Pet Industry Statistics [2022]: Market Size & Growth Trends (2024)

Report Highlights. Pets, pet products, and pet care are all part of a $103.6 billion national industry; 40.5% of revenue is from food and treats alone.

  • The pet industry grows by 11.6% every year.
  • The average pet-owning household spends $1,120 per year on their pets.
  • 2-in-3 American households include at least one pet.
  • Two (2) corporations consume 49% of the pet industry’s market share.
  • Globally, the pet industry is worth $232 billion.

Pet Industry Statistics [2022]: Market Size & Growth Trends (1)

Pet Industry Statistics

The pet industry is one of the most massive sectors of the American economy, with many more years of growth potential. While some markets may lag, statistics indicate that economic downturns do little damage to the industry as a whole.

  • Americans are responsible for 44.7% of the global pet market.
  • 67% of households nationwide keep pets.
  • Over the last decade, domestic industry revenue has grown at an annual rate of 11.6%.
  • The most profitable pet supply company is PetSmart, Inc. with a 34% market share.
  • PETCO is the second-largest with a 15% market share.
  • $23,400–$27,200 is the average lifetime cost of raising a pet.
  • U.S. pet owners spend a collective $42.0 billion on pet food and treats annually.
  • Pet care service sales, such as grooming and doggie day care, doubled over 10 years but declined 47% from March to September 2020 during COVID-19 quarantines.

Pet Industry Statistics [2022]: Market Size & Growth Trends (2)

Technology in the Pet Industry

Online pet-related purchases lead eCommerce markets, and more users make first-time purchases every day. Tracking and identification technology is the fastest rising product type.

  • 13% of pet-related sales are made online.
  • is the leading pet specialty eTailer with $3.5 billion in annual sales, or
  • 20% of pet owners who buy supplies online purchased from Chewy in the last year.
  • Amazon and its third-party retailers made 35% of online pet sales.
  • Technology is a growth market, seeing a 14% increase in sales each year.
  • $1.6 billion is the market share for pet-related technology.
Survey of 3,000 Pet Owners: Average Annual Costs of Selected Expenditures
ExpenditureCost per DogCost per Cat
Surgical Vet Visits$426$214
Routine Vet Visits$212$160
Grooming & Grooming Products$73$43

Pet Food Industry Statistics

The largest sub-market in the industry, pet food sales account for 39.3% of the global market. Owners drive the industry, demanding higher quality products and more accountability among pet food manufacturers and suppliers.

  • Over 500 pet food manufacturers produce the 3.3 billion pounds of pet food American dogs and cats consume annually.
  • 2 pounds of food per month is the average companion animal’s rate of consumption.
  • 55% of consumers buy their pet’s food from pet supply stores.
  • 85% of consumers think pet food companies aren’t as transparent as they should be about ingredients and their sources.
  • 44% of pet owners say buying healthy food for their pet is more of a priority than buying healthy food for themselves.
  • 53% of pet owners take just as much care to purchase healthy food for their pet as they do for themselves.
  • 21% of pet food sales are treats.
  • Pet owners spend 4 times as much on food and treats as they do on general pet supplies.
  • Mars Petcare Inc., the largest pet food corporation, is worth more than $18 billion.
  • The success rate of pet food companies has created a boom in trendy boutique and specialty pet food products.
  • The U.S. exports $1.5 billion worth of pet food each year, more than any other world nation.
  • U.S. pet food exports to China increased 88% in a year, from 2018 to 2019.
  • Thailand imports more pet food than any other world nation.
  • The East Asian pet food market is worth $11 billion.

Pet Industry Statistics [2022]: Market Size & Growth Trends (3)

Pet Healthcare Industry Statistics

Growth in the pet healthcare industry outpaces that of human healthcare. Pet healthcare includes veterinary services, pharmaceuticals, over-the-counter medications, behavioral therapies, calming therapies, spa treatments, vitamins, allergy treatments, and more.

