The Ultimate List of Sensory Products for Adults (2024)

The Ultimate List of Sensory Products for Adults (1)

Updated byMolly Shaw Wilson MS OTR/L BCP

How do you deal with stress? When I’m upset, my go-to choice is to grab some ice or minty gum. The action of chewing can be calming to the muscles of the mouth.

In fact, a study in Clinical Practice and Epidemiology in Mental Health discusses that “gum chewing is a popular and convenient way to help relieve stress and improve concentration.”

Everyone chooses different activities as a way to relieve stress and in order to calm and comfort themselves.

I encourage you to think about your own body. What do you choose when you feel tired? How about when you feel upset?

As a pediatric occupational therapist, I understand that our bodies have more than five senses. Proprioceptive input,for example, involves heavy work- pushing, pulling, lifting, and carrying. This can be calming for many of us.

While many of these products are marketed as “autism toys”, even neurotypical adults can benefit from their use. We all have different patterns of sensory integration or sensory processing that makes us unique and can benefit from support when under stress or trying to achieve a state of calm relaxation.

Thinking about what makes you the most comfortable can help you figure out which sensory toy or tool is the right one to choose.

Here is a table of contents to help you navigate our list!

  1. What makes You Comfortable?
  2. Whole Body Sensory Products
  3. Small Sensory Items
  4. Noise, noise, noise!
  5. Sight and Smell Products

What makes you comfortable?

Chances are, adults who struggle to obtain the best and most comforting sensory input have come up with wonderfully creative strategies to meet their needs. I found this helpful checklist for adults from SPD Support.

Understanding your own triggers and stressors helps to know when and how to provide helpful activities. The key is to implement activities before the point of stress.

Our brains are designed to protect us and when we become disorganized and upset, we release chemicals that cause fight, flight, and fright reactions.

Regular participation in activities that both make us feel more comfortable and deliver oxygen to our brains via deep breathing or movement help to regulate and keep in what therapists call the ‘just right’ state of being. It’s when we are in this state that we can interact and function at our best.

Whole BodySensory Tools for Adults

Compression Clothing

Pressure and tight-fitting undergarments sometimes provide compressing that can be calming. Companies such as Under Armour make workout clothing that is snug. Many department stores offer cheaper versions that are equally as comfortable.

Deep Touch PressureSensory Products

The Ultimate List of Sensory Products for Adults (2)

Do you feel a sense of relief when you go to the dentist and they lay the heavy lead vest on you for x-rays? That's deep touch pressure in action. It’s amazing how a big bear hug can feel after a long and stressful day, engaging that sense through deep pressure input can help to release serotonin in the body, promoting a sense of calm and relaxation.

Instead of purchasing a lead vest, weighted blanketsor lap pad can be used for people of all ages. Try a lap pad first to gauge how your body responds to the weight. If you’re craving more, consider a weighted vest, or one that offers pressure and weight together.

For children, weighted vests should be recommended and monitored by an occupational therapist for appropriate weight and size details, schedule, and efficacy.

Sensory Brushing

The Ultimate List of Sensory Products for Adults (3)

Soft surgical brushes are often used to brush the skin in order to provide stimulation to the skin. They can be found in special needs catalogs or on Amazon.

To learn more about sensory brushing, check out our article on it here.

Bean Bags

Bean bag chairsare wonderful since they form to the body’s unique shape and size. Many department stores carry them routinely. They offer a sense of deep pressure input, as the body is enveloped by the bean bag, making contacts at many points.

Swinging & Rocking

You’re never too old to swing! When done in a linear (back and forth) motion, swinging can be quite calming. This can offer sensory integration at its finest, as movement in a swing engages so many senses working in harmony together.

Have you seen our compression swing? It's comfy and incredibly relaxing, like floating on a cloud. It can hold up to 200 pounds, too!

Temperature Changes

Heat and cold provide relief when feeling overwhelmed. I suggest using a moist heating pad for sore muscles and use of an ice pack or cooling towel to maintain comfortable body temperature.

    Small Sensory Items for Adults that Pack a Huge Punch

    Sensory Balls

    Balls of all shapes and sizes can be rolled on the body, used for massage, rolled underneath your feet, over sore muscles and used for fidgeting.

    Fidget or Stimming Toys for Adults

    Small items that can be used in one hand are a great way to provide sensory input throughout your day. Often times, these small products are called fidget or stimming toys, but they should be considered more of a "tool" than a "toy".

    While a lot of fidget tools are designed for children, a new one we recently came across is called Stimagz, and it's designed specifically for neurodivergent adults.

    You can check out Stimagz here on their website.

