Florida Medicaid Eligibility Information (2024)

What is the Medicaid look-back period and the penalty period?

In Florida, Medicaid eligibility for long-term nursing home care is based on the assets and income of the Medicaid applicant, as well as the assets and income of the Medicaid applicant’s spouse. If the Medicaid applicant or spouse has excess assets, many legal steps may be available to allow the applicant to become Medicaid-eligible without spending all funds on the nursing home!

Call our Florida elder law attorneys for a consultation. With our help, you may be able to preserve assets and save thousands of your hard-earned dollars.

CAUTION:Medicaid eligibility criteria for nursing home long-term care are complex and change frequently. An improperly filed application may result in denial of benefits.Consult with The Karp Law Firm. OurFlorida elder law attorneys areknowledgeable in Medicaid law and the legal implications of transfers.

Here’s a brief summary of Medicaid eligibility requirements for long-term nursing home care.


The Medicaid applicant must be a citizen or resident alien of the U.S., and must have medical needs requiring nursing home placement, or must be physically or cognitively impaired to the degree that nursing home placement is required.


  • Medicaid Applicant:

The Medicaid applicant’s gross monthly income cannot exceed $2,829 (effective Jan. 1, 2024). If the applicant’s income exceeds that level, a qualified income trust, composed solely of the applicant’s income, may be established in order to qualify for eligibility.

  • Medicaid Applicant’s Well Spouse (“Community Spouse”):

There is no limit on the well spouse’s gross monthly income. If the well spouse’s gross monthly income is below $2,465.00 (effective July 1, 2023), a portion of the applicant’s income may be diverted to the well spouse. This portion is known as the Minimum Monthly Maintenance Needs Allowance. Under certain circ*mstances, this diversion can bring the spouse’s income higher than the Monthly Maintenance Needs Allowance.


  • Medicaid Applicant:

The Medicaid applicant cannot own countable assets in excess of $2,000.00, in addition to exempt and countable assets.

  • Medicaid Applicant’s Well Spouse (“Community Spouse”):

The Medicaid applicant’s well spouse may retain up to $154,140 (effective Jan. 1, 2024) in assets plus exempt, non-available, and income-producing assets.

Florida Medicaid Eligibility Information (1)


  • Countable Assets:

Medicaid considers countable assetsto be available to the applicant and/or spouse, and thereforecountable assets are considered for Medicaid eligibility purposes.

  • Non-Available Assets:

These are assets that the applicant or community spouse cannot access or cannot readily liquidate. They are not counted for determining Medicaid eligibility. An asset may also be considered non-available if it produces income but cannot be readily liquidated. An example would be income-producing rental property. The Florida Medicaid recovery lien will attach to a non-available asset at the death of the beneficiary, if the asset is in the beneficiary’s name only or is subject to probate.

  • Exempt Assets:

Exempt assets are not counted in determining Medicaid eligibility. Medicaid considers the following to be exempt assets when assessing an individual’s application for long-term care Medicaid benefits:

Homestead:Medicaid considers the homestead to be an exempt asset; however, applicants with equity interest in their home in excess of $713,000 (effective January 1, 2024) are not eligible for long-term care benefits, even though those applicants may qualify for Medicaid benefits other than nursing facility or other long-term care services.

Home equity is calculated using the current market value of the home, minus any debt. The current market value is the amount for which it can reasonably be expected to sell on the open market in its geographic area. If a home is held in any form of shared ownership, Medicaid considers only the fractional interest of the applicant requesting long-term care Medicaid benefits.

Exceptions to Home Equity Policy:Medicaid’s home equity policy does not apply if any of the following are residing in the applicant’s home:The Medicaid applicant’s spouse,the Medicaid applicant’s child under age 21, the Medicaid applicant’s blind or disabled child of any age.

The home equity policy may be waived by Medicaid when denial of long-term care eligibility would result in demonstrated hardship to the individual.

Motor Vehicle:Medicaid considers one motor vehicleto be an exempt asset, regardless of the vehicle’s age or type. Medicaid also considers exempta second vehicle over 7 years old, except for certain luxury and antique cars or customized vehicles (except for use by person with a physical disability.)

Personal Property:Personal property is considered an exempt asset for Medicaid eligibility purposes,except for certain valuable art/jewelry.

Life Insurance:

Life Insurance Owned by the Medicaid Applicant:When assessing an applicant’s qualifications to receive Medicaid benefits for long-term nursing care, Medicaid considers exempt the total combined face value of all life insurance policies owned by the applicant, up to $2,500.00. Term policies are exempt.

Life Insurance Owned by the Well Spouse:When assessing an applicant’s qualifications to receive Medicaid benefits for long-term nursing care, Medicaid considers exempt the total combined face value of all life insurance policies owned by the well spouse, up to $2,500.00. Term policies are exempt.