  • The U.S. pet healthcare industry makes up about 33% of the global market.
  • It serves as many as 10 billion companion animals worldwide.
  • Pet healthcare is a 10 billion dollar industry, and its total economic impact is estimated to be $54.8 billion
  • 19,400 jobs with $1.1 billion in wages are included in that economic impact.
  • 5% is the annual growth rate of the pet healthcare industry.
  • 1% of the U.S. pharmaceutical market goes to pet healthcare.
  • After pharmaceuticals, flea and tick medications are the second-most common expenditures.
  • 29% of the market is flea and tick medications
  • Pet owners spend an average of $81 on tick and flea medication for each pet.
  • Toward the end of a pet’s life, its owner’s healthcare expenditures skyrocket.
  • High-income pet owners spend over three times as much of their household’s budget on their pet’s health care than low-income owners do.
  • Animal health manufacturers spend more than twice as much on research and development as they do on manufacturing costs.
  • The U.S. exports $2.5 billion worth of pet healthcare products.
  • 10% of pet medications are imported.
  • Imports are worth $1 billion, giving the United States a $1.5 billion trade surplus in the pet healthcare industry.
  • The industry provides federal and state governments with $38.1 million in taxes.
  • The indirect economic impact, which includes jobs in related industries and industries that depend on pet healthcare, may be as high as $548 billion.

Veterinary Industry Statistics

Most pet healthcare expenses go to veterinary services. Vet techs perform many of the same duties that nurses do in a regular doctor’s office and are similarly in demand. Job growth within the industry is projected to continue.

  • 27% of all pet-related expenditures are for vet care.
  • The average annual vet bill ranges from $100 for birds to $260 for dogs and $550 for horses.
  • Routine physicals and vaccinations are the most commonly performed services.
  • Surgical expenses have the heftiest price tag, followed by emergency visits.
  • Pet owners pay a collective $30.2 billion in veterinary bills each year.
  • 60% of veterinary workers are vet techs, veterinarians, or animal caretakers and lab assistants.
  • There are more veterinarians nationwide than there are medical doctors.
  • 10% of pet owners purchase their pet’s food from their veterinarian.
  • 44% of pet owners say their veterinarian is their main source of nutrition information (compared to 25% of pet owners who cited the internet as their primary source for pet nutrition information).

Pet Industry Statistics [2022]: Market Size & Growth Trends (4)

Pet Insurance Industry Statistics

Pet insurance is still not as popular among American pet owners as it is elsewhere in the world. It is, however, one of the fastest-growing sub-markets within the national and global pet industries.

  • The pet insurance industry launched in 1982 when Veterinary Pet Insurance (now part of Nationwide) became the first pet insurance company.
  • Pet insurance is growing by as much as 16.8% each year.
  • With just 2.1 million or 1.6% of pets covered, the pet insurance industry is still in its infancy.
  • Premiums average $140 for cats and $190 for dogs.
  • High-end rates are $340 for cats and $540 for dogs.
  • Premium rates grew by 23.2% in five years.
  • 81% of pet insurance policies are combined accident and illness coverage for dogs.
  • 15% of pet insurance policies cover cats and other pets.
  • While most companies only cover dogs and cats, some offer policies for rabbits, birds, reptiles, and pot-bellied pigs.
  • 250 U.S. companies include pet insurance in 80,000 employee benefit packages.
  • In Sweden, over 30% of pets are insured.
  • Canada’s pet insurance industry nearly doubled its profits in five years, from $91 million to $161 million.
  • The most common claim among insured pets is for non-specific GI illnesses.
  • Cancer and unspecified lameness (limping) are the second- and third-most common claims, respectively.
  • 1-in-3 pets need unexpected veterinary care each year.
  • $800-$1,500 is the average cost of emergency vet care.

Pet Industry Statistics [2022]: Market Size & Growth Trends (5)

Pet Care Service Industry

Pet-sitting, boarding, and grooming are crucial services for many pet owners. Grooming may be essential for a pet’s health and well-being, and high-income earners are willing to pay for luxury.

