View Boy Names Starting with Row- at Baby Names Pedia (2024)

Row- names for baby boys, with 29 entries. Row- names are somewhat popular baby names for boys. The names have been increasing in popularity since the 1990s. At the modest height of their usage in 2018, 0.187% of baby boys were given Row- names. There were 2 Row- names ranked within the top 1000 baby names then. In 2018, within all Row- names, the English and Irish Rowan was the most commonly used, with a ranking of #129 and a usage of 0.1566%.


little ruddy one, little red-haired ... largely used in the English and Irish ... Its ranking then was #129 ...


from the rough hill ... origin is English ... form of Rowdon ... infrequently used as a baby name for ...


loud, boisterous ... origin is English-American ... variant form of Rowdy ... not in the top 1000 names ...


loud, boisterous ... origin of Rowdea is the English-American ... variant of Rowdy ...


from the rough hill ... of English origin ... variant of Rowdon ... not widely used as a baby name for ...


loud, boisterous ...The origin of Rowdey is English-American ... variant of Rowdy ...


loud, boisterous ... derived from English-American origins ... variant of Rowdy ...


loud, boisterous ...The origin of Rowdie is English-American ... variant of Rowdy ...


from the rough hill ... has its origins in the English language ... form of Rowdon ...

from the rough hill ... of English origin ... not often used as a baby boy name ... not in the top 1000 names ...


from the rough hill ... origin is English ... variant form of Rowdon ... rarely used as a baby name for boys ...


loud, boisterous ...The origin of Rowdy is English-American ... infrequently used as a baby name for ...


from the rough hill ... derived from English origins ... variant transcription of Rowdon ...


little ruddy one, little red-haired ... an English name of Germanic and Celtic ... variant of Roland ...


roe-deer well ... derived from English origins ... derivative of Rowell ... not ranked within the top 1000 ...


roe-deer well ...The origin of Rowell is English ... infrequently used as a baby name for ...


little ruddy one, little red-haired ... largely used in the English language and ... variant spelling of Rowan ...


little ruddy one, little red-haired of Celtic origin ... form of Rowan ...


little ruddy one, little red-haired ...The origin of Rowin is the Celtic language ... variant of Rowan ...

';let aiName = '

View Boy Names Starting with Row- at Baby Names Pedia (1)

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View Boy Names Starting with Row- at Baby Names Pedia (2024)


Is Row a boy name? ›

Save a baby name to view it later on your Bump dashboard . Row is a gender-neutral English name that means "roe deer." It's related to the Middle English name Roe and the Irish name Ruagh, which could have been popular for someone with red hair.

What is the trend in baby boy names? ›

1. Aahan – This is a short and a unique name that means “dawn” or “sunrise.” 2. Advik - Unique is the name, “unique” is its meaning.

What is the rarest name to name your kid? ›

Edgy Rare Baby Names
  • Falco.
  • Dray.
  • Niobe.
  • Hartwell.
  • Lazare.
  • Megara.
  • Bronya.
  • Salomi.
Apr 30, 2024

What's a good first name for a boy? ›

Vintage choices like Oliver and Theodore rest comfortably among classics like James and Henry, while some popular boy names seem to have burst out of obscurity, like Maverick and Hudson. And there are lots of surprises on here—for example, would you ever have guessed that Sincere would vastly outrank Sam?

Is Jem a boy name? ›

Save a baby name to view it later on your Bump dashboard . Lucky you, you've found the crown jewel of unique baby names. Given to both boys and girls, Jem is a name meaning “gem” or “dove” and may also be used as a shortened version of James or Jemima.

Is Rein a boy name? ›

Rein is a Germanic gender-neutral name meaning “advice” or “counsel.” It derives from the German element ragin and is sometimes spelled Reign or Rain.

What is the coolest name in 2024? ›

Top baby names of 2024
96 more rows

What are the top 100 unique boy names? ›

Indian Baby Boy Names Unique
KairavWhite lotus
LakshTarget; Aim
36 more rows
Aug 6, 2024

What is the most unique name for a boy? ›

Unique Creative Baby Boy Names
  • Calloway.
  • Fritz.
  • Monet.
  • Ajax.
  • Jazz.
  • Blade.
  • Joss.
  • Paxon.
Feb 1, 2024

What last names no longer exist? ›

Extinct Surnames
  • Chips.
  • Hatman.
  • Temples.
  • Raynott.
  • Woodbead.
  • Nithercott.
  • Rummage.
  • Southwark.

What is the number 1 boy name? ›

The Social Security Administration has ranked the most popular names in 2023 — the most recent data available — and there are so many great options from which to choose. The SSA baby name rankings found the top three most popular boy names were Liam, Noah and Oliver.

Which name is best for boy 2024? ›

Here is the list of the top ten trending boy names (Indian Boy Names) in 2024.
  • Kabir.
  • Reyansh.
  • Vihaan.
  • Advik.
  • Aarav.
  • Arjun.
  • Krish.
  • Shaurya.
Mar 6, 2024

What is a cool boy name that starts with a? ›

Top 100 Baby Boy Names That Start With A
45 more rows

What does the name row mean for a girl? ›

Row Origin and Meaning

The name Row is a girl's name meaning "rowan tree, little redhead; white spear, famous friend". Ro- names are on the rise — think Roman, Rory, and Rowan — but straightforward and streamlined Row (and Rowe, Roe, and Ro) takes this trend to the next level.

Is Ralph a boy name? ›

Ralph (pronounced /rælf/ or /reɪf/) is a male name of English origin, derived from the Old English Rædwulf and Old High German Radulf, cognate with the Old Norse Raðulfr (rað "counsel" and ulfr "wolf").

Is Auren a boy or girl name? ›

In recent years, it has gained popularity as a given name for both boys and girls, embodying the notions of strength, influence, and achievement. In contemporary society, Auren is often chosen to represent the desire for a name that is not only aesthetically pleasing but also carries significant meaning.

Is Atticus a boy name? ›

Atticus is a masculine name of Greek origin meaning “from Attica.” The name is often used in reference to Atticus Finch, a heroic lawyer who represents an African American man accused of rape by a white woman in a racist Southern United States town in Harper Lee's 1960 novel To Kill a Mockingbird.

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Author: Msgr. Benton Quitzon

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Views: 6462

Rating: 4.2 / 5 (43 voted)

Reviews: 90% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Msgr. Benton Quitzon

Birthday: 2001-08-13

Address: 96487 Kris Cliff, Teresiafurt, WI 95201

Phone: +9418513585781

Job: Senior Designer

Hobby: Calligraphy, Rowing, Vacation, Geocaching, Web surfing, Electronics, Electronics

Introduction: My name is Msgr. Benton Quitzon, I am a comfortable, charming, thankful, happy, adventurous, handsome, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.