Calculating the Florida Medicaid Transfer Penalty (2024)

Calculating the Florida Medicaid Transfer Penalty (1)In order to qualify for long-term Medicaid in Florida, such as nursing home or assisted living care, the applicant must not have given away (i.e., made"uncompensated transfers") assets within five years of applying for Medicaid benefits. This is generally known as the Medicaid “look-back” period. The rule makes complete sense as Medicaid is a “needs-based” program that only assists those who fit into very strict income and asset levels. The rules would not want you to be able to transfer the assets away in order to get below the applicable limits.Medicaid income and asset qualification levels are listed on our Medicaid planning page.

In the event a long-term Medicaid applicant transferred money away with the five year "look-back" period, the State of Florida will assess a transfer penalty based upon the amount of money transferred. The reason for the transfer penalty is that money given away should have been used to care for the elder, so the Department of Children and Families (DCF) will assess a time period penalty that provides Medicaid ineligibility. The period of ineligibility for Medicaid is determined by dividing the amount of money given away by the average monthly private pay nursing home facility rate at the time of the Medicaid application. As of January, 2024, the transfer penalty divisor is $10,438/month. The following is an example of calculating the Medicaid transfer penalty:

Mom makes an uncompensated transfer of $100,000 on January 1, 2020 so that she leaves an inheritance to her children. Mom has a stroke 20 monthslater.On July 1, 2022, Mom is now in a nursing home and her Medicare rehabilitation days have run out. She then applies for Medicaidas she is out of money, having given most of it away some 20 months earlier. Her countable assets now do not exceed $2,000 and her income is below the income cap. Because of the gift of $100,000 in the "look back" period, a transfer penalty iscalculated as follows:$100,000/$10,438 = 9.58 months (i.e., the amount of the gift divided by the penalty divisor = the penalty period).Thus, because of the 2020 transfer, Mom will not be eligible for Medicaid benefits some 9.58 months from July 1, 2022, the day she was otherwise eligible for Medicaid and has applied for Medicaid in the nursing home.

In this example, ifthe childrensimply give the money back to Mom, the transfer penalty will go away. Mom will now have $100,000 and will now be ineligible for Medicaid because she is now over the asset cap. Of course, with a good elder law attorney, the family may be able to legally protect her assetseven though she is already in the nursing home. Here are some quick questions on protecting assets if the elder is already in the nursing home. The transfer penalty period only starts to run at the time of the applicant is eligible for, and has applied for, Medicaid.

Further, the federal annual gift tax exclusion, set at $18,000 in 2024, does not apply to Medicaid planning. The annual gift tax exclusion is the amount of money you are allowed to transfer away without either paying gift taxes or filing a gift tax return. Only if you transfer funds over the lifetime exemption (some $13,610,000million per person in 2024!) will gift taxes be due. But the federal gift tax exclusion has nothing to do with Medicaid transfer penalties - you are not allowed to transfer away $18,000 per year to beneficiaries without creating a Medicaid transfer penalty.

True Story: A family came in to see me regarding their elderly father who just had a stroke and was in the nursing home. He was not going to be able to go home and would need to stay in the nursing home due to poor health. For the past 5 years, the family had gifted the applicable gift exclusion ($12,000 per year at the time, $18,000 per year now) to each child based upon bad advice from the family CPA. It was not a pleasant situation to inform the children that they had to give the money back in order to negate the transfer penalty. Luckily for the family, they hired our office and with some creative legal advocacy, we helped negate the transfer penalty while getting their father on Medicaid and protecting his remaining assets.

Another Trust Story: I was talking to a daughter who had just received a call from her local area agency on aging that her parents were both coming off of the Medicaid wait list - which is great news! But Mom and Dad had assets over the bare minimum (a couple is only allowed to have $3,000 in countable assets for Medicaid purposes, if they both need Medicaid). In this situation, the caseworker from the area agency on aging told the daughter that she could just take all of Mom and Dad's money and place it into her own name. After reading this webpage, you know that money/assets cannot be given away to protect the assets within 5 years of a Medicaid long-term care application! I was shocked that someone working for the government would tell the daughter to just give the money away, which absolutely should not be done. Of course, good elder law attorneys know ways of protecting assets within the 5 year lookback period.