  • 8% of the pet industry is made up of grooming and boarding services alone.
  • The industry has grown more than 60% since 2007.
  • 42% of the pet care service industry is composed of grooming services.
  • 18,700 people work just in grooming and/or boarding services.
  • Pet-sitting/walking is the least lucrative pet care service.
  • Animal training services are some of the most lucrative sectors and account for 10% of the pet care service industry.
  • Animal trainers and businesses each earn an average of $373,000 annually.
  • Just under half of all pet care service workers are self-employed.
  • Excluding self-employed workers, 111,384 employees populate the pet care service industry.
  • Pet care service jobs have grown exponentially in the past decades, outpacing job growth in every other pet industry.
  • Most pet care workers are employed by companies with fewer than 20 people.
  • Over 100,000 companies are active in this market.
  • 30% of pet grooming expenditures go toward supplies.
  • Most grooming expenses go toward shampoos and conditioners.
  • A steady 4.3% annual growth rate in pet grooming and boarding services appears to have stalled.
  • Some experts say the market will see a 47% drop for the 2020 fiscal year.

Illegal and Black Market Industries

The puppy mill and exotic pet industries are two of the most active pet-related black markets. While the general public grows more informed, most people still aren’t aware of how much puppy mills supply the greater pet industry. Characterized by filth and disease, most active puppy mills are illegal operations, with many advertising themselves as “breeders.”

  • 90% of puppies sold in stores come from mills.
  • Over 4 million puppies are born in mills every year.
  • About half of them survive long enough to make it into pet stores.
  • Only about 30% of puppy mills are licensed.
  • 70% of pets are purchased from a breeder or pet store.
  • In addition to federal bans on certain exotic pets, more than half of U.S. states have banned exotic pets either in full or in part.
  • Exotic pets require specialized care, including a veterinarian who is familiar with the animal, a suitable habitat, and foods that may not be available in pet stores.
  • Smugglers traveling with illegal animals will not prioritize the animal’s health or comfort.

How Owners Drive the Pet Industry

Products may be manufactured for pets, but they’re marketed to pet owners. Owner demographics and spending habits drive the market. Younger pet owners, for example, are more likely to buy pet supplies online.

  • After dog- and cat-owning households, households with freshwater fish were the third-most common, followed by bird-owning households.
  • While more households include at least one dog, more cats than dogs are kept as pets, with cat owners averaging 1.8 cats per household.
  • Dog-owning households keep an average of 1.6 dogs.
  • Freshwater fish owners average 13 fish per household.
  • 42% of all pets are freshwater fish.
  • 35% of pet owners are under 40, making them the leading pet-owning age demographic.
  • 80% of these under-40 pet owners own dogs.
  • Less than 50% own cats.
  • 81% of dog owners buy their dog a Christmas present.
  • 21% of holiday pet sales are purchased by friends and family of pet owners.
  • 36% of dog owners give their dog a birthday present.
  • High-income pet owners spend as much as 60% of pet expenses on pet accessories, such as costumes, furniture, and even doggy cologne.
  • 27% of pet owners have paid for professional photos of their pets.
  • Over 135 million cats and dogs live in the United States.
  • 200-300 million animals are kept as pets.
  • Pet ownership rates increase with household income.
  • Among households with a combined income of more than $80,000, 60% include pets.
  • Among households with a combined income of less than $20,000, 36% include pets.
  • 60% of people who lived in homes with four or more bedrooms own pets.
  • 18% of people who live in homes with no bedrooms, such as studios or lofts, own pets.
  • People who live in rural areas are 43% more likely to own pets than urban dwellers.
  • Cat ownership in China increased 131% in four years, from 2015 to 2019.
  • During that same period, cat ownership increased 102% in Korea and 53% in Taiwan.


