Anaconda (2024)

The pride of FauIcon deLacy's shipyards. the Anaconda is a versatile ship that can carry large cargos and pack a heavy punch. So hardy is the Anaconda, some smaller navies use it in lieu of a frigate or light cruiser. The ship can also be upgraded with a docking bay.

— In-Game Description

The Anaconda is a ship manufactured by Faulcon DeLacy. A ponderous yet highly versatile vessel that excels in multiple roles, the Anaconda was originally produced by RimLiner Galactic and debuted in 2856. The template eventually came into Faulcon DeLacy's possession following a series of mergers, and only minor changes have been made to the classic design. It is the third most expensive ship available on the market, behind only the Federal Corvette and the Imperial Cutter. While the Federal Corvette is specialized for combat, and the Imperial Cutter is a multipurpose ship with exceptional cargo capacity, the Anaconda can be competitively adapted for combat, mining, trading, or exploration as necessary. Some smaller navies use the Anaconda in the light cruiser and frigate roles. It also has the highest potential jump range after Engineering, making it the best choice for long-distance journeys.


  • 1 Overview
  • 2 Purchase Locations
  • 3 Outfitting
  • 4 Notes
  • 5 Videos
  • 6 Gallery
  • 7 References


Boasting a total of eight weapon hardpoints, the Anaconda is a formidable combat ship. It, the Fer-de-Lance, the Federal Corvette, the Imperial Cutter, and the Mamba are the only ships capable of equipping Class 4 weaponry, the most powerful weapons that conventional ships can carry. Turreted and gimballed weapons are recommended due to the Anaconda's relatively stiff handling, which can make lining up shots difficult. The biggest problem with it in combat is simply that if you want combat specifically, the Federal Corvette may be a better choice.

Defensively, the Anaconda is extremely sturdy when customized for survivability. It has eight utility mounts, tied for the highest of any ship in the game, and its potent Class 8 Power Plant allows a Shield Generator, a Shield Cell Bank and multiple Shield Boosters to be activated simultaneously whilst still having enough output leftover to comfortably power the weapons and other systems. Even if the shields fail, the Anaconda has a base armor strength of 945 and a large number of optional internal compartments give plenty of room to install Hull or Module Reinforcement Packages to stack even more protection. Optimizing for hull/armour strength allows a maximum of 6,137.5 without Engineering, or 10,755 with, the most of any ship. Last but not least, should the need to retreat arise, the Anaconda's Mass Lock Factor of 23 means it can be masslocked only by itself, a Federal Corvette, Imperial Cutter, or a Type-10 Defender, so it can escape from other vessels with relative ease.

Statistically speaking, the Anaconda is the single best exploration ship in the game. With a staggering jump range of 41.45 LY before Engineering, it can easily jump massive distances. However, the Diamondback Explorer has slightly better range without Engineering, as well as a much lower price and rebuy, and a much smaller footprint for landing in rough terrain. What places the Anaconda a notch above ships like the Diamondback Explorer is its much larger optional internal capacity and its incomparable maximum jump range of 84 LY. Its large fuel tank and ability to fit a Class 7 Fuel Scoop top it off as an impressive vessel for exploration. The only drawbacks are its size, which can make finding a suitable landing spot on a planetary surface bothersome, and its slow turning rate in Supercruise which can make moving around stars and black holes a harrowing experience for unwary pilots.

Some traders make use of the Anaconda due to its high jump range and decent cargo capacity; however, at only 468T of cargo, it is surpassed by several other large ships such as Lakon's Type-9 Heavy and Type-10 Defender, the Federal Corvette, and the Imperial Cutter, making it the least effective ship in its price range. The Anaconda also makes for a fantastic miner, able to fit a large amount of potential Mining Lasers as well as plenty of space for Limpets and cargo holds. Its ability to mount a Fighter Hangar for Ship-Launched Fighters coupled with great self-defense potential means the Anaconda fits the role very well.

Overall, the Anaconda excels as a multi-role ship, and is only surpassed by more specialised vessels. The major downsides of the ship are its sub-par speed and maneuverability, as well as the high cost for outfitting and maintenance: prices for less essential modules will easily exceed 1 million credits, and the most expensive modules such as the power plant can run upwards of a hundred million credits. The repair fees for the Anaconda are also relatively high, since repair costs are calculated based on the purchase price of the ship and its modules, and so it is usually cheaper to repair an Anaconda's modules using an Auto Field-Maintenance Unit. As total outfitting costs can exceed half a billion credits for a combat-focused build, hunting for discounts is strongly recommended.

