Product Description: 9 Examples of Product Descriptions that Sell - Shopify India (2024)

A product description is the marketing copy that explains what a product is and why it’s worth purchasing. The purpose of a product description is to supply customers with important information about the features and benefits of the product so they’re compelled to buy.

However, entrepreneurs and marketers, even professional copywriters, alike are susceptible to acommon mistake that comes up when writing product descriptions: writing product descriptions that simply describe your products, as a supplement to product photography.

Why is it wrong? Because great product descriptions need to augment your product pages by selling your products to real people, not just acting as back-of-the-box dispensers of information for search engines (though search engine optimization can't be an afterthought, of course).

Let’s have a look at nine simple ways to persuade visitors to your online store with product descriptions that sell.

How to write product descriptions that sell

1. Focus on your ideal buyer

When you write a product description with a huge crowd of buyers in mind, your descriptions become wishy-washy and you end up addressing no one at all.

The best product descriptions address yourtarget audience directly and personally. You ask and answer questions as if you’re having a conversation with them. You choose the words your ideal buyer uses. You use the word you.

This is how Think Geek starts the product description of anLED Flashlight.

🎯 You know what's sucky about regular flashlights? They only come in two colors: white or that yellowish-white that reminds us of the teeth of an avid coffee drinker. What fun is that kind of flashlight? We'll answer that: NO FUN AT ALL. You know what is fun? Using the Multi-Color LED Flashlight to cast a sickly green glow over your face while telling a zombie story around a campfire. No campfire? Make a fake one with the orange light!

When it comes to writing your own product descriptions, start by imagining your ideal buyer. What kind of humor does he or she appreciate (if any)? What words does he use? What words does he hate? Is he okay with words like sucky and crappy? What questions does he ask that you should answer?

Consider how you would speak to your ideal buyer if you were selling your product in store, face-to-face. Now try andincorporatethat language into yourecommerce site so you can have a similar conversation online that resonates more deeply.

2. Entice with benefits

When we sell our own products, we get excited about individual product features and specifications. We live and breathe our company, our website, and our products.

The problem is our potential buyers are not as interested in mundane features and specs. They want to know what’s in it for them—how it will address their biggest pain points. That’s why you need tohighlight the benefitsof each feature.

This is how Method Home describes one of theirhand wash gels.

Product Description: 9 Examples of Product Descriptions that Sell - Shopify India (1)

🎯 Sometimes the scent of seasonal hand wash is all we need to rouse our holiday spirits. Available in an array of festive fragrances, our naturally derived gel hand wash will leave your hands soft, clean and ready to be tucked into a pair of fair isle mittens. It really is the most wonderful time of the year.

Method Home suggests that the benefit of their soap is not just that your hands become soft and clean, but that the soap actually rouses your holiday spirit making the holidays more festive and therefore more enjoyable.

Consider the benefit of each of your features. How does your product make your customers feel happier, healthier, or more productive? Which problems, glitches, and hassle does your product help solve?

Don’t sell just a product, sell an experience.

3. Avoid yeah, yeahphrases

When we’re stuck for words and don’t know what else to add to our product description, we often add something bland like "excellent product quality".

That’s a yeah, yeah phrase. As soon as a potential buyer reads excellent product quality he thinks, yeah, yeah, of course; that’s what everyone says. Ever heard someone describe their product quality as average, not-so-good, or even bad?

You become less persuasive when your potential buyer reads your product description and starts saying yeah, yeah to themselves. To avoid this reaction be as specific as possible.Zappos, for instance, doesn’t describe the quality of a pair of shoes as excellent. Instead they describe each technical detail plus its benefit.

Product Description: 9 Examples of Product Descriptions that Sell - Shopify India (2)

None of the bullet points above mention the quality of the product directly, but each point gives you an impression of quality. Each point also follows an easy pattern of highlighting a feature plus a benefit:

🎯 genuine hand-sewn construction (feature) >> durable comfort (product benefit)

Product details add credibility. Product details sell your product. You can never include too many technical details in your product descriptions. Be specific.

4. Justify using superlatives

Superlatives sound insincere unless you clearly prove why your product is the best, the easiest, or the most advanced.

Amazon explains why the Kindle Paperwhiteis the world’s most advanced e-reader.

Product Description: 9 Examples of Product Descriptions that Sell - Shopify India (3)

The word patented gives the reader the impression that this is something special. Amazon goes on to quote several percentages to show why the Paperwhite has better contrast and brilliant resolution; and it provides a killer benefit: Even in bright sunlight, Paperwhite delivers clear, crisp text and images with no glare.

If your product is really the best, provide specific proof why this is the case. Otherwise, tone your product copy down or quote a customer who says your product is the most wonderful they’ve ever used.

5. Appeal to your readers’ imagination

Scientificresearchhas proven that if people hold a product in their hands, their desire to own it increases.

You’re selling online, so your web visitors can’t hold your products. Large, crystal clear pictures or videos can help, but there’s also a copywriting trick to increase desire: let your reader imagine what it would be like to own your product.

