Enhancing Your Clinical Skills in Caring for LGBTQ Patients (2024)

LGBTQ+ people face many barriers within health care, including discrimination, ignorance, and fear. The lack of informed care, sensitive language, research, and data prevents access to competent routine care and screening. LGBTQ+ health is emerging as a national concern due to the growing body of evidence indicating significant health care disparities experienced by the LGBTQ+ community.

In 2014, the Institute of Medicine (IOM) and The Joint Commission have published reports underscoring the need to address inequalities of care for the LGBTQ+ population. These landmark documents have recognized that LGBTQ+ health requires specific attention from health care and public health professionals. The more informed social service and health professionals are, the more comfortable LGBTQ+ clients will be within a setting that can be alienating.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Using The Joint Commission Field Guide, Advancing Effective Communication, Cultural Competency and Patient and Family-Centered Care for the LGBTQ+ Community, participants will be able to identify and address challenges to providing quality health care to LGBTQ+ clients in the health care setting.
  2. Participants will learn strategies and skills to enhance clinical screening, assessment, and interventions with LGBTQ+ clients.
  3. Through case examples and practice, participants will be able to apply these principles in their daily practice.
  4. Participants will identify community resources available for LGBTQ+ clients.

Why It Is important to Have a Training on Providing Care for LGBTQ+ Clients

Healthcare providers bring their own biases about sexual orientation and gender to their work, even when they don’t realize it. It’s important to consider what kind of biases we all carry with us while providing care to this community.

Many LGBTQ+ people, especially transgender people, avoid seeking both preventative care and care for urgent or life-threatening conditions. This is because it has been their experience that very few healthcare providers have supportive and sensitive services for the LGBTQ+ population.

Creating a Welcoming Environment for LGBTQ+ Clients

LGBTQ+ patients enter the environment and immediately ask themselves, “Will I be accepted here? Is this a place where I will feel comfortable? Does anyone here look like me? Are there materials available here for my community?”

We, as healthcare workers, can:

  1. Establish trust and rapport with patients. Even when workers know how to ask questions about sexual behavior, identity and attraction, they may not feel comfortable doing so. In this situation, their discomfort may be communicated to LGBTQ+ patients.
  2. Normalize and validate – ask the questions as you would to any patient.
  3. Ask open-ended questions – “Tell me about yourself? Are you involved in a relationship?” Do not assume anything about the relationship, the partner, or the sexual behavior. Don’t assume you know anything about their sexual behavior based on how they identify or with whom they are partnered. Let the information that emerges guide the rest of your interview.
  4. Be aware of issues particular to, or different for, the LGBTQ+ population:
    • Coming out
    • Having children—reproduction or adoption
    • Parenting and creating families
    • Adolescence
    • Aging
    • Legal rights as parents and partners

Breaking Down the Terms

It is important to think along a continuum, when considering sex, gender, gender identity, and sexual orientation, rather than binary categories.

  • Sex (assigned sex at birth): The sex (male or female) assigned to a child at birth, most often based on the child’s external anatomy. Also referred to as birth sex, natal sex, biological sex, or sex.
  • Gender - definitions include:
    • Gender Expression describes the ways (e.g., feminine, masculine, androgynous) in which a person communicates their gender to the world through their clothing, speech, behavior, etc. Gender expression is fluid and is separate from assigned sex at birth or gender identity.
    • Gender Identity describes a person’s inner sense of being a boy/man/male, girl/woman/female, another gender, or no gender. Gender identity is determined by the individual, so you need to ask how one identifies. It is not apparent on the outside.
  • For transgender people, their assigned gender and bodies do not match their gender identity.
    • Transgender: Describes a person whose gender identity and assigned sex at birth do not correspond. Also used as an umbrella term to include gender identities outside of male and female. Sometimes abbreviated as trans.
    • "Trans woman/transgender woman/male-to-female (MTF)" refers to someone who was assigned male at birth and lives and/or identifies as a woman. Some will just use the term woman.
    • "Trans man/transgender man/female-to-male (FTM)" refers to someone who was assigned female at birth and lives and/or identifies as a man. Some will just use the term man.
  • Ask patients about the pronouns they use. If someone identifies as a trans man, they may use masculine pronouns; if someone identifies as a transwoman, they may use feminine pronouns.
  • If you need to ask body-related questions, explain why you need the information, so the person doesn’t think you are just curious. You cannot assume a transgender person’s sexual orientation; again, you must ask to know.
  • Cisgender: Refers to people whose gender identity and gender expression correspond with the sex they were assigned at birth.
  • Gender non-conforming: Describes a gender expression that differs from a given society’s norms for males and females.
  • Gender-neutral pronouns: Examples include "ze/hir/hirs" or "they/them/theirs". Let patients decide on their own pronoun and do not question its grammatical correctness.
  • Gender transition: Many different ways exist – medically (hormones, surgery), legally (name, pronoun). Do not assume that "transitioning" means medically – ask. If the name that the patient gives does not match the one on the ID, know that this is a scary issue for transgender people and ask with sensitivity.
  • Sexual orientation: This refers to whom you are attracted. This is different from gender or gender identity. You cannot assume one’s sexual orientation – you have to ask to know.
  • Lesbian – A sexual orientation that describes a woman who is emotionally and sexually attracted to other women.
  • Bisexual – A sexual orientation that describes a person who is emotionally and sexually attracted to people of their own gender and people of other genders.
  • Gay – A sexual orientation that describes a person who is emotionally and sexually attracted to people of their own gender. It can be used regardless of gender identity, but is more commonly used to describe men.