Another important aspect is that not all gifting will be counted as an " uncompensated transfer" for Medicaid purposes, but any gift must be disclosed to the Department of Children and Families (DCF) at the time of the Medicaid application. If a transfer was made, you should consult with an elder law attorney. There are also a number of exemptions andexceptions to the rule that you should consider as well. One such exemption is that uncompensated transfers, i.e., gifting, does not count between a married couple. This allows for Medicaid/asset protection planning opportunities for married couples, even if one spouse is already in the nursing home.

Are there legal ways to protect assets during the "look back" period?

Yes. While many are worried about gifting and the five year "look back" period, a Medicaid applicant may not need to give money/assets away before they need Medicaid/long-term care. The reason is that there are many legal ways to protect assets when someone is already in the nursing home. For example:

Mom has a home and $50,000 in the bank. If the family is worried about protecting the $50,000 from the high cost of nursing home care, an elder law attorney will be able to present some great options on asset protection, even if mom is already in the nursing home. This means that mom would not have needed to give her money away in order to protect it as an elder law attorney can help protect it now, even if mom is in the nursing home. The family may not want to sell the home as the home is protected for Medicaid purposes. If the family wants to be able to sell the home while mom is in the nursing home, the family could have considered an irrevocable asset protection trust just for the home.

We have more information on Florida Medicaid asset protection optionsthat discusses asset protection within the 5 year look back.

Can Mom (or Dad) sell me the home for $1.00?

No. A transfer of assets (i.e,. a gift) is the disposal of an asset without fair compensation. If you want to protect the assets, any sale of property/transfer must be at fair market value - something a willing buyer would pay a willing seller. You just cannot sell something for less than what it is worth to "protect it" from the nursing home.

Are there Exceptions to the Medicaid Transfer Penalty?

Yes. Not every gift/transfer during the 5 year look back period creates a transfer penalty. We address exceptions to the Medicaid transfer penalty here.

Should I give all my assets away five years before I need the nursing home?

An attorney would rarely, if ever, advise giving all of your assets away - for a number of reasons. Most people do not want to give their assets away but if you had children you trust and you want to try to preserve assets for their inheritance, you may want to consider aFlorida irrevocable asset protection trust. Irrevocable trusts used to protect assets are preferable to outright gifting to children for a number of reasons. Irrevocable trusts must be created and funded outside of the 5 year lookback period.

Medicaid Spend-Down

You can learn more about the Medicaid Spend-Down on this webpage. Generally speaking, we see Medicaid "spend-down" as legal ways to spend money in order to qualify for Medicaid. It is likely that the Medicaid spend-down is best used when the elder's assets are already very close to the Florida's applicable long-term Medicaid limits. Only a good elder law attorney will be able to decide how to best spend assets or hire an attorney to help you actually protect assets.

What About Supplemental Security Income/SSI?

Medicaid has many different programs - some have transfer penalties (like the long-term care Medicaid) and some do not. If you are receiving Supplemental Security Income, there is a transfer penalty for this program as well, but the penalty/look-backperiod is onlyfor 3 years and the penalty divisor is the Federal Benefit Rate ($943/m in 2024). Here is our webpage on Special Needs Trusts in Florida that may help.

Can our Law Firm Help?

If you or your loved one needs Medicaid or long-term care in Florida, we have done thousands of successful Medicaid applications and we will be glad to help you, no matter where you live in Florida. Please call us today - we charge a $200 office conference fee with an attorney who will help determine your situation and if you need further help from us.


In summary, transferring money away (i.e., gifting) in order to protect the elder's funds only make sense in certain situations, such as if the elder wants to create an irrevocable asset protection trust. If you want to learn more about Medicaid and asset protection planning, please do not hesitate to contact our offices or attend one of our monthly Medicaid or Estate Planning seminars.

People who have read this may also want to read:

  • Will the nursing home take my income if my spouse is on Medicaid in the nursing home?
  • My elder is on Medicaid - Can we sell the family home?
  • My elder is in the nursing home - Can we protect assets now?
  • How to apply for Long-Term Care Medicaid in Florida
  • What is the difference between Medicare and Medicaid?
  • Medicaid Planning with a Guardianship

Finally, I have some free books that can help you make the right decisions:

  • Your Guide to Florida Long-Term Care Medicaid: For those facing imminent long-term care
  • The Top Twenty Ways to Protect Your Florida Estate: This comprehensive book on estate planning, wills and trusts and more
  • Protect Your Nest Egg from a Florida Nursing Home: This book focuses more on asset protection planning for people who are helping their aging loved one and for those looking to pay for their own long-term care in the future.
  • A Guide to Alzheimer's Care: Caring for a loved one with Alzheimer's and other forms of Dementia

Charles Cohen 03/19/2017 12:52 AM

based upon this 8346 formula if I were gifted anywhere from 6,000-7,000 dollars I would be liable for 70-80 percent of one months NH stay at the 8346 rate. Paying Mom back lessens that liability although in the end it would be spent down by the NH to get to the 2K asset limit. Right?

