Top 10 DevOps Monitoring Tools for 2022 | Intellipaat (2024)

Top 10 DevOps Monitoring Tools for 2022 | Intellipaat (1)

Updated on 09th Sep, 22572 Views

  • What is DevOps Monitoring?
  • Importance of DevOps Monitoring
  • Different types of Monitoring Tools in DevOps
  • Top 10 DevOps Monitoring Tools
    • Sensu
    • PagerDuty
    • Datical Deployment Monitoring Console
    • Tasktop Integration Hub
    • Librato
    • Prometheus
    • Kibana
    • Splunk
    • Nagios
    • Dynatrace
  • Conclusion

Discover more about DevOps and the top DevOps tools

What is DevOps Monitoring?

DevOps is the process of monitoring everything from strategy to development, from integration to testing, and from deployment to operations. It provides a comprehensive, real-time view of the status of production applications, services, and infrastructure. Real-time streaming, historical replay, and visualization are the crucial aspects of application and service monitoring.

Importance of DevOps Monitoring

With DevOps monitoring, teams can react quickly and automatically to any changes in client experience. In addition, it enables developers to shift left to earlier phases of development, reducing the number of broken production changes. Problems can be detected and dealt with manually or automatically as required with better software instrumentation.

Different Types of Monitoring Tools in DevOps

Top 10 DevOps Monitoring Tools for 2022 | Intellipaat (2)

Most of the monitoring tools in DevOps have been categorized into the following types.

  • Server monitoring: Also known as resource monitoring or infrastructure monitoring, server monitoring collects information about your server’s performance. It provides statistics on RAM consumption, CPU loads, and disk space left. It is helpful in aggregating data from virtual server systems for cloud-based scenarios.
  • The following are a few server monitoring tools in DevOps:
    • Prometheus
    • Splunk
    • Nagios
    • Zabbix
    • Sysdig
    • Sematext
    • Sensu
  • Network monitoring: It examines the data flowing in and out of your computer network. Using this monitoring tool, you can keep track of incoming requests and responses across all components, from switches to firewalls and servers.

    Catchpoint is a network monitoring tool in DevOps

  • Application performance monitoring: It measures how well a service is performing overall. These tools query the server on their own and keep track of metrics such as response time and completion. It is essential to ensure that application performance issues are promptly detected and diagnosed so that services can function as intended.

    The following are a few application performance monitoring (APM) tools in DevOps:

    • SignalFx
    • AppDynamics
    • Raygun
    • New Relic

Also curious to know about the top DevOps tools to work with! Check out our blog on Top DevOps Tools.

Top 10 DevOps Monitoring Tools

Here is a list of the best DevOps monitoring tools. These tools will help you to gear up for your work and progress in your career.


Sensu is one of the top DevOps monitoring tools; it is used for monitoring infrastructure and applications solutions. This platform allows you to measure and monitor the health of your infrastructure, applications, and business KPIs.

Sensu combines dynamic, static, and temporary infrastructure to solve modern challenges in modern infrastructure platforms. Sensu does not offer software-as-a-service (SaaS,) but you can monitor your system just the way you want.


  • It sends alerts and notifications.
  • It provides dynamic registration and de-registration of clients.
  • It is not affected by the presence of mission-critical applications or multi-tiered networks.
  • It is perfect for automating processes.
  • Despite being open-source, it has excellent commercial support.

Learn more about the Advantages of DevOps in our blog post.


PagerDuty is an operations performance platform designed to work closely with operations staff to assess the reliability and performance of apps and address errors as early as possible.

When timely alerts come in from the development environment to the production environment, the operations team can detect, triage, and resolve the alerts faster. PagerDuty offers an excellent, easy-to-use incident response and alerting system.


  • The intuitive alerting API of PagerDuty makes it very popular among users.
  • If an alert does not respond after a set amount of time, the system will auto-escalate by the originally established SLA.
  • It is a powerful GUI tool for scheduling and escalation policy.

Datical Deployment Monitoring Console

Datical deployment monitoring console is the solution that you would use to automatically track the deployment status of each database across the enterprise. This software receives and records SQL script execution events across the entire deployment environment. It does that to minimize human errors. In addition, it simplifies database auditing and deployment monitoring.


  • A significant advantage that datical deployment monitoring console (DDMC) offers is the simplified auditing of databases.
  • It tracks deployments and errors automatically.
  • It provides access to deployment information on-demand.
  • In addition, it simplifies the release processes so that both users and administrators can automatically track, audit, and resolve all deployment-specific database issues.