Understanding the Barriers

LGBTQ+ Health Disparities

Transgender and LGBTQ+ people experience more fears and concerns about accessing health care across the board.

Common barriers LGBTQ+ people experience accessing healthcare:

  • LGBTQ+ individuals are less likely to have health insurance than their heterosexual counterparts. [1]
    • Insurance plan language may exclude coverage for routine care and for transition-related care (hormones, surgery often not covered)
    • Insurance plan may have a narrow definition of families, and not include “chosen” family of LGBTQ+ people.
  • Previous negative experiences in healthcare settings candiscourage LGBTQ+ individuals from obtaining medical care.
  • Lack of provider information and knowledge about LGBTQ+ health needs and risks prevent LGBTQ+ individuals from receiving proper medical care.
  • A lack of LGBTQ+-specific research, policies and procedures can hinder proper medical care and treatment.
  • LGBTQ+ individuals may experience multiple stigmas, including race, class, ability, geographic location, and immigrant status. For example, studies show reduced access among LGBTQ+ people of color.

Health issues that affect the LGBTQ+ community:

The following are health issues that the LGBTQ+ community faces frequently and what we as healthcare workers should pay attention to. Since LGBTQ+ people facing discrimination in healthcare are less likely to come in for care, these issues may be especially pressing and we would want to pay attention to them. Due to perceived discrimination in healthcare, LGBTQ+ patients are less likely to access healthcare consistently.

Therefore, the LGBTQ+ community when presenting for care may be at higher risk for the following health issues or may present with more acute or severe manifestations: [2],[3]

  • Smoking, alcohol, and substance abuse. [4]
  • Mental health illnesses, such as anxiety and depression.
  • Sexual and reproductive health.
  • Eating disorders, obesity.
  • Cardiovascular health.
  • Higher rates of sexually transmitted diseases.
  • Increased risk of cancer, due to decreased screenings. [5]
  • Limited evidence-based research on hormones. [6]
  • Intimate Partner Violence (IPV)
    • Do not assume there is less IPV in the LGBTQ+ community. What is unique to LGBTQ+ IPV is that abusers may threaten to “out” partner to family, employer, etc. Also, there are fewer sources of support – LGBTQ+ people may not want to be in a support group with heterosexual IPV victims. As a result, IPV is underreported in the LGBTQ+ community. [7]

LGBTQ+ Needs Across the Life Span

Special considerations for LGBTQ+ youth: [8]

  • Increased risk for suicide and depression.
  • Increased smoking, alcohol and substance use.
  • A huge percentage of homeless youth in NYC are LGBTQ+ because they have been kicked out of their homes. [9]
  • Higher levels of violence, victimization and harassment (including bullying in school). [10]

Special considerations for LGBTQ+ older adults: [11],[12]

  • Stigma, discrimination and violence, isolation, and lack of family support can affect all LGBTQ+ people, but older adults, in particular, may have a more limited support system. They are subject to the rules and attitudes of nursing homes, assisted living facilities, where they may experience hom*ophobia/transphobia.
  • There may be Social Security and pension plan exclusions. For example, they may be unable to go on a spouse’s plan if their relationship is not legally recognized.
  • Although recently passed federal regulation seeks to insure nondiscrimination for hospital visitation rights, this may still be a concern at some hospitals.
  • Community programs and resources which are specific to the needs of LGBTQ+ older adults may be limited.

