Explorer (2024)

Explorer is one of the three archetypal pilot roles recognized by the Pilots Federation. Explorers have the opportunity to earn income and gain reputation by making pioneering jumps into unexplored systems and gathering data on planets, stars, points of interest and signal sources within star systems using such devices as the Discovery Scanner, Full Spectrum System Scanner, and Detailed Surface Scanner. Many explorers enjoy locating and observing the beautiful views that can be found in deep space, as well as gaining credit for being the first to discover unique systems and worlds. Some explorers have been known to spend years delving into uncharted space without once returning to inhabited systems.


  • 1 Ranks
  • 2 Exploration Tips
    • 2.1 Picturesque Views
    • 2.2 Valuable Bodies
    • 2.3 Analysis Mode
    • 2.4 Fuel Scooping
    • 2.5 Terraformable Planets
    • 2.6 Deep Space Ports
    • 2.7 Non-Sequence Objects
    • 2.8 Text and Audio Logs
  • 3 Exploration Data
    • 3.1 Value Calculation Factors
    • 3.2 Scan Values
  • 4 Equipment
    • 4.1 Modules
    • 4.2 Ships
    • 4.3 Scarab SRV
  • 5 Milestones
    • 5.1 Galactic mapping
    • 5.2 Galactic traffic
  • 6 Notes
  • 7 Videos
  • 8 Gallery
  • 9 See also
  • 10 References


Explorer (1)

The player may gain Explorer ranks with the Pilots Federation based upon the amount of money made by selling cartographic data acquired in exploration to Universal Cartographics.[nb 1][nb 2] Other applicable activities include driving an SRV (the further away from Sol this is done, the faster progression is), collecting materials on the surface of a planet or moon (with a significant bonus awarded upon discovering a new material),[1] and by successfully completing VIP passenger transportation missions.

The table below lists the estimated amount of total profit required to advance to higher exploration ranks. Exact numbers are not available in-game, and depending on which activities are used to advance, the required amount of profit may differ from player to player.

RankTotal Profit RequiredCosmetic Unlocks
Aimless0"Aimless" Ship & Suit Decals
Mostly Aimless40,000"Mostly Aimless" Ship & Suit Decals
Scout270,000"Scout" Ship & Suit Decals
Surveyor1,140,000"Surveyor" Ship & Suit Decals
Trailblazer4,200,000"Trailblazer" Ship & Suit Decals
Pathfinder10,000,000"Pathfinder" Ship & Suit Decals
Ranger35,000,000"Ranger" Ship & Suit Decals
Pioneer116,000,000"Pioneer" Ship & Suit Decals
Elite320,000,000"Elite" (Explorer) Ship & Suit Decals
Elite Dangerous: Odyssey required to progress
Elite I640,000,000"Elite I" (Explorer) Ship & Suit Decal
Elite II945,000,000"Elite II" (Explorer) Ship & Suit Decal
Elite III1,280,000,000"Elite III" (Explorer) Ship & Suit Decal
Elite IV1,600,000,000"Elite IV" (Explorer) Ship & Suit Decal
Elite V1,920,000,000"Elite V" (Explorer) Ship & Suit Decal

Exploration Tips[]

Explorer (2)

Picturesque Views[]

Deep space contains a whole multitude of sights and scenes that cannot be found in inhabited space. Nebulae are typically a good starting point when looking for such. Blue stars, including classes B, A, and neutron stars make for some excellent and majestic lighting, while binary star systems are good for unusual and dramatic views. If looking for a particular galactic backdrop, the rim of the galactic core, which contains many blue stars, or the area above or below the galactic plane make for some spectacular views. Make sure to check system orrery maps for planetoids that may have a good view of other bodies. For example, this might be a moon that orbits a gas giant off of the gas giant's orbital plane, and at a close distance.

Valuable Bodies[]

Pay close attention to your destination systems in the Galaxy Map. If looking for valuable planetoids, then the most ideal systems are of those with star classes F, G and K - that is to say, the most Sol-like systems, with potential Earth-like Worlds. Other star class systems can contain Earth-likes, but are less likely to do so. Neutron star systems are a suprisingly good candidate for containing Earth-likes. Higher class star systems, such as O and B do not often contain terrestrial bodies due to their young age and immense heat, though they can contain stellar nurseries. Lower class star systems, such as M, L, T, Y tend to contain many ice bodies, due to their low heat. Black holes and neutron stars, however, do net quite the amount of credits, especially if you are the first to discover them. Herbig and T Tauri-type stars rarely have anything more than occasional gas planets.