Tasktop Integration Hub

Tasktop integration hub incorporates all tools within an organization into a single application to offer value to the organization. Tasktop integration hub is a single-point solution that handles all software delivery integration requirements without referring to another tool.

Tasktop integration hub is a powerful tool to deliver the right information to the right people at the right time, using the right tool with the right interface.


  • Connectivity is available for 45 tools that are fully functional without a problem.
  • It allows the addition of new tools to existing software integration quickly.
  • You can route artifacts as well as specific field updates according to a filter that complies with customer requirements around frequency and direction.
  • It provides a secure login via a web-based interface.
  • By monitoring changes to artifacts, this software runs at the lowest possible footprint and reduces the load on other tools.

Career Transition


With Librato, you can track and understand, in real-time, the metrics that affect your business at every level of the stack. Librato offers all the features that are needed to monitor a solution including visualizations, analyses, and alerts on all the metrics discussed above. This tool is capable of aggregating and also transforming real-time data from virtually any source.


  • It is a complete solution that monitors and analyzes data.
  • It offers a variety of services that help in data monitoring and providing data visualizations.
  • It offers services that provide notifications on completing activity processing on various metrics.
  • It does not require any installation.
  • It has an easy-to-use user interface.
  • The alerts received from Librato are reliable, which helps you take necessary actions based on a possible situation in your production environment.


Prometheus is another metrics-based time-series database aimed at white box monitoring. Prometheus is a community-driven open-source system monitoring and alerting solution with a thriving ecosystem. Since its debut, numerous organizations and businesses have integrated this tool into their ecosystems, allowing the user and developer communities to interact.


  • It is a tool developed in the Go programming language, making it an excellent contender for future advancements.
  • It can gather time-series data for your organization and enable easy connection with PagerDuty.
  • It has no dependencies and gives a good amount of Web API for custom development.
  • The information gathered by this tool is useful in the field of business intelligence.


Kibana is an open-source analytics and visualization tool that was created particularly to interact with Elasticsearch. The most common uses of Kibana are searching, viewing, and interacting with data stored internally in Elasticsearch indices.

In Kibana, advanced data analysis and visualization may be accomplished with ease by using charts, tables, and maps.


  • It has a quick and uncomplicated setup procedure.
  • You can view the data in the log to discover solutions to your difficulties in production.
  • It provides an auto-highlighting function for the search fields to identify problems in your log files quickly.
  • It allows you to visualize log files and display the necessary data and real-time statistics in graphics.


Splunk is a sophisticated platform for analyzing machine data, especially logs generated frequently but seldom used effectively. Splunk is used for searching, monitoring, and analyzing machine-generated data using a web-based interface. It compiles all pertinent data into a central index that allows users to find the required information quickly.


  • It enables the examination of data from networks, servers, apps, and various other data sources.
  • It is simple enough to deploy in a production environment.
  • It provides attributes such as Splunk light to transfer data from many servers to the main Splunk engine for analysis.
  • It indexes data in such a way that it produces powerful analytic insights.
  • Its reports are accurate to the decimal point, allowing any organization to identify steps for improvement and take action, if necessary.

Enroll in Intellipaat’s Splunk Training program and become an expert in deriving useful information from machine-generated data.


Nagios is one of the DevOps tools for continuous monitoring. It is a widely-used open-source tool. In a DevOps culture, Nagios can assist to monitor systems, applications, services, and business processes. It notifies users when anything goes wrong with the infrastructure and later rectifies the problem.


  • It is a great product that can do rapid tests and is easy to configure from both client and server sides.
  • You can develop custom plug-ins that match your requirements and check the most critical production environment requirements.
  • The documentation on the Nagios website is rather comprehensive, and you may use it for any specific reference.
  • It has a feature that allows you to set up services to ping devices in an organization.

Preparing to become a successful DevOps Professional? Check out DevOps Interview Questions and Answers.

Akamai mPulse

Akamai mPulse is a real user monitoring tool that allows DevOps teams to collect and analyze experience and behavior data from users who visit their website or application. With the help of the Akamai mPulse tool, developers can capture over 200 business and performance metrics from each user session by installing the mPulse snippet on the target webpage or the app. Besides this, the tool also captures application performance and UX metrics including session and user agent data, bandwidth and latency, loading times, and much more.