Anaconda (1)

The weapon hardpoint locations are as follows: two Class 3 hardpoints are mounted parallel on the top of the bow; the third is located underneath the nose. Its single Class 4 hardpoint is mounted behind the bottom Large, and the two Class 2 hardpoints are embedded in the sides of the ship, hidden beneath sliding panels emblazoned with the Faulcon DeLacy logo. Finally, two additional Class 1 hardpoints are mounted on the underside of the ship, far back.

The Anaconda's bridge is located on the top of the ship roughly at its midpoint. The pilot's seat is positioned in the center of the bridge, with one co-pilot seat to the right and two more on the left. The canopy offers a wide horizontal field of view (more than 180 degrees), however the canopy's widths are tapered off to either side, limiting vertical field of view. The ship's nose also obstructs view underneath the ship. In a combat scenario, two Class 3 hardpoints and two utility mounts are deployed directly in front of the bridge, which can obstruct the pilot's view when they fire. Turreted weapons are the most troublesome, as their special mounts will obscure your view even further.

Purchase Locations

SystemStationDate SeenDiscount
Shinrarta DezhraJameson MemorialAlways available10% discount
Brestlai Sola ProspectAlways available20% surcharge
ParenniAlvares CityApr. 8, 201915% discount
109 PisciumIsing DockApr. 8, 201915% discount
LP 355-65Barba RingMar. 30, 201915% discount
LTT 11478Heng PortMar. 30, 201915% discount
EborMorris EnterpriseSep. 9, 201915% discount
64 CetiJensen GatewayMar. 30, 201915% discount
HIP 8859Apgar CityJul. 6, 201915% discount
Kebel YehOhm OrbitalAug. 24, 201915% discount
Gliese 9106Abernathy CitySep. 22, 201915% discount
ShenichWafer TerminalMar. 30, 2019
Luyten's StarAshby CityMar. 30, 2019
AsphodelSaaviks SanctuaryMar. 30, 2019
GendeBaliunas HubMar. 30, 2019
MeliaeWhitson HubMar. 30, 2019
ZaraluvulPlexico RingMar. 30, 2019
MahimataWhite CityJul. 24, 2019
Groombridge 1618Franklin RingMar. 2, 2020
LFT 424co*ke DockMay 19, 202015% discount
BD+05 1146Boyle OrbitalDec. 14, 202015% discount
Omicron Capricorni BMartin EnterpriseAug. 10, 2021


Main article: Outfitting

All ships are highly customisable through the Outfitting menu of Station Services. Listed below is the default load-out for the Anaconda.

CategoryDefault SystemDefault RatingDefault ClassMax Class
Small HardpointPulse Laser (L)F11
Pulse Laser (L)F11
Medium HardpointEmpty----2
Large HardpointEmpty----3
Huge HardpointEmpty----4
Utility MountEmpty----0
BulkheadsLightweight AlloysI18
Reactor BayPower PlantE88
Thrusters MountingThrustersE77
Frame Shift Drive HousingFrame Shift DriveE66
Environment ControlLife SupportE55
Power CouplingPower DistributorE88
Sensor SuiteSensorsE88
Fuel StoreFuel Tank [x32]C55
Internal CompartmentsCargo Rack [x64]E67
Cargo Rack [x32]E56
Shield GeneratorE66
Cargo Rack [x16]E45
Empty (M)----5
Cargo Rack [x2]E12
Supercruise AssistE11


  • The Anaconda is somewhat unusual in that it features two Cargo Hatches; the primary Cargo Hatch is located towards the front of the vessel, whilst the secondary is located towards the rear of the vessel, behind the Fighter Bay. The forward/primary Hatch is used to manually scoop items from space and to deploy SRVs, whilst the rear/secondary Hatch is used by Collector Limpets when retrieving canisters or materials; when the Cargo Scoop is toggled, only the forward/primary Hatch will be lowered.
  • Due to the location of the Cargo Hatch on the Anaconda, deploying an SRV will cause the SRV to fall the distance to the ground, or in the case of boarding will cause the SRV to float upwards. Due to the Hatch location, it can also be difficult to get the SRV in the correct position to board, transfer cargo, etc. and using the handbrake may be necessary on uneven terrain.
  • Prior to a patch, the Anaconda's Cargo Hatch would open directly in front of one of its lower hardpoints, causing clipping issues.
  • The Anaconda is the only ship in the game to visually show damage to its hull, with pieces of its armour coming off and more damage being shown as its hull health lowers. This is purely cosmetic.
  • When using a Standard Docking Computer or Advanced Docking Computer at Starports, the ventral side of the Anaconda will sometimes brush against the entrance slot. This does not appear to cause any damage even if shields are not equipped.
  • An Anaconda Graveyard is located on HD 76133 (Elysium's Rest) ~ Planet 1 C ~ 23.488 / 81.934 ~ 0.18G. There is also an Anaconda Shipwreck turned into a base on HR 5906 AB.


