Great White, Orcas, Blue and Tiger Sharks. Apart from that Black Marlins and Humans can also cause the death of Whale Sharks.

What is the apex predator of the ocean? ›

Killer Whales

When you think of top ocean predators, you probably think of sharks. Great white sharks, to be exact. But the true ruler of the sea is the killer whale. Killer whales are apex predators, which means they have no natural predators.

Who is the number 1 equestrian in the world? ›

1. Germany's Michael Jung. Who's number one in the world at the moment?
2019 CHIO AachenEQ Life's Tour Event News
4 more rows

Who is the oldest showjumper? ›

He was still competing as of 2011, at age 68. He is regarded as the oldest winner of a show jumping Grand Prix, as he won the Grand Prix of Ebreichsdorf (CSI 2*) in May 2011.
Hugo Simon.
Personal information
Born3 August 1942 (age 80) Křivá Voda, present-day Czech Republic
Height1.62 m (5 ft 4 in)
Weight65 kg (143 lb)
4 more rows

What is the longest BASE jump? ›

The record for the world's highest BASE Jump belongs to Russian dare devil, Valery Rozov, who jumped from Mount Everest (the worlds highest mountain, of course), leaping from a staggering 7220 metres (23,688 feet, or four and a half miles) above sea level.

Who can jump 50 inches? ›

Evan Ungar holds the world record for a standing jump, leaping 63.5 inches, and has a vertical of nearly three feet. But jumping higher than 50 inches is nearly impossible to do — and WIRED takes a deep dive into sports science to find out why.

What is the longest standing long jump? ›

by Norwegian Arne Tvervaag, who jumped 3.71. meters (12' 2.1") Evie can do 2m long.

How far can the Cobra mk3 jump? ›

Cobra Mk III
Speedboostjump range

Is the Krait Phantom better than the ASP Explorer? ›

The Phantom excels as an explorer, with jump ranges slightly higher than the Asp Explorer depending on outfitting and Engineering, and more internal compartment space for a wider variety of modules.

Is the krait mk2 good for combat? ›

As such, while the Krait MkII remains the better choice for combat, trading, and mining, the Krait Phantom offers a streamlined alternative for explorers or pilots who have no use for a Fighter Hangar.

What ship has the best jump range Elite Dangerous? ›

  • "Longest Jump-Range" is one of the most misunderstood specifications in the game. ...
  • All other things being equal, the Anaconda has the longest jump-range in the game.
Jan 7, 2022

What ship has the most cargo space Elite Dangerous? ›

General specs of the Imperial Cutter:

Max cargo capacity of 794t - the largest in the game.

Is Diamondback Explorer good for exploration? ›

Thanks to the ability to fit a class 5 Frame Shift Drive and a 32t Fuel Tank, this ship is excellent for exploration. Even with a full combat outfit, the ship maintains an impressive jump range.

What is the furthest jump in Elite Dangerous? ›

Purchase the new 5A FSD from the Outfitting screen and the DBX will have a maximum Jump Range of 40.74ly.

What is the farthest point in Elite Dangerous? ›

Oevasy SG-Y d0, nicknamed Ishum's Reach, is one of the furthest systems from the galactic plane. It is 65,647.34 light years from Sol. The most remote planet in the system is Oevasy SG-Y d0 9 F, also known as Salomé's Reach.

Is the python a good ship Elite Dangerous? ›

In combat scenarios, the Python is more than capable of putting down most other ships. With 5 hardpoints and good placement even larger ships like Anacondas and Imperial Cutters must operate with caution in a fight against a Python.

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Name: Twana Towne Ret

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