Transgender Health


  • 48% of transgender adults have delayed or avoided medical care, compared to 29% LGB adults and 17% heterosexual adults. [13]
  • 41% of transgender adults can’t change their gender on their ID’s (Rules vary by state; in NY state, need physician letter stating you have had gender re-assignment surgery), 57% Transgender people were rejected by their families, 19% have experienced homelessness, 19% have been refused medical care, 47% have attempted suicide. [14]
  • Transgender adults experience significantly higher rates of healthcare providers being unaware of their health needs, refusing to provide care, providing worse care, or treating them poorly during provision of care than LGB adults. [15]

Barriers to healthcare trans people encounter: [16]

  • Denial of healthcare.
  • Lack of informed care.
  • Lack of insurance coverage for medically necessary gender-related care. For example, a transman needing gynecological care may be denied by the health insurance.
  • Sex segregated services, like homeless shelters, are based on gender.
  • Inappropriate name or pronoun use. If this occurs, it is important to acknowledge mistakes and apologize.
  • When asking questions about genitalia or transgender status, explain why you need the information, so it is clear you are not just curious. If you don’t need information about genitalia or transgender status in order to provide care, refrain from asking.
  • If intake forms do not always allow for proper taking of information or if questions are offensive, this creates a barrier.
  • Confidentiality/Privacy are not always respected. You may be the only person in the setting to whom the patient reveals his/her transgender status. Be careful how you treat this information. Ask the patient how they want the information to be treated. For example, information to be put in the computer system or not, or revealed to the physician or not.
  • In sum, it is very important to provide sensitive care, so that LGBTQ+ people will feel comfortable and not be denied, or turn away from, care and treatment.

Integrating Strategies

  • Look around at the environment. Try to imagine what it will be like for an LGBTQ+ person to come in the door and use the facility, including the restroom facilities.
  • Think about what LGBTQ+ people might have already experienced out on the street, such as violence or discrimination, on their way to the hospital.
  • Take a look at the healthcare brochures available in your setting to see if they seem inclusive for LGBTQ+ people. If not, you can acknowledge that the information is not inclusive and say, “But here are the parts of it that I think are relevant to you.” Just being aware of this and acknowledging it will make someone more comfortable.
    • Callen-Lorde Community Health Center, a primary health care center in New York City dedicated to meeting the health care needs of the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBTQ+) communities and people living with HIV/AIDS has helpful resources available.
    • Rainbow stickers go a long way to make LGBTQ+ people comfortable in a healthcare environment. For example, employees should feel comfortable exhibiting rainbow stickers at their work station.

Useful Guides for Health Professionals:


  • LGBTQ+ patients and their will feel most comfortable when written and posted policies regarding discrimination, diversity and non-harassment specifically include LGBTQ+ people. Health professionals should know the policies of the hospital, in case they are asked.

Registration forms:

  • Callen-Lorde has good examples of how LGBTQ+ needs can be integrated into medical forms:
    • Ask for legal names and chosen names, partner information, sex assigned at birth, gender identity, sexual orientation, gender as listed in health insurance claim, and say why the information is needed. This is important because LGBTQ+ people may be afraid to provide this information.

Asking Questions:

  • Be sure to use sensitive language when asking relevant questions. Ask necessary questions using sensitive language:
    • “What gender pronoun would you like me to use?”
    • "How do you define/identify your gender?”
    • “What are the words you use to describe your body parts?”
  • You have to ask everyone, not just patients who think “might” be LGBTQ+, otherwise this could be offensive.
  • Ask open-ended questions:
    • “Are you in a relationship? – Tell me about it,” rather than, “Are you married?” or “Do you have a girlfriend/boyfriend?”
  • When talking with patients, do not assume a patient calls himself “gay”. Everyone has their own terms – ask! Use the language they use, including pronouns. Be respectful and empathic. If you are not sure what terminology to use, ask the patient.


  • Be sensitive to pronoun usage. Only document information that is relevant to patient care.


Mr. Levitt ended his presentation with a discussion of several case examples that can occur in a hospital setting.

  • How we can manage differences in the name patients identify versus their birth name, as well as pronoun usage, with our colleagues was addressed. How this is routinely addressed in other health care settings was discussed.
  • Assessment questions that we can routinely be asking in order to obtain more information were explored.
  • How cultural difference/norms impact LGBTQ+ terminology and our language as clinicians was discussed.