  1. Pet Industry Market Size & Ownership Statistics
  2. Pet Industry Trends, Growth & Statistics in 2021 and Beyond: Unleashing Your Ecommerce Pet Marketing Strategies
  3. U.S. Census Bureau, Historical Household Tables
  4. American Veterinary Medical Association, U.S. Pet Ownership Statistics
  5. Pet Care Industry Analysis 2020 – Cost & Trends
  6. 10 Ridiculous Pet Products We Can’t Believe Really Exist
  7. Cats or Dogs: Which is More Expensive?
  8. A Guide to Worldwide Pet Ownership
  9. A Policy for Fluffy: Pet Insurance is a Small Industry–But It’s Poised for Big Growth in the U.S.
  10. Despite Pet Industry’s Strengths, Expected Decline in Sales for 2020
  11. Pet Grooming and Boarding – 2020 U.S. Market Research Report with Updated COVID-19 Forecasts
  12. Animal Health Institute: The Animal Health Industry
  13. Human and Pet Health-Cost Trends are Strikingly Similar
  14. Is American Pet Health Care (Also) Uniquely Inefficient?
  15. Census, Spending on Pet Care Services Doubled in the Last Decade
  16. Unique Opportunities for Increased U.S. Exports of Pet Food to East Asia Remain Despite COVID-19
  17. American Feed Industry Association, About the Industry
  18. Survey Examined Dog Owners’ Pet Food Beliefs
  19. Top Pet Food Companies Current Data
  20. Pet Franchise Industry Overview
  21. Facts + Statistics – Pet Statistics
  22. CNBC, Are You Prepared for a Vet Emergency? Most Americans Are Not
  23. Grandview Research, Pet Wearable Market Size, Share & Trends Analysis Report By Technology (RFID, GPS, Sensors), By Application (Identification & Tracking, Medical Diagnosis & Treatment), By Region, And Segment Forecasts, 2020 – 2027
  24. Allied Market Research, Pet Grooming Products Market by Type (Shampoo & Conditioner, Comb & Brush, Clippers & Scissors, and Others) and Distribution Channel (Retail Store, Online Platform, Supermarket/Hypermarket, and Others): Global Opportunity Analysis and Industry Forecast, 2018 – 2025
Pet Industry Statistics [2022]: Market Size & Growth Trends (2024)


What is the most owned pet in the world 2022? ›

It should come as no surprise that the most popular pet in the world is the dog. There is a reason why people say the dogs are a man's best friend, and there are tens of millions of them living in the United States alone. Globally, approximately one-third of all households in the world have at least one dog.

How much is the global pet industry worth? ›

How big is the pet care market? b. The global pet care market size was estimated at USD 150.67 billion in 2021 and is expected to reach USD 159.10 billion in 2022.
Report AttributeDetails
Market size value in 2022USD 159.10 billion
Revenue forecast in 2030USD 236.16 billion
Growth rateCAGR of 5.1% from 2022 to 2030
11 more rows

How big is the global pet market? ›

Fortune Business Insights says that the global market size was USD 207.90 billion in 2020 and is projected to reach USD 325.74 billion by 2028.
Base Year2020
Forecast Period2021-2028
Historical Period2017-2019
UnitValue (USD Billion)
5 more rows

How big is Pet Industry in US? ›

This is an increase of $13.1 billion in just two years, and the total grew to reach $109.6 billion in 2021. U.S. pet industry sales have increased from $50.96 million in 2011 to $109.5 million in 2021. During the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, the global pet industry saw growth of about 28%.

What pet is most popular? ›

1. Dogs. Dogs come in at number one, with48.3 million households owning dogs in the United States, making these four-legged friends one of the most popular pets around.

Is the pet industry growing or shrinking? ›

The pet industry is growing.

Over the longer term (2021-2028), the pet industry is expected to see a CAGR of 5.6%, reaching a value of $325.74 billion in 2028.

What is trending in the pet industry? ›

Pet Industry Trends in Health, Grooming, and Wellness. It is becoming more common to focus on the health and wellness of a pet beyond high-quality food. Pet owners are spending more on items that focus on their pets' health in a holistic or pampering way.

What pet products are in high demand? ›

The Ultimate List of Pet Industry Stats.
This up-to-date list has you covered.
  • CBD for Dogs. ...
  • PrettyLitter. ...
  • Donut Dog Bed. ...
  • Dog toothpaste. ...
  • Dog vitamins. ...
  • Cat treats. ...
  • Freeze dried dog food. ...
  • Dog calming bed.
2 Aug 2022

What is the size of the pet care industry? ›

The market size for pet care products surpassed USD 232 billion in 2020 and is poised to expand at over 6.1% CAGR between 2021 and 2027.
Report CoverageDetails
Market Size in 2020:USD 232.3 Billion
Forecast Period:2021 to 2027
Forecast Period 2021 to 2027 CAGR:6.1%
2027 Value Projection:USD 350.3 Billion
8 more rows

Is the pet industry booming? ›

The pet industry has grown 450% over the past 25 years (SPINS) Today's market for pet products is vastly different compared to a quarter-century ago. Specialty pet foods are now widely adopted. Demand for new pet technology, including microchips and at-home DNA tests, is on the rise.