Anaconda (2)

Introducing Anaconda - Elite Dangerous Short cinematic

Anaconda (3)

Large and Lethal - Elite Dangerous Anaconda

Anaconda (4)

Elite Faulcon DeLacy Anaconda - Spacedock

Anaconda (6)


Anaconda (7)

Elite Dangerous - Adrepticius

Anaconda (8)

The Anaconda -Elite Dangerous-

Anaconda (9)

Elite Dangerous Cobra Teaser-0

Anaconda interior - old teaser

Anaconda (10)

The Anaconda Review -Elite Dangerous-


Anaconda (11)

Bridge view 1

Anaconda (12)

Bridge view 2

Hull damage concept

Anaconda (14)

Anaconda (15)

Anaconda size comparison

Anaconda (16)

Concept-art of the F63 being launched from an Anaconda

Anaconda (17)

Damaged Anaconda 1

Anaconda (18)

Search and Rescue Anaconda

Anaconda (19)

Another view of the S&R Anaconda

Anaconda (20)

Face off with Federal Corvette

Anaconda (21)

Faulcon DeLacy Anaconda Blueprint

Anaconda (22)

Anaconda Holo-Me character

Anaconda (23)

Remlok Survival Mask pilot character

Anaconda (24)

Anaconda walking pilot scale

Anaconda (25)

Anaconda underside and landing in a station

Anaconda (26)

Anaconda ship size comparison

Anaconda (27)

Anaconda and the Flaming Star Nebula

Anaconda (28)

Anaconda Shipwreck on HR 5906 AB

Anaconda (29)

The "Anaconda Graveyard" in HD 76133




  • Federal Assault Ship
  • Federal Corvette
  • Federal Dropship
  • Federal Gunship
  • Empire
  • Imperial Clipper
  • Imperial Courier
  • Imperial Cutter
  • Imperial Eagle
  • Alliance
  • Alliance Challenger
  • Alliance Chieftain
  • Alliance Crusader
  • Fighters
  • F63 Condor
  • Gu-97
  • Taipan
  • XG7 Trident
  • XG8 Javelin
  • XG9 Lance
  • Capitals
  • Drake-Class Carrier
  • NPC-only
  • Farragut-Class Battle Cruiser
  • Generation Ship
  • Majestic-Class Interdictor
  • Megaship
  • Thargoid
  • Thargoid Hunter
  • Thargoid Interceptor
  • Thargoid Scout
  • Thargoid Titan
  • Lore & Concepts
  • Asp MkII
  • Krait MkI
  • Mamba Light
  • Merlin
  • Narwhal Liner
  • Panther Clipper
  • Ships by Type

  • Farragut-Class Battle Cruiser
  • Majestic-Class Interdictor
  • Carrier
  • Drake-Class Carrier
  • Combat
  • Alliance Challenger
  • Alliance Chieftain
  • Alliance Crusader
  • Diamondback Explorer
  • Diamondback Scout
  • Eagle MkII
  • Federal Assault Ship
  • Federal Corvette
  • Federal Gunship
  • Fer-de-Lance
  • Imperial Cutter
  • Imperial Eagle
  • Mamba
  • Type-10 Defender
  • Viper MkIII
  • Viper MkIV
  • Vulture
  • Freighter
  • Hauler
  • Keelback
  • Type-6 Transporter
  • Type-7 Transporter
  • Type-9 Heavy
  • Megaship
  • Asteroid Miner
  • Agricultural Vessel
  • Bulk Cargo Ship
  • Detention Centre
  • Dredger
  • Generation Ship
  • Prison Ship
  • Rescue Vessel
  • Science Vessel
  • Survey Vessel
  • Tanker
  • Tourist Ship
  • Wells-class Carrier
  • Multipurpose
  • Adder
  • Anaconda
  • Asp Explorer
  • Asp Scout
  • Cobra MkIII
  • Cobra MkIVH
  • Federal Dropship
  • Imperial Clipper
  • Imperial Courier
  • Krait MkII
  • Krait Phantom
  • Python
  • Sidewinder MkI
  • Passenger Liner
  • Beluga Liner
  • Dolphin
  • Orca
  • Ship-Launched Fighter
  • F63 Condor
  • Gu-97
  • Taipan
  • XG7 Trident
  • XG8 Javelin
  • XG9 Lance
  • Thargoid Vessel
  • Thargoid Interceptor
  • Thargoid Scout
  • Ships marked with H can only be purchased and operated by players who pre-ordered Horizons.
    Anaconda (2024)
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    Author: Greg O'Connell

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    Name: Greg O'Connell

    Birthday: 1992-01-10

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    Introduction: My name is Greg O'Connell, I am a delightful, colorful, talented, kind, lively, modern, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.