Updated: 3/24/2020


Nathan Levitt, MSN, FNP-BC
NP Administrator, Gender Affirming Surgery Program
NYU Langone Health

Kathryn Klingenstein, LCSW
Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Private Practice
formerly Department of Social Work Programs, HSS

Emily Reiss, LCSW
UC San Diego Health
formerly Department of Social Work Programs, HSS

    Other resources

    • Diversity and Inclusion
    • Social Work Staff Development Presentations

    Speaker Bio
    Nathan Levitt works as a Registered Nurse on the Oncology Unit at Maimonides Medical Center and as the Community Education Nurse at Callen-Lorde Community Health Center. Nathan has worked as a community organizer, researcher, consultant, trainer, and health educator with international and national organizations for 15 years and currently provides trainings on lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender health for hospitals and health centers.

    LGBT Health Resources


    1. Movement Advancement Project (MAP). (2011). LGBT Families: Facts at a Glance.
    2. Gay and Lesbian Medical Association (GLMA). (2001). Healthy People 2010: Companion Document for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) Health.
    3.Ard KL., Makadon HJ. (2012). Improving the health care of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people: Understanding and eliminating health disparities. The National LGBT Health Education Center. The Fenway Institute.
    4. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) Center for Substance Abuse Prevention. (2012). Top Health Issues for LGBT Populations Information & Resource Kit.
    5. The National LGBT Cancer Network. (2014). The LGBT Community’s Disproportionate Cancer Burden.
    6. University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) Center of Excellence for Transgender Health.
    7. National Coalition of Anti-Violence Programs (NCAVP). (2013). Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer and HIV-Affected Intimate Partner Violence In 2012.
    8. Human Rights Campaign (HRC). (2013). Growing up LGBT in America: HRC Youth Survey Report Key Findings.
    9. Lambda Legal , National Alliance to End Homelessness, National Network For Youth (NN4Y) and National Center for Lesbian Rights (NCLR). (2009). National Recommended Best Practices for Serving LGBT Homeless Youth
    10. Kosciw JG. (2004). The 2003 National School Climate Survey: The school-related experiences of our nation’s lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender youth. The Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network (GLSEN).
    11. Services and Advocacy for Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual & Transgender Elders (SAGE). (September 2010). LGBT Older Adults: Facts at a Glance.
    12.National Resource Center on LGBT Aging. (2013).
    13. Krehely, J. (2009) How to close the LGBT health disparities gap. Center for American Progress.
    14. Grant, JM., Mottet, LA.,Tanis, J., Harrison, J., Herman, JL., & Keisling, K. (2011) Injustice at every turn: A report of the National Transgender Discrimination Survey. National Center for Transgender Equality and National Gay and Lesbian Task Force.
    15,16. Lambda Legal. (2010). When Health Care Isn’t Caring: Lambda Legal’s Survey On Discrimination Against LGBT People and People Living with HIV.

    Success Stories


    Enhancing Your Clinical Skills in Caring for LGBTQ Patients (2024)


    Enhancing Your Clinical Skills in Caring for LGBTQ Patients? ›

    Provide a welcoming environment

    Simple ways to create an inclusive office environment include: Display brochures and educational materials about LGBTQ health concerns. Visibly post a nondiscrimination statement (PDF). Display posters from nonprofit LGBTQ or HIV/AIDS organizations.

    How to provide care for LGBTQ patients? ›

    Creating a Welcoming Environment for LGBTQ+ Clients
    1. Establish trust and rapport with patients. ...
    2. Normalize and validate – ask the questions as you would to any patient.
    3. Ask open-ended questions – “Tell me about yourself? ...
    4. Be aware of issues particular to, or different for, the LGBTQ+ population:
    Mar 24, 2020

    How to make healthcare more inclusive for LGBTQ? ›

    Provide a welcoming environment

    Simple ways to create an inclusive office environment include: Display brochures and educational materials about LGBTQ health concerns. Visibly post a nondiscrimination statement (PDF). Display posters from nonprofit LGBTQ or HIV/AIDS organizations.

    How can nurses advocate for LGBTQ patients? ›

    In addition to making the physical environment, you should educate yourself on LGBTQ+ terminology. Allow patients to tell you how they want to be addressed during treatment and leave space for patients to give a preferred name, gender identity, and sexual orientation.

    What is LGBTQ cultural competency training for health professionals? ›

    Cultural competence, the intricate integration of knowledge, skills, attitudes, and behaviors that improve cross-cultural communication and interpersonal relationships, has been used as a training framework to enhance interactions between LGBTQ + patients and health professionals.

    What are the cultural competencies in working with Lgbtq+ clients include? ›

    Cultural competence with sexual and gender minority groups involves the following: (a) awareness of one's own beliefs, biases, and attitudes regarding LGBT populations; (b) knowledge and understanding of LGBT populations including expectations for the counseling relationship and how one's own sexual orientation and ...