What is the biggest pet company? ›

Who is the largest pet food company in the world? Mars Petcare, Inc. ranks number 1 on our list of the top 10 largest pet food companies in the world in 2022. Mars Petcare, Inc. is an American pet food company that was founded in 2001 when Mars, Incorporated acquired Iams and Eukanuba.

What is the pet industry called? ›

The pet industry (sometimes known as petconomy) is the market industry associated with companion animals. It includes things that are associated with the production, consumption and cultural activities linked to the market.

How do pet industry make money? ›

Here are some ways to make money with pets.
  1. Pet Walking Making Money Off Your Dog. ...
  2. Pet Sitting. ...
  3. Mobile Pet Grooming Service. ...
  4. Raise Chickens and Sell the Eggs. ...
  5. Make and Sell Gourmet Pet Meals. ...
  6. Turn Your Pet Into a Social Media Icon. ...
  7. Pooper Scooper. ...
  8. Create Animal Clothing and Bling.

Which country spends the most on pets? ›

It's estimated that Americans spent $109.6 billion on their pets in 2021. In Canada, the average budget for pet owners was $2,430 CAD per year in 2021.

What are the 3 main pets? ›

After dogs and cats, other popular pets include fish, reptiles, rabbits, birds, livestock, ferrets, and many more.
The Most Popular Animals Owned As Pets In The US.
RankAnimalNumber Of Households Owning The Pet
6 more rows
20 Aug 2020

What is the best pet on earth? ›

The Top 5 Cutest Pets, According to the Golden Ratio
#Pet% Adherence to the Golden Ratio
1 more row
21 Dec 2021

What are the 4 most popular pets? ›

Pet dogs don't beat out cats, fish, or birds in sheer numbers, but more households have at least one dog in them than any other pet, making dogs the most popular pet in the world. Recent surveys show cats are a close second, followed by fish (12%), birds (6%), and other pet types (6%).

What are the top 3 most popular pets? ›

Dogs are the most popular pet and are found in 69 million U.S. households. 45.3 million households have cats. 11.8 million U.S. households have freshwater fish. Birds can be found in 9.9 million U.S. households.

How many pets are in the world 2022? ›

The current global dog population is estimated to be around 900 million and rising, with the global cat population coming in at about 600 million. Approximately 470 Million dogs are actually kept as pets, and around 370 million pet cats are in the world.

Why is pet industry growing? ›

With more and more owners considering their pets as family, it's rise is driven by interest in pampering and specialty services for furry family members. Alongside it is the veterinary care industry, which has undergone growth as a result of mass household penetration.

What are issues in the pet industry? ›

Rising demand for product. Rising equipment and building costs. Supply chain issues. Labor shortages.

Why pets are increasing? ›

Especially after the covid-19 pandemic, there has been a trend of adopting pets as majority of people started working from home. “The increase in pet owners saw a significant surge, especially during the pandemic.

What is currently a pet spending trend? ›

Spending trends

Radich said mean annual expenditures on veterinary visits for households with one dog increased from $224 in 2020 to $362 in 2022. For households with cats, mean annual expenditures on veterinary visits were $189 in 2020 and $321 in 2022.

Why is the pet industry important? ›

The care and companionship of pets is integral to not only the emotional and physical health and well-being of people, but also to the strength and stability of our economy. New data through 2021 demonstrates that the U.S. pet sector contributes $260.5 billion directly and indirectly to the U.S. economy.

What is the market for pet products? ›

The Pet Accessories market in the U.S. is estimated at US$12.2 Billion in the year 2021.

What is the future of pet care? ›

Humanisation, premiumisation, health and wellness, sustainability, and digitalisation are the five key trends shaping global pet care and these are set to drive demand in the future.