Analysis Mode[]

Explorer (3)

Elite Dangerous: Beyond Chapter Four adds the Analysis Mode with the improved Exploration Discovery Scanner, Full Spectrum System Scanner and Detailed Surface Scanner. This is a brand new way for all Commanders to explore the Milky Way galaxy. After the initial scan of a star system, you will then be able to tune your scanners to find stellar bodies and other phenomena. Unidentified Signal Sources and conflict zones will also appear as dotted lines within this mode, allowing you to easily track down interesting or important things within the system. Not only is this new system a more realistic, satisfying and engaging exploration experience, but now you will be able to make more informed decisions on where to look next, and you will be more rewarded for your time spent exploring. Commanders will now have probes at their disposal to map the planetary surfaces, and planetary rings, in detail, to locate points of interest and leave your mark on the galaxy in a different way.[2]

Fuel Scooping[]

Explorer (4)

Bear in mind that cooler stars are easier to use a Fuel Scoop with, while classes F and above can be dangerously hot and cause overheating. Fuel scooping will only work with main sequence stars; these are stars with the stellar types O, B, A, F, G, K and M. Astronomers often use the mnemonic "Oh Be A Fine Girl/Guy, Kiss Me" to remember the main sequence stellar classes in order of temperature. Some commanders use the mnemonic "KGB-FOAM".[3]

Note that the Discovery Scanner can be used while fuel scooping, which means that even without stopping completely to perform a more thorough scan of the system using the Full Spectrum System Scanner and Detailed Surface Scanner, it is still possible to collect rudimentary scan data and generate a modest profit simply by traveling. Selling this data can easily offset the costs of most repairs and restoring the ship's paintjob.

Terraformable Planets[]

Explorer (5)

Identifying terraformable planets, which are the most valuable, is important. Upon entering a system, activate the Discovery Scanner and then use the Full Spectrum System Scanner to scan every body in that system. Once this is done, if a body is a terraforming candidate, its description in the System Map will label it as such.

Earth-like Worlds and Water Worlds are quite obvious on the system map, especially if listening to the sound they make. Terraformables, however, do not differ from normal planets at first glance, so they need to be scanned. The mass of the planets and distance from the star are the next key factors. The size of Mars is approximately the low boundary of terraformability, which is half the radius of Earth and tenth its mass. Next, pay attention to the size of the star and the distance of candidate planets and try to work out whether they are in the habitable zone of the star. This is approximately 1AU for stars of 1 solar mass, and can be determined for other stars using the inverse-square law. For example, for a star of 2 solar masses, it's the square root of 2, or ~1.4AU. Many terraformable metal planets may seem worthless at first glance, but if their temperature is right, they are potential candidates.

Other factors are often negligible: even an airless planet can be a candidate. Temperatures between 250K and 300K are most ideal, however there are extremes. Water worlds, for example, which are somewhat valuable themselves even if not terraformable, can be ridiculously hot at over 600K. This is often compensated by their atmospheric pressure, which can reach over 1000 atm. Gas planets have all similar value, regardless of whether they have life or not.

Deep Space Ports[]

Explorer (6)

Stationary Asteroid Bases and mobile Fleet Carriers offer deep space explorers opportunities to repair their ships and sell exploration data to Universal Cartographics without having to return to the Core Systems. Asteroid Bases are stationary and offer most services at normal costs, but most are located in nebulae that are relatively close to the Core Systems. The mobility of Fleet Carriers means that they can be moved almost anywhere in the galaxy, but they can also be less consistent in what services they offer and how much those services cost due to the ability to apply tariffs. In addition, some Fleet Carrier owners may restrict docking privileges, denying access to anyone beyond their Squadron or themselves.

Other useful deep space ports include those within the Colonia Region, the Colonia Connection Highway, and Stuemeae FG-Y d7561 at the heart of the galaxy.