Here’s how Think Geek stirs your imagination with an description of theirgrilling multi tool.

🎯There is a person who is the hero of every BBQ or family cookout and that is the Grill Master. We always looked up to our Mom or Dad as they tended the grill and looked forward to the day when we could be in charge of charring the meatstuff and searing delicious slices of fresh pineapple. Now that we're adults, it's finally our turn and technology has smiled upon us, giving us a tool that is destined to impress.

To practice this copywriting technique start a sentence with the word imagine, and finish your sentence (or paragraph) by explaining how your reader will feel when owning and using your product.

6. Cut through rational barriers with mini-stories

Including mini-stories in your product descriptions lowers rational barriers against persuasion techniques. In other words, we forget we’re being sold to.

Wine sellers like UK-basedLaithwaitesoften include short stories about wine makers.

🎯 The Dauré family own one of the Roussillon's top properties, the Château de Jau. Around the dinner table one Christmas they agreed it was time to spread their wings and look to new wine horizons. The womenfolk (Las Niñas) fancied Chile and won out in the end, achieving their dream when they established an estate in the Apalta Valley of Colchagua. The terroir is excellent and close neighbours of the Chilean star Montes winery.

When it comes to telling a story about your products, ask yourself:

  • Who is making the product?
  • What inspired creating the product?
  • What obstacles did you need to overcome to develop the product?
  • How was the product tested?

7. Seduce with sensory words

Restaurants have known it for a long time:sensory words increase sales, because they engage more brain processing power. Here’s an example of chocolate makerGreen and Black.

Product Description: 9 Examples of Product Descriptions that Sell - Shopify India (4)

Green and Black’s sensory adjectives don’t just refer to taste, but also to sound and touch: crunchy and smooth.

Adjectives are tricky words. Often they don’t add meaning to your sentences, and you’re better off deleting them. However, sensory adjectives are power words because they make your reader experience your copy while reading.

Dazzle your readers with vivid product descriptions. Think about words like velvety, smooth, crisp, and bright.

8. Tempt with social proof

When your web visitors are unsure about which product to purchase, they look for suggestions what to buy. They’re often swayed to buy a product with the highest number of positive reviews. But there are other ways to sneak social proof into your product descriptions.

Online furniture sellerMade.comhints at the popularity of a product:

Product Description: 9 Examples of Product Descriptions that Sell - Shopify India (5)

Including an image of a person adds credibility to a quote; it also makes an online company more personal and approachable encouraging customers to call to get answers to their queries.

The above quote carries extra impact because it describes the product as popular. The popularity claim is further supported with a cutting from the press and the phrase press favorite.

Most buyers are attracted to buying something that's popular. When it comes to your ecommerce website, highlight the products that are customer favorites.

9. Make your description scannable

Is your web design encouraging web visitors to read your product descriptions?

Here’s a great example of product description fromInnocent Drinks.

Product Description: 9 Examples of Product Descriptions that Sell - Shopify India (6)

Packaging your product descriptions with a clear, scannable design makes them easier to read and more appealing to potential customers.

Here's some areas to focus on when designing yours:

  • Entice your web visitor with headlines;
  • Use easy-to-scan bullet points;
  • Include plenty of white space;
  • Increase your font size to promote readability;

Acompelling product description will always pay you back

Share your knowledge about your product. Tell stories and explain even the tiniest details. Make an effort not to be boring and instead delight your web visitors with seductive descriptions. Most of all, write with enthusiasm because your passion for your products is contagious.

Illustration by Eugenia Mello

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Product description FAQs

What is a product page description?

A product page description is a type of marketing copy that describes your product in detail. It typically includes the product features and benefits, highlighting why a visitor should consider making a purchase. A good product description also includes specifications like shape, size, dimensions and other relevant parameters that can help the online shopper visualise the product better.

How long should a product description be?

There is no set rule to how long a product description should be. The important thing is to be able to include as much information as possible to help an online shopper make an informed purchase. At the same time, you need to ensure that your product description is easy to read through and understand. So the formatting matters as well.

Do product descriptions help with SEO?

Yes, your product descriptions help with SEO. If you strategically use keywords that describe the product or how a consumer searches for it, the search crawlers will make sure your page ranks better. But you should never overdo keywords. Readability and information matters more.

Which element is most important when describing your product?

A focus on the benefits of the product, emotional connection with the consumer and a persuasive language are important when describing a product. Taking a consumer-first approach is the best way to write a good product description.

Product Description: 9 Examples of Product Descriptions that Sell - Shopify India (2024)


What is product description and example? ›

A product description is a form of marketing copy used to describe and explain the benefits of your product. In other words, it provides all the information and details of your product on your ecommerce site. These product details can be one sentence, a short paragraph or bulleted. They can be serious, funny or quirky.