    Sensory Toy Warehousehas a vast collection of fidget items for everyone’s needs. They offer many products designed for adults and children. For those with fine motor goals, look for fidget toys that require dexterity and finger movements, or strength components, like play-doh or putty.

    Fidget items can be created from everyday items. Consider keychains, paper clips, rubber and hair bands, putty, stress balls, and erasers are examples.

    Oral Chew Toys

    Oral motor input can come in many shapes and sizes.Chewigemproducts are safe and durable.

    Noise, noise, noise!

    Just because you’re an adult doesn’t mean you outgrow your sound sensitivity. I still do not like any loud and unexpected noise. Often times, noise causes a gut reaction that makes my entire body feel uncomfortable and physically ill.

    Here are my suggestions to help:

    Noise Cancelling Headphones & Music

    The Ultimate List of Sensory Products for Adults (4)

    Noise-canceling headphones provide comfort on the go.

    Portable music sources have drastically changed the availability of calming music. Earbuds often don’t provide enough noise protection sotry larger headphones. They are fun and colorful!

    White Noise Machine

    The Ultimate List of Sensory Products for Adults (5)

    White noise machines provide options of various sounds for calming and blocking out environmental sounds. I find them comforting and am using one as I write this article! A small fan purchased from your local hardware store can give both cool air and white noise.

    Softer Items around the House

    Add soft items to your kitchen if the noise of dishes and banging of pots and pans bothers you. Use a tablecloth on the table to dampen sound during mealtime. Place a rubber mat on the bottom of your kitchen sink so dishes do not clank on to the bottom.

    Sight and Smell

    Fewer Distractions and Calm Colors

    Decreasing visual distractions can significantly help some of us to improve concentration. Remember to choose calming colors in your paint and decorating choices. Surround yourself with things which make you feel calm and relaxed.

    Coloring Books

    The Ultimate List of Sensory Products for Adults (6)

    Adult coloring books can provide relaxation and coloring is fun for both kids and grown-ups. For kids who are working on their fine motor skills, choosing a choice-themed coloring book and a new pack of crayons can be enticing.

    Sensory Lighting

    Use lower wattage light bulbs. Avoid fluorescent lighting as it can flicker and we are often unaware of the disorganization this can cause to our visual/perceptual system.

    Most hardware stores sell light bulbs of all different colors.

    Check out our article all about sensory lighting.

    Improve Smells around the House

    Essential oils, candles, lotions, and incense can alter mood and setting. Many of these can be applied to the sensory needs of adults as well.


      Remember that no two people process sensory information in the same way. You have the right to be comfortable and feel safe in your environment.

      If you're interested in sensory product ideas for children, check out our top 10 articleherefor recommendations!

      Which of our suggestions have you tried? Let us know if you have any other helpful ideas.

      Check Out OurYouTube Video About theBest Sensory Strategies for Teens, Adults and Parents


      Sasaki-Otomaru, A., Sakuma, Y., Mochizuki, Y., Ishida, S., Kanoya, Y., & Sato, C. (2011). Effect of Regular Gum Chewing on Levels of Anxiety, Mood, and Fatigue in Healthy Young Adults. Clinical Practice and Epidemiology in Mental Health : CP & EMH, 7, 133–139.

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      The Ultimate List of Sensory Products for Adults (2024)


      The Ultimate List of Sensory Products for Adults? ›

      Using noise-cancelling headphones to vastly reduce external sound, which can help to stop sensory overload. Weighted sensory products, such as blankets or vests, to provide pressure and soothing proprioceptive input. Avoiding open questions – if you need their input on something, aim to use closed yes/no questions.

      What is the best thing for sensory overload? ›

      Using noise-cancelling headphones to vastly reduce external sound, which can help to stop sensory overload. Weighted sensory products, such as blankets or vests, to provide pressure and soothing proprioceptive input. Avoiding open questions – if you need their input on something, aim to use closed yes/no questions.

      What is the sensory diet program? ›

      A sensory diet is a group of activities that are specifically scheduled into a child's day to assist with attention, arousal and adaptive responses. The activities are chosen for that child's needs based on sensory integration theory.

      Why are sensory items good for adults? ›

      The benefits of sensory stimulation and the products and experiences
      • Improving cognitive processing and function.
      • Helping to support better communication, both verbal and non-verbal.
      • Increasing concentration, alertness and lucidity.
      • Encouraging participation and comfort in social situations.