After the DSSA (Deep Space Support Array) was completed in 2020, a fleet carrier is now present in every galactic region for commanders use, offering safe-havens for explores galaxy wide.

Non-Sequence Objects[]

It is possible to discover non-sequence objects by turning off all star types in the galaxy map. Look for shadowy dots on the galaxy map, zoom to them and turn on the star types to set a course. Usually you'll find a black hole in the system. Black holes also stand out in Realistic galaxy map mode.

Text and Audio Logs[]

Explorer (7)

Explorers can encounter functioning devices in deep space with stored log data. These devices can be scanned to retrieve any Text or Audio Logs, which are uploaded to the Comms panel in the HUD and the Codex. Logs can be read or listened to any time.

Notable Text and Audio Log sites include:

  • Tourist Beacons - There are over 700 Tourist Beacons scattered across the galaxy. They can be found in space or on the surface of planets and moons. Tourist Beacons generally contain text-only logs.
  • Abandoned Settlements - Dozens of Abandoned Settlements, including INRA bases and Project Dynasty sites, can be found on the surface of certain planets and moons with available audio logs
  • Generation Ships - All Generation Ships feature audio logs that can be downloaded from Ship Log Uplinks.

Exploration Data[]

Exploration data can be sold at the Universal Cartographics tab of Starport Services. The more thoroughly a system is scanned, the more credits are rewarded, though systems with interesting objects such as Black Holes or Earth-like Worlds will be worth considerably more than systems with Brown Dwarves or Icy Bodies. The first pilot who discovers previously uncharted stars, planets, and moons with the Discovery Scanner and Full Spectrum System Scanner and sells their data is given credit in the form of a "First Discovered By" tag on the System Map; if a pilot is the first to map a planet or moon with the Detailed Surface Scanner, they are given a "First Mapped By" tag.[4]

Value Calculation Factors[]

The value of exploration data depends on several factors:

  • Quality of the data. Some small value (~500CR) simply for locating the object with a Discovery Scanner, sometimes called "honking" because of the sound the scanner makes. The quality of the Discovery Scanner does not impact the value of objects discovered in this way, but merely the max distance at which bodies can be revealed. However, much more value is obtained by moving to, and probing, a celestial body. This involves moving to a close range, which can be from <1Ls to several dozens of Ls, depending on the radius of the celestial body. Probes are then fired at the body's surface. A set radius around the impact point of the probe is mapped. Once the body is 90% mapped, the remaining surface is 'filled in'. An efficiency bonus is given for firing no more than a certain number of probes, which again varies depending on celestial body radius. It is worth noting that asteroid clusters yield no reward. This includes the exclusion of any 'First Discovered by' and 'First Mapped by' tag, aside from a friendly congratulations for first discovery when selling the data. As such, when an asteroid cluster is scanned using the FSS, all asteroid clusters belonging to the same belt (though not system) are automatically discovered.
  • Nature of the celestial object. The most valuable planets are earthlike worlds (ELWs), water worlds (WWs), and ammonia worlds (AWs). The most valuable stars are black holes (BH) and neutron stars (NS). The least valuable planets are rocky, icy, and rocky icy bodies, which are sometimes referred to as a whole as "rice".
  • Terraformability. Planets located within the circ*mstellar habitable zone ("Goldilocks zone") around their parent star are candidates for terraforming and gain a value multiplier. Only Water Worlds (~2x), High Metal Content Worlds (~6x), Metal-Rich Bodies, and Rocky Bodies (~3x) can be candidates for terraforming.
  • Mass of the celestial object. Aside from body class and terraformability, it is the only property of the body that matters for valuation. More massive objects are always worth more than less massive objects within that particular body class, ignoring terraformability. E.g., a 2.00 Earth-mass high metal content body will always be worth more than a 1.00 Earth-mass high metal content body, though it will still be worth less than a 1.00 Earth-mass Earth-like World.
  • First sale bonus. A further 50% bonus is applied if you are the first commander to scan the celestial object with a Detailed Surface Scanner. Additionally, the body will gain a "First Mapped by" tag and your commander name will be visible to all players when the body is selected or hovered over in the system map. Note: the body's name will still show as "Unexplored" to any player who has not scanned it personally.
Explorer (8)