  • It is easy to deploy
  • Can be used for application monitoring for websites and native applications
  • Helps in creating and monitoring custom metrics and building custom dashboards
  • Provides credible performance data and feedback
  • System dashboards offer real-time user activities insights


AppDynamics is a continuous monitoring tool that supports infrastructure, network, and application monitoring of both cloud and on-premises computing environments. DevOps teams can capture data from infrastructure components, database transactions, applications, end-user sessions, and other sources in order to maintain complete visibility into the tech attack and rapidly respond to performance issues. This helps avoid any situation that may negatively impact the customer experience.


  • AppDynamics support multiple platforms such as Microsoft Azure, IBM, Kubernetes, AWS, and more
  • Instant root cause diagnostics driven by Machine learning
  • It has a pay-per-use pricing model
  • Can easily monitor a hybrid environment

BMC Helix Operations Management

As an award-winning intelligence and automation tool, BMC Helix Operations Management uses predictive analytics to effectively monitor the availability and performance of IT services across the cloud, on-premises, and hybrid environments. The tool uses service-centric monitoring, advanced event management, root cause isolation, and intelligent automation to improve performance and availability. With the help of this AI-driven proactive alerting capabilities and probable cause analysis that further help DevOps teams kickstart while responding to prospective events.


  • Following a SaaS business model, it is easy to deploy
  • Provides the benefit of predictive alerts with Machine Learning and Advanced Analytics
  • Offers customizable dashboards and reports streamline data access

Elastic Observability

Elastic Observability leverages the ELK (Elastic, Logstash, Kibana) stack to combine logs and metrics, APM traces, uptime, UX data, and feedback from synthetic monitoring activities into a single solution that gives DevOps teams the improved visibility of application performance in the production environment. It is a popular tool that can be used for application performance monitoring, real user monitoring, and log analytics.


  • It uses a pay-as-you-go model
  • ELK delivered several capabilities such as log aggregation, indexing, and dashboard/visualization
  • It is a single unified platform for APM data

New Relic One

New Relic One is another continuous monitoring tool that offers complete observability of the entire software stack. One of the biggest advantages of this tool is that it allows DevOps teams to benefit from a single platform that brings together 4 types of telemetry data including events, logs, metrics, and traces. The key features of this tool include browser and mobile session monitoring, visibility into servers, on-prem VMs, cloud-native infrastructure, real user monitoring, and synthetic monitoring capabilities.


  • It uses a pay-as-you-go model
  • Users get 100 GB of free data to ingest per month
  • It provides automatic correlation between logs, errors, and traces to accelerate root cause analysis

Also, look into What a DevOps engineer does? and learn more about DevOps Engineer.

Sumo Logic

Sumo Logic makes it easier for DevOps teams to monitor microservice-based applications from a single platform that covers performance metrics, log, and event data and distributed transaction tracing. In addition to its APM capabilities, Sumo Logic also offers a cloud-native SIEM tool, which has correlation-based threat detection and support from the company’s own cyber threat hunting team. The tool is used for monitoring application performance and cloud security and business intelligence features.


  • It provides free product training and certifications
  • Easy configuration of real-time metrics and alerts
  • Allows visually appealing dashboards and graphs


ChaosSearch offers an innovative approach to continuous monitoring tools that combines data indexing and querying capabilities with data lake economics for a best-in-class log management solution. This tool helps DevOps teams to ingest log and event data from multiple sources into Amazon S3 or Google Cloud Storage buckets. It also allows to index the data with proprietary technology, and rapidly achieve insights with no data movement or ETL process.


  • Offers lower TCO when compared to other alternatives
  • Index, transform, and visualize data with no data movement and no ETL process, directly on cloud object storage at petabyte scale
  • It supports full-text search and SQL queries, with ML support


Dynatrace is the smallest library that will run in the application process without consuming more than 10 MB of server memory. As a result, the application logs are monitored without causing any conflict on the server, resulting in lower overhead on the server.

Adding or removing Dynatrace agents from application servers does not even require the restart of application servers.


  • You can see how long each stage of an application took as well as the transaction flow.
  • It indicates clearly where problems or errors arise in production workflows.
  • It identifies deviations from a standard baseline after the metrics have been benchmarked.
  • It detects any unusual activity in the application or network and communicates this information to you.
  • It gives non-technical users a clear picture of an application’s performance.