Burial Plans:

For the Medicaid Applicant:Plans up to $2,500.00 or an irrevocable plan in any amount.

For the Well Spouse:Plans up to $2,500.00 or an irrevocable plan in any amount.

IRAs, 401ks, 403bs

These are qualified plans and are considered “hybrids” under Medicaid laws because they can be treated as either assets or income.Medicaid considers the following to be exempt assets when assessing an individual’s application for long-term care Medicaid benefits.

Income:Generally, if the applicant or spouse draws from the qualified plan on a monthly basis in an amortized fashion using the Social Security Administration tables for longevity rather than the IRS minimum withdrawal tables, the plans can be treated as income.

Assets:If the qualified plan is not being drawn from as income, it is considered an asset.


Under certain circ*mstances, the Medicaid applicant and/or spouse may transfer assets to others to help establish Medicaid eligibility. Below are current guidelines Medicaid uses when examining transfers and determining if a penalty period is applied.

Interspousal Transfers

Transfers between a husband and wife are exempt. However, under certain circ*mstances, the Medicaid applicant and/or spouse may transfer assets to others to help establish Medicaid eligibility.

Transfers To Others

An uncompensated transfer is one for which nothing had been received in return. For example, if an applicant or applicant’s spouse gives $10,000 to a child. An under-compensated transfer is one in which less than fair market value is received in return for the gift. For example, “selling” your house to a grandchild for $1.

Medicaid carefully examines uncompensated and under-compensated transfers to others. Medicaid may impose a penalty period as a result of such transfers. During the penalty period, the applicant will not be eligible to receive benefits.

Look-Back Period

All transfers made by the applicant or the applicant’s spouse, whether from an individual or to an individual, or from a trust or to a trust, have a five year look-back period.

The look-back period and the penalty period resulting from transfers begins on the later of the following dates:

  • The date the individual would otherwise meet all other eligibility requirements, except for the transfer.
  • The first day of the month in which the individual transferred the asset.
  • The first day following the end of an existing penalty period.

Penalty Period

All uncompensated and under-compensated transfers, including those within the applicable look-back period, are aggregated to determine the penalty period, which begins to run when the applicant is otherwise eligible for Medicaid nursing home benefits. The total value of these transfers is divided by a penalty divisor, which is the average monthly nursing home cost. As of July 1, 2022, the penalty divisor is $10,809.00 (this figure may be revised annually).

Example of How Penalty Period Is Calculated

Diane transferred $10,809 to her son in December 2021 and $10,809 to her daughter in January 2022. She then applies for Medicaid in September 2023. She meets all eligibility requirements except for the uncompensated transfers she has made. The penalty period begins to run at that point. Medicaid would deem her ineligible for benefits for the next 2 months (sum of $10,809 and $10,809, divided by $10,809 per month exemption = 2 months). She will be eligible for Medicaid benefits, assuming she still meets all other criteria, in November 2023. She must pay out-of-pocket for nursing home expense out of pocket until that date.

In the event that an applicant and his other family face a situation where gifting is going to create a delay in Medicaid eligibility, or if Medicaid has been denied and the delay of eligibility has been determined by the Department of Children and Family Services, legal steps may be taken to eliminate or reduce the period of ineligibility. Contact our Florida elder law attorneys.


Florida Medicaid Eligibility Information (2)If the annuity was purchased on or after November 1, 2007, or if other transactions that change the course of an annuity payment or treatment of income or principal have been made on or after November 1, 2007, Florida law requires that the State be named as the irrevocable remainder beneficiary either at the time of Medicaid benefits approval, or upon re-certification.

Also, the State must be named as a remainder beneficiary in the first position for the total amount of Medicaid assistance paid by the State on the applicant’s behalf. If the applicant has a spouse, minor child or disabled child, the State must be named as the remainder beneficiary either in the first position, or the second position after the spouse, minor child or disabled child.

A final word: Annuities have become extremely complicated with regard to Medicaid eligibility. Before you purchase an annuity, talk with our elder law attorneys who will review your situation and advise you about the best course of action.

Contact our attorneys today.

Learn More About our Long-Term Care, Medicaid Benefits, and Veteran Benefits Law Practice:

  • Florida Medicaid Planning, Veterans Benefits for Long-Term Nursing Home Care
  • Medicaid Asset Protection Trust
  • Qualified Income Trust
  • Documents Required to Apply for Florida Medicaid Benefits
  • Veterans Benefits for Long-Term Care

Client Review

I first met with Joe Karp about 10 years ago to create a Family Trust for the benefit of my father in law and did some Medicaid planning in anticipation of my father in law’s future needs. My father in law was 87 at the time. Fast forward 10 years, my father in law was recently transferred to a nursing home and shortly after he was admitted we applied for Medicaid for him. Within a month he was approved. The process for applying could have been a paperwork nightmare but with the help of his expert staff it was as simple a process as possible. This took what could have been a financial as well as a paperwork nightmare and became a smart decision that we made 10 years ago with Joe’s expert guidance.