There are many factors which have no effect whatsoever on the value of a scanned body's exploration data:

  • Distance from sale point. Note you can't sell data at stations within 20 ly from its source.
  • Distinct visual features. Coloration, craters, canyons, mountain ranges, etc.
  • Material content. No bonuses are given for the presence or quantity of specific materials.
  • Landability. Both landable and non-landable bodies have the same value.
  • Orbital properties. Distance from arrival point, rotational period, semi-major axis, eccentricity, inclination, arg of periapsis, or orbital period.
  • Stellar properties. Stellar mass, absolute magnitude, age, radius, rotation and surface temperature.
  • Planetary properties. Radius, rotation, surface temperature, atmosphere, volcanism, and surface pressure.

Scan Values[]

The table below shows the average payouts for data from all astronomical bodies as of Elite Dangerous: Beyond Chapter Four (3.3).[5]

Planet TypeTerraformable?Median massFSSFSS+FDFSS+DSSFSS+FD+DSS
Ammonia WorldNo0.43914143,463373,004597,7621,724,965
Earth-like WorldNo0.498039270,290702,7531,126,2063,249,900
Water WorldNo0.78063899,747259,343415,6131,199,337
Water WorldYes0.453011268,616698,4001,119,2313,229,773
High Metal Content PlanetNo0.34491914,07036,58158,624169,171
High Metal Content PlanetYes0.466929163,948426,264683,1161,971,272
Icy BodyNo0.01854500130015694527
Metal Rich BodyNo0.32393331,63282,244131,802380,341
Rocky BodyNo0.0033595001,3001,4764,260
Rocky BodyYes0.142312129,504336,711539,6011,557,130
Rocky Ice BodyNo0.1806865001,3001,7525,057
Class I Gas GiantNo69.5516363,8459,99716,02146,233
Class II Gas GiantNo476.24087528,40573,853118,354341,536
Class III Gas GiantNo1148.9215099952,5874,14511,963
Class IV Gas GiantNo2615.6353761,1192,9104,66313,457
Class V Gas GiantNo925.5758069662,5104,02311,609
Gas Giant with Ammonia-based LifeNo170.4550717742,0143,2279,312
Gas Giant with Water-based LifeNo477.0018328832,2953,67910,616
Helium-Rich Gas GiantNo550.1418469002,3393,74910,818
Water GiantNo47.1637696671,7342,7798,019
  • FSS = FSS but don't get first discoverer.
  • FSS + FD = FSS, and get first discoverer tag.
  • FSS + DSS = body scanned and mapped with efficiency bonus - but neither first discoverer nor first mapped
  • FSS + FS + DSS = body scanned, mapped with efficiency, and both first discovered and first mapped.



Explorer (9)

Exploration requires the use of five different types of scanners, as listed below. Four are integrated into every ship, and two are integrated into every SRV. One scanner is an optional internal module for ships that must be purchased separately.

  • Discovery Scanner (integrated ship function): Scans an entire star system and instantly discovers all stars. Pilots who scan and turn in the data for previously uncharted stars will be given "First Discovered By" credit for them on the relevant System Maps. Usable in both normal space and Supercruise.
  • Full Spectrum System Scanner (integrated ship function): Scans an entire star system and can be used to discover all planets, moons, asteroid belts, and signal sources. Pilots who scan and turn in the data for previously uncharted planets and moons will be given "First Discovered By" credit for them on the relevant System Maps. Only usable in Supercruise.
  • Detailed Surface Scanner (optional module): Maps a planet, moon, or planetary ring system and reveals any points of interest. Pilots who map and turn in the data for previously unmapped planets and moons will be given "First Mapped By" credit for them on the relevant System Maps. Only usable in Supercruise.
  • Data Link Scanner (integrated ship/SRV function): Scans and analyses technology and structures. Retrieves any available text/audio logs or Encoded Materials.
  • Short Range Composition Scanner (integrated ship/SRV function): Scans and analyses organic and inorganic entities and adds their data to the Codex.
Explorer (10)
Explorer (11)