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Rep DeLoach03/20/2017 01:10 PM

Charles,Thank you for the question! You are basically correct on your math but money can be protected/saved with good legal advice. The concept of the transfer penalty is that assets that were given away should have been used to pay for the applicant's care. In your example, no money is protected because it was, more or less, spent on mom's care in the facility.If you pay back the funds gifted, then no transfer penalty is created or the penalty was negated. If you give the money back, a good elder law attorney (like us) will generally have ways of saving/protecting the gifted funds. It is never too late to get an opinion on how to legally spend/protect the funds over the $2,000 asset limit, even if mom is already in a nursing home.Rep DeLoach

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Frank Roman08/09/2017 02:58 PM

Hello..I have a question. I moved my parents from another state in Jan 2017. We were leasing a home and the owner decided to allow us to buy the home. Due to debt ratio problems , my parents decided to join in on the purchase. The home was purchased by my parents, myself and my wife. After six months my parents decided that florida was not for the, and decided to go back to Texas. They Quit Claimed the home to us with the lenders permission. They are no longer on the Mortgage but are still on the note. They have not made or will not make any of the payments to the lender. In the event that one of my parents needs Medicaid, will this present a problem for them? There is no equity because the loan is only 4 months old. Thanks.

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Rep DeLoach08/11/2017 11:44 AM

Frank, thank you for the question! In your situation, any issues would only be from a Texas Medicaid application and not Florida, so I cannot answer the question. Each state operates their own rules for Medicaid, and if your parents needed long-term care in Texas, then Texas Medicaid law would apply.If they were to apply in Florida, I would not see the transfer of the home to you as much of an issue. The purchase/transfer was certainly not to protect money from the nursing home, but was done for living arrangements. It was not mentioned that a large down payment on the home was made, so unless something like that happened, it should not be a concern.

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Christina Sanchez11/15/2017 04:53 PM

In reading the article, is it correct to understand that if my Mom were to gift me $5000 today and 4 years from now it is causing her a penalty with Medicaid, I could give her back the $5000 at that time if needed and she can then qualify? My Mom wants to give but I am concerned it may be an issue in the future.

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Rep DeLoach11/16/2017 01:23 PM

Christina,Good question! You are correct- if your mother gave you the $5,000 and she needed Medicaid in less than 5 years, you could give the money back to her. At that point, you would then look for other ways to effectively spend the funds for your mother's benefit, which may include pre-paying for her funeral, among other options. It would be helpful to discuss your options with an elder law attorney in this event. Thank you!Rep DeLoach

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Christina11/16/2017 01:40 PM

Hi Rep DeLoach, thank you for your confirmation. Another question that I have been contemplating... I have been thinking of purchasing a small condo and having my Mom rent it from me for a fair rent price. Are there any concerns on this idea for Medicaid eligibility in the future? I don't want a good idea to turn into a bad one since we are related and Medicaid may not like her paying me monthly rent?

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Rep DeLoach11/16/2017 03:03 PM

Christina - renting your own property to your mother could be a good way to go. Her paying you market-based rent (i.e., the normal rate you would rent another tenant) would not be a problem for Medicaid purposes. I would not want to provide specific legal advice without a consult, but your general concept seems pretty good here. If you live in the area, you could come to one of my free monthly seminars to learn more. Thank you for your interest!

Katie11/21/2017 01:57 PM

Hi Rep DeLoach,My mom (56) is on a very low disability payments and has $15,000 from payback. I want to take a mortgage and buy her a small condo with mom's money as a downpayment. How we should proceed with $15,000?Can she gift it to me or she needs to be on a deed (but not on mortgage). The plan is she would be paying condo fees and utilities and that would leave her some extra money, for now her rent is higher than her disability payments.