I hope, now, you’ve got a clear idea of the DevOps monitoring tools. If you are aspiring to become a DevOps engineer or progress in your career, visit the Intellipaat website and enroll yourself in the DevOps Certification Training course to learn more about DevOps.

Resolve your queries by asking them out in our DevOps community right away!


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Top 10 DevOps Monitoring Tools for 2022 | Intellipaat (2024)


Which tool is most important in DevOps? ›

Maven is one of the important DevOps tools for building projects. Unlike the ANT build system, Apache Maven is more than just an automation build framework. It is also designed to manage reporting, documentation, distribution, releases, and dependencies processes.

What are the types of monitoring in DevOps? ›

Continuous monitoring in DevOps comes in four forms:
  • Infrastructure monitoring.
  • Application monitoring.
  • Network monitoring.
  • Cost monitoring.

Is splunk DevOps monitoring tools? ›

Is Splunk a DevOps monitoring tool? Splunk product enables real-time DevOps monitoring across all stages of the delivery life cycle, helping you to deliver better apps and more business impact faster.

What are best monitoring tools in DevOps? ›

Top 10 DevOps Monitoring Tools
  • Sensu.
  • PagerDuty.
  • Datical Deployment Monitoring Console.
  • Tasktop Integration Hub.
  • Librato.
  • Prometheus.
  • Kibana.
  • Splunk.

What are the 5 pillars of DevOps? ›

We break DevOps into five main areas: Automation, Cloud-Native, Culture, Security, and Observability. We break DevOps into five main areas: Automation, Cloud-Native, Culture, Security, and Observability.

What are the 4 types of monitoring? ›

Abstract. We describe and label four types of monitoring—surveillance, implementation, effectiveness, and ecological effects—that are designed to answer very different questions and achieve very different goals.

Which are the three basic tools for monitoring? ›

Monitoring tools allow you to track progress, identify challenges, and assess the implementation of a program or project. These tools can include key performance indicators (KPIs), dashboards, checklists, and monitoring plans.

What are the different types of monitoring tools? ›

Active Directory monitoring, Agentless server monitoring, Apache Cassandra monitoring, and App & server response time monitoring. App dependency mapping, AWS monitoring tools, Azure IaaS monitoring, Paas monitoring, and Azure performance monitoring.

What is continuous monitoring tools in DevOps? ›

Fundamentally, Continuous Monitoring (CM), sometimes called Continuous Control Monitoring (CCM), is an automated process by which DevOps personnel can observe and detect compliance issues and security threats during each phase of the DevOps pipeline.

How do you monitor a DevOps pipeline? ›

Configure continuous monitoring

In Azure DevOps, select an organization and project. On the left menu of the project page, select Pipelines > Releases. Select the dropdown arrow next to New and select New release pipeline. Or, if you don't have a pipeline yet, select New pipeline on the page that appears.

Is Kubernetes a monitoring tool? ›

Kubernetes monitoring is a form of reporting that helps with proactive management of clusters. Monitoring a Kubernetes cluster eases management of containerized infrastructure by tracking utilization of cluster resources including memory, CPU, and storage.

Is Splunk a good monitoring tool? ›

Splunk Monitoring tool offers plenty of benefits for an organization. Some of the benefits of using Splunk are: Offers enhanced GUI and real-time visibility in a dashboard. It reduces troubleshooting and resolving time by offering instant results.

Is Grafana DevOps tool? ›

Continuous Monitoring is the process of monitoring each and every phase of DevOps and IT operations lifecycle. This process ensures the health, performance, and reliability of your application. Prometheus and Grafana are two open-source tools used for monitoring the applications.

What is the best monitoring? ›

Top 10+ Best System Monitoring Software & Tools [2023 Comparison]
  • Sematext Monitoring.
  • SolarWinds Server & Application Monitor.
  • Atera.
  • Datadog Infrastructure Monitoring.
  • Site24x7 Server Monitoring.
  • Paessler PRTG Network Monitor.
  • ManageEngine Applications Manager.
  • Nagios.
Jan 5, 2023

Is Jenkins a DevOps monitoring tool? ›

Jenkins is an open source continuous integration/continuous delivery and deployment (CI/CD) automation software DevOps tool written in the Java programming language. It is used to implement CI/CD workflows, called pipelines.