Aside from these scanners, the key attributes of an exploration ship are range and endurance. A Fuel Scoop is necessary if you are going on long trip out into the galaxy without any space station to refuel. Similarly, it is useful to upgrade your fuel tank to a larger model if possible. An A-rated Power Plant is almost essential for better heat efficiency while fuel scooping, but it is not always optimal to use the highest class. Compromises in power usage allow for fitting lighter power plants while retaining the heat efficiency. Having one or multiple Auto Field-Maintenance Units installed is extremely important when performing extremely long distance deep space exploring, as accidents do happen, and such accidents may, for example, damage the FSD, thrusters or life support modules, compromising your ship. An AFM fixes modules so critical damage is rare. Using the neutron highways also requires an AFM, since overcharging the drive in the stars' jet plumes damages the drive with each jump. One of the main hazards of exploring is close encounters with stars, so one or more Heatsink Launchers may be helpful. It is best to keep only one launcher online and bound to a firegroup to avoid wasting them.

To increase your jump range, upgrade your Frame Shift Drive to one with A rating for best range. If possible, having an Engineer (Felicity Farseer being a popular choice) optimize the drive will increase range significantly. Don't forget though that you can also increase range by removing unnecessary weight. Since pirates can attack even very far from civilized systems, it is advisable to retain all of your shielding (although this adds weight). Heavy weapons and other combat systems like scanners, hatch breakers, ECMs and interdictors should all be removed from the ship. Cargo Racks can be considered optional, though since version 1.4 it is now possible to encounter salvageable wreckage while out in deep space. Confirmed loot from this type of signal source includes small survey data cache, large survey data cache, and occupied cryopod. While small survey data cache sells for ~4500cr, large survey data cache and occupied cryopods can be quite valuable (up to and exceeding 100,000cr). Also, on very rare occasions, less than 1000 ly from Sol you can find artefacts, so having cargo racks can be profitable. The artefacts might be guarded by NPCs.

To investigate planet surfaces, install a Planetary Approach Suite and a Planetary Vehicle Hangar. The ability to deploy a SRV is important because a SRV can be used to collect materials for Synthesis, and Synthesis can replenish an AFMU or Life Support. A Shield Generator is also recommended since it is very difficult to avoid taking hull damage while landing on planets without one.

The Guardian Frame Shift Drive Booster is an optional internal module that can be unlocked through a Technology Broker. When powered, the Guardian FSD Booster increases a ship's jump range by a flat number of light-years, ranging from 4.00 ly to 10.50 ly depending on the size of the module. While it takes up a valuable internal slot that could be used for other modules, a higher jump range is always helpful in exploration.

Other modules can also be engineered for maximum exploration comfort. These include:

  • Power Plant: The Low Emissions Power Plant blueprint allows for more comfortable fuel scooping, albeit reducing available power.
  • Thrusters: Clean Drive Tuning reduces the thermal load of thrusters, allowing more heat headroom.
  • Weapons and Utilities: The Lightweight Mount blueprint can remove up to 75% of the mass of almost any weapon and utility module, minimizing their impact on jump range.
  • Armour: The Heavy Duty Armour blueprint increases defences and hull integrity, but Lightweight Armour suffers no mass increase, thus greatly improving survivability during planetary landing.
  • Shields: Reinforcing a lower class shield generator gives better shields at no mass penalty, also increasing survivability upon landing. This is superior over Enhanced, Low Power Shields.
  • Power Distributor: If one wants to use a lower class power distributor with less mass while retaining the ability to boost, the Engine Focused Power Distributor blueprint can allow this.

Visit E:D Shipyard or Coriolis EDCD to get more info on ship customization and plan your loadouts well ahead.

Lastly, remember to turn off the cargo hatch and sensors in the modules panel. This lowers heat generation, which is useful while scooping. Remember to also keep the AFMUs and depleted Heatsink Launchers off when not using them, since this allows a smaller and lighter power plant to be used.


Explorer (12)

While any ship can potentially be outfitted for exploration provided it has enough space for the requisite equipment, arguably the most important determinant for a ship's suitability for exploration aside from the modules it can fit is jump range. Any serious expedition beyond the human bubble will cover thousands or tens of thousands of light years, and longer jump ranges not only cut down travel times, but allow access to the greatest possible number of star systems.