How do you attract customers to a pet store? ›

  1. Pet Store Promotion Ideas: Host a Fashion Show! ...
  2. Blow Up Your Instagram With Customer Pet Pics. ...
  3. Choose a Pet of the Week or Month to Include in a Regular Newsletter. ...
  4. Brand Some Free Samples to Give Out to Other Local Business. ...
  5. Host Short-Term Free or Cheap Puppy Classes. ...
  6. Personalize The Pet Store Shopping Experience.
16 Mar 2018

Who is the largest pet retailer? ›

1. PetSmart. PetSmart claims to be the largest specialty pet retailer, and as well as having 1,650 brick-and-mortar stores, the company also operates 200 PetsHotel boarding facilities.

How many companies are in the pet industry? ›

There are 12,740 Pet Stores businesses in the US as of 2022, a decline of -0.2% from 2021.

Why is dog and pet care a large and fast growing industry? ›

The Pet Care Industry continues to grow every year simply because more and more households are beginning to open up their homes to more buddies. There are over 300 million pets in America, and with the increased number of pets, this also comes with an increase in demand for products and services.

What industry category is pet care? ›

Industry: 0752—Animal Specialty Services, Except Veterinary

Establishments primarily engaged in training racehorses are classified in Services, Industry 7948.

Is pet a good business? ›

Pet Breeding Business. There is no shortage of customers to buy pets all across the world. Additionally, the profit margin of selling pets is also high. If you are a pet lover and want to make money money, the pet breeding business is an extremely profitable business venture.

Is the pet market saturated? ›

The pet food industry has become saturated over the years and is expected continue to be in that condition over the next five years.

Why are pet prices so high? ›

Demand for puppies has increased due to Covid-19 and has pushed up prices. A puppy from a reputable breeder is expensive as breeding puppies correctly is a costly pursuit, and the cost is passed down to the buyer. A rare or sought-after breed will always fetch a premium due to supply and demand.

What is the best animal business? ›

Consider these pet business ideas to find the one that best speaks to your interests.
  • Pet sitting. While pet sitting was once an after school job for teens, it's grown into much more. ...
  • Animal boarding. ...
  • Dog training. ...
  • Dog walker. ...
  • Doggy daycare. ...
  • Social media pet personality. ...
  • Grooming services. ...
  • Animal blogger and expert.
22 Oct 2020

What is the number 1 household pet? ›

While dogs are the most popular pet overall—woof woof, keep it up—there is plenty of diversity in pet ownership. 70% of U.S. households (90.5 million homes) owned a pet as of 2022. 69 million U.S. households have a pet dog, compared to 45.3 million with a cat.

What is the best pet for company? ›

5 Animals That Make Great Office Pets
  • Tarantula. Lifespan. Males mature a lot quicker than females and only survive a few years, whereas females can live up to 25 years. ...
  • Guinea Pig. Lifespan. ...
  • Fish. Lifespan. ...
  • Dog. Lifespan. ...
  • Cat. Lifespan.

How many types of pet are there? ›

There are hundreds of different animals kept as pets, from cats and dogs to fish and snakes. Some pet breeds you've probably heard of, while others are more mysterious. Learn more about the different types of pets you can adopt.

What are pet projects? ›

noun A project , activity or goal pursued as a personal favorite , rather than because it is generally accepted as necessary or important .

How much does it cost to start a pet business? ›

The cost to open a pet store

According to Bizfluent, you'll need between $30,000 and $175,000 for building out your retail space after you lease or buy it, $10,000 for technology, between $20,000 and $60,000 for displays and other retail store supplies and between $30,000 and $70,000 for starting inventory.

Do pet accounts make money? ›

You can start to make money from your pet's account once you have about 20,000 followers. Before then, many smaller accounts will be approached by brands that want to give a free product in exchange for you posting a photo of your pet with it on your Instagram. It's tempting — free stuff! — but it's a bad idea.

What country has the least pets? ›

Middle Eastern countries and Indonesia have some of the world's lowest per-capita dog rates, in part due to Islamic traditions that cast dogs as unclean. Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and Indonesia all have fewer than two dogs for every 1,000 people--the lowest per capita ownership rates of 53 countries surveyed by Euromonitor.

What pet costs the most? ›

1. Dog. Keeping a dog happy and healthy will cost you between $700 and $2,000 a year, making dogs the most expensive of the common household pets.