What are the three important DevOps KPIs? ›

DevOps Metrics and KPIs: How To Measure DevOps Effectively?
  • 1: Deployment frequency.
  • 2: Change failure rate.
  • 3: Mean Time to Recovery (MTTR)
  • 4: Lead time.
  • 5: Change volume.
  • 6: Defect escape rate.
  • 7: Customer tickets.
  • 8: DevOps Resources.

What are the 3 principles of DevOps? ›

Three principles that built DevOps.
Examples of systems thinking include:
  • Reducing work in progress.
  • Removing project constraints and bottlenecks;
  • Making sure to not pass any known defect to another department or work center;
  • Continually trying to find ways to simplify and improve workflow.

What are the 4 key components of DevOps? ›

An efficient DevOps pipeline should include the following basic components:
  • CI/CD framework.
  • Source control management.
  • Build automation tools.
  • Code testing framework.

What is the seven monitoring tools? ›

Recognizing the need is easy, but choosing which monitoring tool or set of tools to use can be difficult. The seven tools I wrote about here – Datadog, Ruxit, OverOps, Rollbar, Sensu, ELK Stack, and Graphite – are worthwhile tools to check out.

What is monitoring in DevOps? ›

What is DevOps Monitoring? DevOps monitoring entails overseeing the entire development process from planning, development, integration and testing, deployment, and operations. It involves a complete and real-time view of the status of applications, services, and infrastructure in the production environment.

What are the 6 steps in the monitoring procedure? ›

  • Step 1: Identify Program Goals and Objectives. ...
  • Step 2: Define Indicators. ...
  • Step 3: Define Data Collection Methods and TImeline. ...
  • Step 4: Identify M&E Roles and Responsibilities. ...
  • Step 5: Create an Analysis Plan and Reporting Templates. ...
  • Step 6: Plan for Dissemination and Donor Reporting.

What are the 4 basic steps to monitoring? ›

Top 4 Project Monitoring Steps
  • Step 1: Designing an Efficient Plan For Monitoring. ...
  • Step 2: Designing Effective Report Management Mechanism. ...
  • Step 3: Recommendations For Project Improvement. ...
  • Step 4: Ensuring Guidelines And Recommendations Are Followed Accordingly.
Oct 13, 2015

What are the five 5 level in monitoring the existing project management? ›

Developed by the Project Management Institute (PMI), the five phases of project management include conception and initiation, project planning, project execution, performance/monitoring, and project close.

What are the 5 elements of condition monitoring? ›

Condition Monitoring consists of five key elements:
  • Site Assessment.
  • Fleet management.
  • Equipment Inspections.
  • Preventative Maintenance.
  • Fluid Sampling & Analysis.

What is the most commonly used monitoring device? ›

1) Blood Pressure Monitor

Blood pressure monitors are one of the most highly used RPM devices. These monitors are easily used by patients to calculate the patient's heart rate and blood flow.

What are the two types of monitoring devices? ›

The two broad types of patient monitoring systems are bedside patient monitoring systems and remote patient monitoring systems.

What makes a good monitoring tool? ›

Provides a user-friendly means of understanding the current status of the relevant policy. Provides a rationale for how future performance targets are set. It must be computerized. It must make the decision making at management level easy and efficient.

What are smart monitoring tools? ›

S.M.A.R.T. (Self-Monitoring, Analysis and Reporting Technology) is a monitoring system for computer hard disk drives that provides for the detection and reporting of various indicators of reliability. It is often used for early detection of potential future failures.

How do you monitor performance through DevOps tools? ›

DevOps application monitoring tools are used to monitor the performance of applications in real-time. These help identify performance bottlenecks with an application by measuring its response time over time. They help developers identify and fix bugs before they cause any significant problems.

What are digital monitoring tools? ›

Digital experience monitoring (DEM) makes it possible to view application performance issues from a user experience vantage point, isolate service performance problems across the delivery chain, speed up root cause determination and resolution and optimize digital transactions and customer journeys.

Is Jenkins a monitoring tool? ›

Jenkins Monitoring Tool. Jenkins is an open-source automation server that helps automate the parts of software development related to building, testing, and deploying, that facilitate continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD).

What are the major CI tools? ›

Continuous Integration Tools Comparison
  • Bitbucket Pipelines. Summary: Bitbucket Pipelines is a CI tool directly integrated into Bitbucket, a cloud version control system offered by Atlassian. ...
  • Jenkins. ...
  • AWS CodePipeline. ...
  • CircleCI. ...
  • Azure Pipelines. ...
  • GitLab. ...
  • Atlassian Bamboo.