      How to help an adult with sensory issues? ›

      How to deal with sensory overload
      1. Practice self-calming exercises. ...
      2. Get proper sleep. ...
      3. Manage your health. ...
      4. Reduce the number of stimulating activities. ...
      5. Set boundaries. ...
      6. Seek help.
      Mar 24, 2023

      How to help overstimulation in adults? ›

      Here are some tips I have for you, as a person who finds herself often overstimulated.
      1. Try to limit your screen time. Emphasis on the word try. ...
      2. Find your safe space. ...
      3. Listen to your own favourite playlist, podcast, or audiobook. ...
      4. Set boundaries with others and ask for some quiet space alone. ...
      5. Mindfulness.
      Mar 15, 2024

      What makes sensory overload worse? ›

      Triggers can include specific stimuli, such as loud sounds and bright lights, as well as mental and physical factors such as depression and dehydration. The doctor will probably ask several questions about the triggers and events surrounding episodes of sensory overload.

      What is a sensory diet for adults? ›

      A sensory diet is a personalized set of sensory activities designed to meet your specific sensory needs. It may involve incorporating sensory input throughout the day, such as movement breaks, fidget tools, or sensory-rich environments.

      What foods do people with sensory issues hate? ›

      Some foods that are commonly avoided by children with sensory issues:
      • Foods with a “squishy” texture, such as mashed potatoes, oatmeal, or yogurt.
      • Foods with distinct textures, such as rice or beans.
      • Spicy foods, such as hot peppers.
      • Sweet foods, such as cookies or cake.
      • Sour foods, such as green apples or lemons.

      What food is used in providing sensory experiences? ›

      Scoop and explore with sensory bowls

      Foods might include dry rice or beans, cooked pasta, dry cereal e.g. cornflakes, yoghurt or frozen peas. Give them a spoon or cup for scooping and pouring, a small spoon for mixing and allow them to use their hands.

      What is a sensory room for adults? ›

      Sensory room is an umbrella term used to categorize a broad variety of therapeutic spaces specifically designed and utilized to promote self-organization and positive change.

      How to make a sensory box for adults? ›

      Create sensory bins by using a plastic storage container filled with various sensory items such as rice, beans, or sand. Add small toys or objects for individuals to explore and manipulate, such as small plastic animals or scoops and funnels.

      Can adults have sensory needs? ›

      Adults with Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD) feel assaulted by the world and all of its ticking clocks, buzzing lights, and strong perfumes. If everyday sounds and textures feel unbearably distracting, read on to learn about the signs and symptoms of SPD in adults.

      What medication is used for overstimulation? ›

      Two types of medications are typically used to treat sensory overstimulation: gabapentin and/or benzodiazepines, particularly clonazepam. My doctor says that first generation antihistamines (the ones that make you drowsy) can also be helpful. I take gabapentin and medications from the other two groups.

      Can sensory issues get worse with age? ›

      Can it become worse as one ages? SPD becomes worse with injuries and when with normal aging as the body begins to become less efficient. So, if you always had balance problems and were clumsy, this can become more of a problem in your senior years.

      How do you get rid of overstimulation fast? ›

      If you find yourself feeling overwhelmed or overloaded, try:
      1. Removing yourself from the situation.
      2. Finding a quiet space.
      3. Practicing mindfulness and relaxation exercises, including deep breathing.
      4. Getting good sleep.
      5. Taking care of your daily health with sunshine, movement and good nutrition.
      Dec 1, 2023

      Is there a medicine for sensory overload? ›

      There are no medications that treat sensory overload. However, there are some that may help control the triggers that fuel sensory overload in autistic people.

      How to get rid of sensory issues? ›

      What's the treatment for sensory issues?
      1. Occupational therapy. An occupational therapist can help a child practice or learn to do activities they normally avoid because of sensory issues. ...
      2. Physical therapy. A physical therapist can help develop a sensory diet. ...
      3. Sensory integration therapy. ...
      4. Is treatment covered by insurance?
      Mar 1, 2022

      How do you relieve sensory problems? ›

      Treatment often happens in a place called a “sensory gym.” These gyms have things like swings, weighted vests, ball pits and “squeeze machines” that provide calming pressure. OTs might also do something called brushing. A common routine called the “Wilbarger protocol” involves using a soft brush in a specific way.

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      Author: Carlyn Walter

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      Author information

      Name: Carlyn Walter

      Birthday: 1996-01-03

      Address: Suite 452 40815 Denyse Extensions, Sengermouth, OR 42374

      Phone: +8501809515404

      Job: Manufacturing Technician

      Hobby: Table tennis, Archery, Vacation, Metal detecting, Yo-yoing, Crocheting, Creative writing

      Introduction: My name is Carlyn Walter, I am a lively, glamorous, healthy, clean, powerful, calm, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.