What country has free pet healthcare? ›

Sweden's long history in pet insurance has given the concept of covering animals more time to gestate in the national psyche.

Is dog or cat more popular 2022? ›

While dogs are the most popular pet overall—woof woof, keep it up—there is plenty of diversity in pet ownership. 70% of U.S. households (90.5 million homes) owned a pet as of 2022. 69 million U.S. households have a pet dog, compared to 45.3 million with a cat.

How many people own a dog in the world 2022? ›

Out of those 90.5 million, 69 million own at least one dog, making dogs the most popular pet choice. The second most popular pet is a cat, with 45.3 homes owning at least one feline.

What are 5 new products in the pet industry? ›

This is a list of fast-growing pet products for 2022.
This up-to-date list has you covered.
  • CBD for Dogs. ...
  • PrettyLitter. ...
  • Donut Dog Bed. ...
  • Dog toothpaste. ...
  • Dog vitamins. ...
  • Cat treats. ...
  • Freeze dried dog food. ...
  • Dog calming bed.
2 Aug 2022

What's the current trend in pet ownership? ›

70% of U.S. households own a pet, which equates to 90.5 millions homes, according to the 2021-2022 APPA National Pet Owners Survey. Americans spend 1.201 USD on pets dogs on average in a year.

Which is better dogs or cats statistics? ›

Cats are more popular than dogs in 91 countries, and dogs more popular in 76 countries. The United States, Australia, and the UK are all dog-people countries. New York City had the highest number of cat- or dog-tagged photos in the world, and 59.6% were about cats rather than dogs.

What pets are in high demand? ›

Top 10 most in demand Pets in the USA
Pets BreedAnnual Search Volume
1 more row

What pet is most profitable to breed? ›

Here are the most profitable dogs to breed:
  1. Siberian Husky. Quite wolf-like, yet the fluffiest dogs ever. ...
  2. French Bulldog. French Bulldogs are one of the cutest small dog breeds ever. ...
  3. Samoyed. ...
  4. Tibetan Mastiff. ...
  5. Rottweiler. ...
  6. Otterhound. ...
  7. English Bulldog. ...
  8. German Shepherd.
25 Jun 2020

Which pet is adopted the most? ›

Golden Retrievers are one of the most popular dog breeds in the world; they're also the most adopted. It's because they are highly social dogs that tend to get along well with almost anyone, kids and pets included!
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15 Apr 2020

Which country has the highest number of pets? ›

Without a doubt, the United States is the top country in the world for both dogs and cats. There are approximately 70 million domestic dogs and 74 million domestic cats in the United States. Furthermore, the United States does not hold back on its love for its canine and feline counterparts.

What is the percentage of pets in the world? ›

Worldwide, 33% of households own pets. Only 2% of Americans admit to having pet insurance. Only 20% of American pet owners can afford to pay a $5,000 vet bill. 59% of Russians own a cat, which makes the country the highest share of cat owners in the world.

What percentage of people have pets? ›

Companion animals
Percent of households owning38.425.4
Number of households owning48,255,41331,896,077
Average number owned per household1.61.8
Total number in United States76,811,30558,385,725
3 more rows

Are pet owners increasing? ›

Pet ownership is rising globally,

particularly in millennial households, which tend to be smaller families and have children later in life.

Who owns the most dogs in the world? ›

Data indicate that a significant number of dogs reside in China, with an estimated 110 million. In India, approximately 32 million dogs are being kept in households by people. Even so, the number of stray pups is enormous, with about 20 million of them. It is estimated that about 9.5 million Japanese own dogs.

Which person owns the most dogs in the world? ›

1. The most dogs ever owned by one person were 5,000 Mastiffs owned by Kubla Khan.

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Article information

Author: Greg O'Connell

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Views: 6035

Rating: 4.1 / 5 (42 voted)

Reviews: 81% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Greg O'Connell

Birthday: 1992-01-10

Address: Suite 517 2436 Jefferey Pass, Shanitaside, UT 27519

Phone: +2614651609714

Job: Education Developer

Hobby: Cooking, Gambling, Pottery, Shooting, Baseball, Singing, Snowboarding

Introduction: My name is Greg O'Connell, I am a delightful, colorful, talented, kind, lively, modern, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.