What are descriptive words that help sell the product give examples? ›

15 selling words for marketers
  • Now. "Now" means at the present time or moment. ...
  • Amazing. "Amazing" describes something that causes great surprise or wonder. ...
  • Fix. The word "fix" refers to mending or repairing something. ...
  • Save. ...
  • Simple. ...
  • Exclusive. ...
  • Money-back. ...
  • State-of-the-art.
Feb 3, 2023

How to write a description example? ›

How to write product descriptions
  1. Learn about your customers.
  2. Make benefits shine.
  3. Use casual language and tone.
  4. Add some humor.
  5. Use sensory words.
  6. Tell a story.
  7. Add visuals.
  8. Make descriptions scannable.
Apr 22, 2024

What is the brief description of Shopify? ›

Shopify is a user-friendly e-commerce platform that helps small businesses build an online store and sell online through one streamlined dashboard. Shopify merchants can build a modern online store and sell on social media sites, seller marketplaces, other blogs and websites and via email, text and chat.

What to say to sell a product example? ›

How to make a great sales pitch
  • #1 Be clear and concise. ...
  • #2 Identify and address your target audience. ...
  • #3 Identify a problem they face, and explain how your product can help solve it. ...
  • #4 Give a practical example of your solution. ...
  • #5 Root your pitch in facts and data, and don't forget the CTA!

What is an example of the description? ›

: a statement that tells you how something or someone looks, sounds, etc. : words that describe something or someone. [count] Reporters called the scene “a disaster area,” and I think that was an accurate description. I applied for the position after reading the job description.

How to write a product and service description? ›

How to describe products and services
  1. Identify your target customers. ...
  2. Relate to your audience. ...
  3. Determine your format. ...
  4. Be specific. ...
  5. Focus on benefits. ...
  6. Incorporate quantifiable evidence. ...
  7. Tell stories. ...
  8. Engage your customers' imaginations.
Aug 15, 2022

How do you write a Product Description in a business plan example? ›

Engage the reader. Your product description section should highlight your product's most important information. You can make it better stand out by using numbered lists and bullets. Ensure that your product description is easy to understand.

How to start a product description? ›

A good product description starts with an attention-grabbing product title, followed by a brief paragraph telling a story about a product's value. Next, include a bulleted list of product features and details for easy scanning. Add customer reviews for credibility, and finish with a compelling call to action.

What words to describe a product? ›

Choosing descriptive words that create positive mental pictures for customers can increase perceived value and make them more inclined to buy. Using words that tap into the senses such as “refreshing”, “crisp”, “luxurious” or “hearty” help customers visualize enjoying your product.

How to sell a product with an example? ›

What are some techniques for selling?
  1. Completely understand the product you're selling.
  2. Know your market and who will buy your product.
  3. Position the product as a solution to a problem or make something easier.
  4. Make your customer comfortable with you as a seller.
  5. Show first, then sell.
  6. Don't talk down to your audience.

What is a product description with an example? ›

Product descriptions usually contain a rundown of a product's features, key attributes, and benefits. By the time a website visitor finishes reading a product description, they should know exactly what problem the item is meant to solve and how it does so.

What is a good sentence for description? ›

Examples from Collins dictionaries

He has a real gift for vivid description. Events of this description occurred daily. His face is weary beyond description. We were in a disaster situation that defies description.

What are 3 examples of descriptive sentences? ›

Descriptive Writing Examples
  • "I couldn't hear my own screaming thoughts. ...
  • "He felt the bark of the tree, smooth as though it almost wasn't there, and leaned in to feel the temperature. ...
  • "She ran her hand through his moppy hair.
Sep 17, 2015

How do you write a product feature description? ›

How do you write a good product description?
  1. Answer important questions before writing. ...
  2. Know your audience. ...
  3. Focus on benefits and features. ...
  4. Use storytelling. ...
  5. Make it easy to read - Use bullet points. ...
  6. Think about SEO - optimise with keywords. ...
  7. Use photos and video.

How do I add a description to my Shopify page? ›

From your Shopify admin, go to Online Store > Pages. Click Add page. Do any of the following: To generate a page title, in the Title field, click the Generate text icon, and then write a description of what the page is about.

How do I show short description on Shopify? ›

How to Add a Short Description to Shopify Product Page?
  1. Step 1: Add code to Product Description. - Go to “Products” in your Shopify admin and open the product you want to split its description. ...
  2. Step 2: Arrange the split descriptions. - Navigate to “Online Store > Themes > Customize” ...
  3. Step 3: Save & Publish.
Oct 16, 2023

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Author: Dr. Pierre Goyette

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Author information

Name: Dr. Pierre Goyette

Birthday: 1998-01-29

Address: Apt. 611 3357 Yong Plain, West Audra, IL 70053

Phone: +5819954278378

Job: Construction Director

Hobby: Embroidery, Creative writing, Shopping, Driving, Stand-up comedy, Coffee roasting, Scrapbooking

Introduction: My name is Dr. Pierre Goyette, I am a enchanting, powerful, jolly, rich, graceful, colorful, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.