    What is an LGBTQ affirmative practice environment? ›

    an approach to therapy that embraces a positive view of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer (LGBTQ) identities and. relationships and addresses the negative influences that hom*ophobia, transphobia, and heterosexism have on the lives of LGBTQ clients.

    How to improve diversity equity and inclusion in healthcare? ›

    Encourage training and development: Don't overlook formal training. Training and development programs can educate staff about recognizing unconscious biases to challenge assumptions. Create development opportunities for women and minorities: Women and minorities receive fewer assignments that can spur career growth.

    How can healthcare encourage diversity and inclusion? ›

    Orientation programs are also used to promote diversity in the healthcare workforce. These programs focus on individual development, which covers professional issues such as credentialing; there are also personal development skills that help a newcomer adapt to the new setting.

    How do you promote inclusion in healthcare? ›

    Some common recommendations for inclusive service to different groups include removal of financial barriers, cultural competence training, representation of minority/marginalized groups in the health sector, and explicit inclusion of minority/marginalized individuals in health service research [51].

    What is the best way for a nurse to practice patient advocacy? ›

    5 Actions That Promote Patient Advocacy
    • Keep the Entire Team Informed. ...
    • Prevent Unwelcome Family Intervention. ...
    • Provide Assistance with Social and Financial Issues. ...
    • Exhibit Correct Nursing Care. ...
    • Teach them to advocate for themselves. ...
    • Create a medical summary. ...
    • Acquire personal health knowledge.
    Oct 5, 2023

    What is an example of advocacy used by your nurse? ›

    For instance, if a doctor offers two treatment options, nurse advocates can help patients make a decision based on what is best for their health as well as what they can afford. They can have conversations with patients about accessing financial resources or help them understand what their insurance will cover.

    Why is it important for nurses to advocate for patients? ›

    The role of a nurse advocate is to safeguard patients' rights, stand up for their interests, and ensure they receive the highest possible level of care. Nurse advocates are liaisons between patients and the doctors treating them.

    What are the six points of cultural competency? ›

    The Cross framework emphasizes that the process of achieving cultural competency occurs along a continuum and sets forth six stages including: 1) cultural destructiveness, 2) cultural incapacity, 3) cultural blindness, 4) cultural pre-competence, 5) cultural competency and 6) cultural proficiency.

    What cultural competency skills do the professionals need to be effective? ›

    Displaying the cultural competency behaviors of active listening, empathy, and effective engagement can help us to create a welcoming environment and establish the appreciation of similarities and differences among cultures.

    How cultural competency can improve healthcare for all? ›

    Importance of Cultural Competence in Health Care. Cultural competence significantly benefits healthcare organizations and patients alike. It results in more patient participation and engagement, fostering respect and improved understanding, which can lead to: Increased patient safety.

    What are the items for gender affirming care? ›

    Looking for gender-affirming products on a budget? All companies are vetted by us and most products are under $50!
    • Binders. gc2b. $33+ ...
    • Packers & Gear. Transguy Supply. $18+ ...
    • Wigs - coming soon. Wigs.
    • Menstrual. TomboyX. $30+ ...
    • Shot Kit. Shot Kit. $18-$38. ...
    • Swimwear & more. Outplay. $37+

    What is the standard of care gender affirming care? ›

    Parental or guardian consent is required for patients 16 and 17 years of age. This is mandated by the state of California and a standard of care for gender affirming hormone therapy. Both parents, if applicable, will be required to sign consent forms and appear in person at the initial patient visit with their teen.

    How do you support patients? ›

    Best practices for delivering quality patient care
    1. Show respect. ...
    2. Express gratitude. ...
    3. Enable access to care. ...
    4. Involve patients' family members and friends. ...
    5. Coordinate patient care with other providers. ...
    6. Provide emotional support. ...
    7. Engage patients in their care plan. ...
    8. Address your patients' physical needs.
    Mar 6, 2020

    How do you address an LGBTQ patient on Quizlet? ›

    How should you refer to an LGBTQ patient? Address the patient as he or she prefers to be addressed.

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    Author: Wyatt Volkman LLD

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    Author information

    Name: Wyatt Volkman LLD

    Birthday: 1992-02-16

    Address: Suite 851 78549 Lubowitz Well, Wardside, TX 98080-8615

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    Job: Manufacturing Director

    Hobby: Running, Mountaineering, Inline skating, Writing, Baton twirling, Computer programming, Stone skipping

    Introduction: My name is Wyatt Volkman LLD, I am a handsome, rich, comfortable, lively, zealous, graceful, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.