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Rep DeLoach11/22/2017 09:53 AM

Katie,This is a great question that highlights the differences in Florida Medicaid programs. This particular blog post calculates the penalty for Florida Long-Term Medicaid, such as in the nursing home or in the assisted living facility. There are other penalties for gifting in other "needs-based" programs such as Supplemental Security Income (SSI) that your mother may want to be on. I will reach out to you off this blog to help confirm the government program she wants to be on and how to legally protect her money. Thank you!Rep DeLoach

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shelley08/07/2020 05:21 PM

My mom is in an assisted living facility with dementia. Her assets have increased as her monthly payments ave decreased due to Hospice.. She is 99.What can I legally spend the stimulus money on that will not raise a flag?

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Rep DeLoach08/09/2020 12:41 PM

Shelley, while the best answer is that you should consult your mother's attorney on assets getting over the $2,000 Medicaid limit, you sometimes just need to think creatively - is there anything she needs at all to help her out? Also, and importantly, the caregiver(s) could certainly be reimbursed for anything they pay to help your mother - gas mileage, meals, etc. Also, has her funeral been paid for? None of these things are gifts for Medicaid purposes and things like this could help keep her under the asset limit.

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shelley08/15/2020 12:21 PM

Thank you.Your responses are quite helpful. Another question... Can the stimulus payment money just be withdrawn? I know it doesn't count as income... but what can be done with it?

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Rep DeLoach08/16/2020 10:14 AM

Hello! On the $1,200 stimulus payment, you are right that this was not income. One year after the payment is made to the Medicaid recipient's account, it will become an asset that could take him/her off of Medicaid if the account exceeds $2,000. On your question, you know that you cannot give the money away so you will have to think of ways to spend money for the Medicaid recipient - do they need any clothes/phone/TV/things that improve quality of life? Basically, you just need to think of ways to spend money for the recipient's benefit. If you do this, Medicaid will not have any issues with how the money was spent. I hope this helps answer your question!

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Maria12/08/2021 05:25 PM

I jointly own a home with my father in law. Except for an initial downpayment he made, I have made all the mortgage payments. It used to be his home but then he moved out and went to live in another home in a mobile home park. He has no other assets. In the event he has to qualify for medicaid in the future if his health declines, will this asset be exempt or should I plan on him quit claiming himself off the property.

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Rep DeLoach12/09/2021 09:31 AM

Maria,As an attorney, I have to tell you you need to seek specific legal advice for you situation. With that being said, you generally do not have to worry about losing your home or anything. In the event your father-in-law ever needs Medicaid, your home can be excluded as an asset for Medicaid purposes, even if he is a part owner. We are glad to help, of course, but for you and for all of the readers of this blog, while you should seek legal advice (like us), you do not have much to worry about if he ever needs Medicaid.

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Marge01/18/2023 06:54 AM

My mother with the 8.7 cost of living increase in 2023 is 44 dollars over the 2,000 limit monthly. Will this pose a problem with Medicaid?

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Rep DeLoach01/18/2023 12:05 PM

Marge,It is very possible that you are confusing your mother's assets with her income. A single Medicaid recipient can only have $2,000 in countable assets and still be on Medicaid. But a Medicaid applicant has an income limit of $2,742/m (2023). I would assume that your mother would not have an income problem from the information given.

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Lisa08/07/2023 12:50 PM

Can I apply for medicaid for my mom in an ALF even if she gifted me a large sum of money? That money will be used for her care but I'm aware there'd be a penalty period before approved or after approved? Otherwise she meets the criteria to qualify. I know it's not advisable to gift money, but is it still possible to be approved with a penalty period?

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Calculating the Florida Medicaid Transfer Penalty (2)

DeLoach, Hofstra & Cavonis, P.A.08/09/2023 1:48 PM

Lisa, This is very complicated with Medicaid, HCBS Medicaid and the transfer penalty. You should definitely seek counsel from an elder law attorney if you want to get Medicaid. One key aspect is that the gift will create a transfer penalty so it would be highly likely that an elder law attorney would provide ways to protect assets and get Medicaid without making a gift.

Calculating the Florida Medicaid Transfer Penalty (2024)
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Name: Nicola Considine CPA

Birthday: 1993-02-26

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Introduction: My name is Nicola Considine CPA, I am a determined, witty, powerful, brainy, open, smiling, proud person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.