What is Azure monitoring tool? ›

Azure Monitor is a comprehensive monitoring solution for collecting, analyzing, and responding to telemetry from your cloud and on-premises environments. You can use Azure Monitor to maximize the availability and performance of your applications and services.

What is Nagios in DevOps? ›

What is Nagios? Nagios is used for continuous monitoring of system applications, services, and business processes, etc in a DevOps culture. Nagios runs on a server, usually as a daemon or a service. It periodically runs plugins residing on the same server, contact hosts or servers on your network or the internet.

What should be the first step for effective DevOps monitoring? ›

Step 1: Collect the Data.

It is important to take inventory of what is being collected today and align with business and executive teams to collaborate on the aim of the services delivered.

How to monitor CI CD pipeline in Jenkins? ›

CI/CD health monitoring with the ELK Stack or OpenSearch
  1. Step 1: Collect Data on CI/CD Pipeline Run. ...
  2. Step 2: Index & Store Data in Elasticsearch (or OpenSearch) ...
  3. Step 3: Visualize with Kibana (or OpenSearch) Dashboards. ...
  4. Step 4: Report & Alert.

Which tool to learn first in DevOps? ›

What should I learn first in DevOps? As a beginner who wants to learn how to use DevOps tools, you must learn everything about Linux, since that will help with your overall understanding of them.

Which role is best in DevOps? ›

Comparison of the Top DevOps Job Roles
Devops Jobs RolesAverage SalarySkills and Technologies
DevOps Testing Professional$50kUnit testing, build testing, Selenium, MySQL
Software Developer$104kC, C++, Java, Ruby
System Engineer$100kLinux, AWS, Azure
Security Professional$100kIDS, Risk analysis, Penetration testing
3 more rows

Which is the important practice of DevOps? ›

DevOps best practices include agile project management, shifting left with CI/CD, automation, monitoring, observability, and continuous feedback.

Can you learn DevOps in 3 months? ›

The answer depends on how one is learning and preparing to become a DevOps Engineer. Generally, it can take up to six months to know all the basics. Start learning about the tools that you like the most, and go from there. In a few months, you will get well-versed.

How many DevOps tools are there? ›

To make it simple for DevOps teams, we have put together a list of 10 DevOps tools that can be used to achieve a successful DevOps transformation.

What are the three pillars of DevOps? ›

Bringing Product, Process & People Together. The three pillars of DevOps Value Stream Management aren't a sequential recipe. Like a stool needs three legs to stand, so does your DevOps success. Product, process and people are interconnected, reinforce each other, and are equally essential.

What are the 7Cs of DevOps? ›

7Cs of DevOps– Continuous (Planning, Development, Integration, Deployment, Testing, Delivery & Monitoring, and Feedback). We believe in the agile mantra “People over Process over Tools”.

Why DevOps salary is high? ›

DevOps helps companies earn more money. And DevOps also helps companies work faster. Finally, people in DevOps need to develop a long list of skills. And they'll want to get paid for this effort.

Why are DevOps salaries so high? ›

The high salary is there for a reason: AWS DevOps Engineers are a real asset to a business. But they need to have extensive amounts of knowledge and experience in configuration, packaging, and orchestration; a thorough understanding of the application life cycle; and above all, excellent communication skills.

Which DevOps is in demand? ›

DevOps Jobs in Demand in September 2022
  • AWS. AWS or Amazon Web Services DevOps engineers are in high demand this year. ...
  • Kubernetes. Kubernetes is an open-source container application that can be used by small to large organizations to streamline their DevOps. ...
  • Google Cloud Paltform. ...
  • Docker. ...
  • Azure.
Sep 26, 2022

What is the most important DevOps KPI? ›

Defect volume and escape rate

Ideally, the DevOps KPI for defect volume should remain as low as possible. However, some organizations embrace the concept of an error budget, positing that 100% uptime and reliability negatively affect app capabilities and project budgets.

What are the five benefits of DevOps? ›

5 core benefits of DevOps
  • Renews focus on the customers. A key reason for the move to DevOps is that it gets the team back in the mindset of the customer. ...
  • Unites teams for faster product shipments. ...
  • Simplifies development focus. ...
  • Introduces automation to the development process. ...
  • Supports end-to-end responsibility.

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Introduction: My name is Fr. Dewey Fisher, I am a powerful, open, faithful, combative, spotless, faithful, fair person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.