For instance, traveling to Beagle Point and back is regarded as a major milestone that dedicated explorers should eventually strive for, but any ship restricted to a jump range of less than 34 ly will be unable to reach the system because it is located in an area where stars are considerably fewer and farther apart. Other stars in the galaxy can be even farther apart, and many are completely unreachable in the current state of the game even with an optimally outfitted ship.

Recommended exploration ships include:

ShipMax Jump Range
as of 3.3 (Un-Engineered)
Anaconda41.45 ly146,969,450 CR- The most module slots of all recommended ships.
- Can fit a Class 7 Fuel Scoop.
- Best jump range with engineered modules.
- The most popular choice among established players for exploration.
- Very expensive both to purchase and outfit.
- Not very maneuverable.
- As a large-pad ship, cannot land at outpost stations.
- Needs engineered lightweight sensors and lightweight life support to achieve its highest possible jump range.
- View from co*ckpit is sub-optimal.
Asp Explorer38.19 ly6,661,153 CR- Relatively cheap.
- Adequate module slots.
- Maneuverable.
- Can fit a Class 6 Fuel Scoop.
- As a medium-pad ship, can land at all station types.
- Excellent view from co*ckpit.
- The second most popular choice among established players for exploration.
- Does not have the longest jump range of all ships.
- Module slots can be somewhat constricting, as only 2 of 7 total slots are larger than Class 3.
Diamondback Explorer41.61 ly1,894,760 CR- Cheaper than the Asp Explorer.
- Best jump range without engineered modules.
- Maneuverable.
- Runs cool (superior heat management).
- As a small-pad ship, can land at all station types.
- Cannot fit a Fuel Scoop larger than Class 4.
- Constricting module slots.
Dolphin35.10 ly1,337,330 CR- Cheaper than the Asp Explorer and Diamondback Explorer.
- Can fit a Class 5 Fuel Scoop.
- As a small-pad ship, can land at all station types.
- Only 3 Utility slots.
Hauler37.29 ly52,720 CR- The cheapest recommended option.
- As a small-pad ship, can land at all station types.
- Very constricting module slots.
- Only 2 Utility slots.
- Tiny fuel tank negates the need for a large fuel scoop, but the trade-off is more frequent stops for refueling.
Krait Phantom34.79 ly37,472,254 CR- Better module slots than the Asp Explorer.
- Can fit a Class 6 Fuel Scoop.
- As a medium-pad ship, can land at all station types.
- Expensive.
- Less maneuverable than the Asp Explorer.
Orca35.80 ly48,539,887 CR- Much cheaper than the Anaconda.
- Adequate module slots.
- Can fit a Class 6 Fuel Scoop.
- Expensive.
- Requires engineering to become decently maneuverable.
- As a large-pad ship, cannot land at outpost stations.

Most other ships are markedly inferior for exploration purposes compared to those listed above, but some might be suitable alternatives either in the short-term when better ships are unaffordable, or for a change of pace. These alternatives are listed below, from greatest un-Engineered maximum jump range to lowest:

Remember that the maximum ranges listed here do not include any modules, so outfitting the ship for exploration usually shaves off 4-6 ly from jump range. Far enough from civilized space, NPCs are an extreme rarity and eager explorers can bin their weapons and other systems, such as shields, to get more jump range. You may also want to install systems of lesser class than your ship allows to save on weight. D-rating systems are the lightest in weight, adding to jump range.

The Engineers update introduced many ways to modify and optimize ships for exploration. Due to this, many ships previously incapable of large jumps are now very viable choices. The Python and Krait MkII, for example, can both achieve ranges in excess of 40 ly with a Grade 5 FSD enhancement and proper outfitting, making them comfortable exploration ships with better module slots than the Asp Explorer. Of course, normal exploration ships can be pushed to even greater ranges with Engineering (~57 ly for the Asp Explorer, ~62 ly for the Diamondback Explorer, and ~68 for the Anaconda).

Scarab SRV[]

Explorer (13)

The Scarab is an SRV that can be used for planetary surface exploration. It is equipped with booster jets to better traverse mountains, canyons and valleys. Night Vision makes dark terrain visible.The plasma repeater turret is useful for mining minerals.