5 Star Review – Stan

Florida Medicaid Eligibility Information (2024)


How does Florida determine Medicaid eligibility? ›

Florida's Medicaid/CHIP eligibility standards (including a built-in 5% income disregard) are as follows: Children up to 1-year-old: 211% of the federal poverty level (FPL) Children ages 1-18: 138% of FPL.

What documentation is required for Medicaid in Florida? ›

Since Medicaid eligibility is income-based, you will need to provide documents that demonstrate your income and financial resources. This can include recent pay stubs, W-2 forms, tax returns, bank statements, benefit award letters, and any other relevant income documentation.

Why am I not eligible for Medicaid in Florida? ›

To be eligible for Florida Medicaid, you must be a resident of the state of Florida, a U.S. national, citizen, permanent resident, or legal alien, in need of health care/insurance assistance, whose financial situation would be characterized as low income or very low income.

How do I verify providers for Medicaid eligibility in Florida? ›

Methods to Verify Eligibility

Providers may call Provider Services at 1-844-477-8313. Providers are asked to supply the member's name and date of birth or the member's Medicaid identification number and date of birth.

Does Medicaid check your bank account in Florida? ›

Does Medicaid Check Bank Accounts? This one has an easy answer – yes. You will need to provide a variety of documents to verify the information you provide on your Medicaid application, and that is sure to include checking and savings accounts.

How long does it take to get approved for Medicaid in Florida? ›

Once all the information needed to make a determination is available, the Department will make a decision on eligibility within 45 days. The Department will review your application to determine if you are eligible for Medicaid and the level of Medicaid coverage you are eligible to receive.

Does Florida Medicaid look at assets? ›

Countable assets are counted towards the income limit and include cash, stocks, bonds, investments, bank accounts (credit union, savings, and checking), and real estate in which one does not reside. There are also many assets that Medicaid considers to be exempt (non-countable).

What is considered income for Florida Medicaid? ›

Florida is an "Income Cap" state. This means that if a person's gross income is over $2,199 per month, then that person is ineligible for ICP Medicaid benefits. The Agency only looks at the Applicant's income, not the Applicant Spouse's income, if married. Note that it is the GROSS income that is considered.

How much assets can you have to qualify for Medicaid in Florida? ›

Florida does not allow an applicant to own countable assets worth more than $2,000. However, if the person's income is under $856 a month, then the person cannot own assets more than $5,000.00. The Well Spouse can retain up to $148,620.00 (Jan 2023) in individual or joint assets in addition to exempt assets.

Why was i denied Medicaid in Florida? ›

Excessive Income and Assets: Long-term care applicants might exceed Medicaid's financial thresholds, leading to denials. Careful asset management is key. Incomplete Disclosure of Assets: All assets, including those easily overlooked, must be fully disclosed. Incomplete disclosure can trigger a denial.

What is the 5 year rule for Medicaid in Florida? ›

It also establishes ways of recovering funds that may have been improperly paid out to recipients who actually could afford long-term care. Simply put, if you live in Florida, Medicaid will “look back” at all asset transfers made for the 5 years preceding your application.

Is Florida getting rid of Medicaid? ›

As a result of federal legislative changes in the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2023, the continuous coverage provision will end on March 31, 2023. Once the continuous coverage ends, some Medicaid recipients may no longer be enrolled in Medicaid.

Why is verifying a patients Medicaid eligibility so important? ›

It is vital to verify a patient's insurance before being admitted to any hospital, clinic, or medical facility to avoid claim rejection. However, filing for claim rejection is a nuisance and consumes time and resources. Instead, verify that the written patient information is accurate and current.

What is the system used to check Medicaid eligibility called? ›

MAGI is used to determine financial eligibility for Medicaid, CHIP, and premium tax credits and cost sharing reductions available through the health insurance marketplace.

Does Florida Medicaid require prior authorization? ›

Prior approval is required for all services by a provider who is not in the Sunshine Health network. The only exception is for emergency care. Emergency room or urgent care visits do not require prior authorization.

What is the income limit to qualify for Medicaid in Florida? ›

Household Family Size
Household Family SizeGross Income Limit
4 more rows
Jan 1, 2024

What is the highest income to qualify for Florida Medicaid? ›

The income threshold changes every January 1st. As of January 1, 2024, the LTC Medicaid Income Cap in Florida is: $2,829.00 per month. All sources of income are added up together (i.e. Social Security, IRA / 401k / 403b distributions, annuity payments, pensions, rental income, etc...).

Does Social Security count as income for Medicaid in Florida? ›

Automatic Entitlement to Medicaid Coverage

An individual receiving cash benefits from the Social Security Administration's (SSA), SSI Program is automatically eligible for Medicaid.

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