The Scarab has a 1C sensor that can detect ships out to around 1-3 kilometers, and ground threats out to around 600m. It is also equipped with a Data Link Scanner for interacting with scannable items, and the Wave Scanner module; a unidirectional, long-range, forward facing scanner that detects a variety of vehicles and points of interest.


Galactic mapping[]

Exploration of the Milky Way has proceeded steadily since 3300.

By March 17, 3302, explorers had charted 30,851,973 unique star systems, or 0.0077% of the galaxy.[6]

By March 2, 3304, explorers had charted 112,863,791 unique star systems, or 0.028% of the galaxy.[7] Over the same period, more than 20,262,978,541 light-years had been traversed via hyperspace.[8]

By February 26, 3305, explorers had charted 0.036% of the galaxy.[9]

By December 16, 3305, explorers had charted 0.042% of the galaxy.[10]

By January 20, 3308, explorers had charted 222,083,678 unique star systems, or 0.05% of the galaxy.[11]

Explorer (14)

Sagittarius Eye Bulletin - New Exploration Statistics Released

Explorer (15)

Sagittarius Eye Bulletin - Galactic Circumnavigation Record Shattered

Explorer (16)

Sagittarius Eye Bulletin - Commander Completes Massive Circumnavigation

Explorer (17)

Sagittarius Eye Bulletin - Keef Drow beats Farthest Distance from SOL

Explorer (18)

Sagittarius Eye Bulletin - Sag* Galactic Record has been broken

Galactic traffic[]

Explorer (19)

EDSM made traffic report videos that show ship movement and exploration in the galaxy. It is based on data taken from EDSM flight logs. ED-Board made an Elite: Dangerous Heatmap timelapse generated from the edsm.net database (systems data submitted by E:D players) to show progress of the Milky Way exploration.

Explorer (20)

Elite Dangerous State of the Galaxy

Explorer (21)

Elite Dangerous Exploration Activity (with decay) March 2021 (3307)


  1. Data is lost if the player's ship is destroyed.
  2. Data transfers when the player switches to a different ship.


Explorer (22)

Elite Dangerous Chapter Four - Exploration Tutorial - How to use the new Discovery Tools

New Exploration mode (FSS) Overview Elite Dangerous Beta

Explorer (24)

Elite Dangerous Odyssey - Planetary tech 6.0

Explorer (25)

Elite Dangerous - Alcor

Explorer (26)

Elite Dangerous - The Galaxy

Explorer (27)

Elite Dangerous Music Video - Beauty in the Chaos

Explorer (28)

Elite Dangerous - The Journey Itself 2

Explorer (29)

Spatium Exploratio

Explorer (30)


Explorer (31)

Elite Dangerous Explorer

Explorer (32)

Elite Dangerous Nomad

Explorer (33)

Elite Dangerous Some Interesting Bits.

Explorer (34)

Elite Dangerous Odyssey - Exploration -8 - Cinematic

Explorer (35)

Elite Dangerous- Odyssey - Exploration Montage - Episode 8

Explorer (36)

Elite Dangerous- Odyssey - Exploration Montage - Episode 11

Explorer (37)

Majestic Planets - PART 2 (Cinematic Elite- Dangerous)

Explorer (38)

Elite- Dangerous - Majestic Worlds, Part 1


Explorer (39)


Explorer (40)

Visual Guide for Elite Dangerous v2.0

Explorer (41)

Galactic Traffic Report April 3303

Explorer (42)

Dashboard Hologram Reference with outdated data values

Explorer (43)

Exploring in Elite Dangerous, how to profit

Explorer (44)

Elite Dangerous Travel Guide

See also[]


Explorer (2024)
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Article information

Author: Neely Ledner

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Views: 6529

Rating: 4.1 / 5 (42 voted)

Reviews: 81% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Neely Ledner

Birthday: 1998-06-09

Address: 443 Barrows Terrace, New Jodyberg, CO 57462-5329

Phone: +2433516856029

Job: Central Legal Facilitator

Hobby: Backpacking, Jogging, Magic, Driving, Macrame, Embroidery, Foraging

Introduction: My name is Neely Ledner, I am a bright, determined, beautiful, adventurous, adventurous, spotless, calm person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.