Base Cost | South African Revenue Service (2024)

What is base cost?

Base cost is the amount against which any proceeds upon disposal are compared in order to determine whether a capital gain or loss has been realised.

For assets held on the valuation date (1 October 2001) that were acquired before that date base cost is equal to the “valuation date value” of the asset plus any further qualifying costs incurred on or after that date (paragraphs 20 and 25 of the Eighth Schedule).

For assets acquired on or after the valuation date the base cost of the asset generally comprises the costs incurred in acquiring the asset and improving it. Paragraph 20 of the Eighth Schedule sets out what costs qualify to be part of base cost.

An asset can also be deemed to be acquired for a base cost equal to the market value of the asset at the time of acquisition (for example, if the asset is acquired by donation or for a non-arm’s length price from a connected person (paragraph 38 of the Eighth Schedule).

Base cost includes those costs actually incurred in acquiring, enhancing or disposing of an asset that are not allowable as a deduction from income. Thus, the base cost of trading stock would generally be nil because its cost would have been deducted from income.

The following are included in the base cost of an asset:

    • Acquisition cost

The costs actually incurred in acquiring or creating an asset. For example, these costs could include the cost of purchasing an asset or the cost of erecting a building. The expenditure should not have been claimed against income.

    • Incidental costs of acquisition and disposal

Any of the following costs actually incurred as expenditure directly related to the acquisition or disposal of an asset.

  • The remuneration of a surveyor, valuer, auctioneer, accountant, broker, agent, consultant or legal advisor, for services rendered
  • Transfer costs
  • Stamp Duty, Transfer Duty,SecuritiesTransferTaxor similar duty or tax
  • Advertising costs to find a seller or to find a buyer
  • The cost of moving the asset from one location to another
  • The cost of installing an asset, including the cost of foundations and supporting structures
  • A portion of donations tax paid according to a formula
  • If that asset was acquired or disposed of by the exercise of an option (other than the exercise of an option acquired before the valuation date), the expenditure actually incurred on the acquisition of the option
  • Value-added tax not allowed as an input deduction (section 23C)
  • Capital costs of establishing, maintaining or defending title or right to an asset

These costs would include, for instance, legal costs actually incurred in respect of a court dispute relating to maintaining your right or title to an asset you own.

  • Cost of improvements or enhancements
  • The improvement or enhancement must still be reflected in the asset’s state or nature at the time of its disposal.
  • Valuation date value of an option
  • One third of the interest incurred in acquiring listed shares or unit trusts
  • Certain amounts that have been included in the person’s income and amounts arising as a result of value shifting arrangements.

And what about current costs such as interest, repairs, insurance and rates and taxes?

They are normally allowed as deductions from income or are incurred for personal use and are not allowed as part of base cost.

Base cost – composite acquisitions

Assets are sometimes acquired with other assets as part of a composite acquisition. For example, a single contract of purchase may be entered into at an inclusive price embracing multiple assets. In these circ*mstances the purchase price must be apportioned to the respective assets broadly by reference to their market values at the date of acquisition. The onus rests on the taxpayer to justify any allocation.

What if an asset was acquired before the valuation date?

For an asset acquired before the valuation date and disposed of after that date, CGT will be payable only on the capital gain attributable to the period after the valuation date. In other words, any gain attributable to the pre-valuation date period is not subject to CGT. The gain attributable to the period of ownership of an asset before the valuation date is excluded from CGT by establishing its “valuation date value” on 1 October 2001 using one of three methods: market value on 1 October 2001, time apportionment and 20% of proceeds. A fourth method, namely, weighted average base cost, is available for certain identical assets such as listed shares and unit trusts

I hold units in a unit trust through a management company that charges me a monthly fee. Is this fee deductible from any capital gain that I may make?

No, this is a current expense that does not enhance the value of the assets concerned.

I hold units that are held in income and gilt unit trusts. These pay interest (on which income tax is paid), and which is reinvested. On selling these units will I have to pay CGT on the difference between the original capital amount and the redeemed amount bearing in mind that this increased amount will include the reinvested interest amount on which income tax has already been paid?

No, income reinvested in the unit trusts will be used to purchase additional units, which will have their own base cost. As an example, assume that you hold 100 000 units with a total base cost of R50 000 and interest of R5 000 is reinvested to purchase an additional 800 units. The total base cost will increase to R55 000 and, if the 10 800 units are sold for R75 000, the capital gain will be R20 000, not R25 000.

If, after 1 October 2001, an investor were to add monthly to units in a unit trust fund acquired before valuation date and then sell all the units how would the loss/gain be calculated?

Two features of the legislation reduce the record-keeping required of a monthly investor in a unit trust.

The weighted average cost method is one of three asset identification methods for determining the base cost of identical assets such as unit trusts. The other methods permitted are specific identification and first in, first out (FIFO).

In essence, the method involves keeping running totals of the number of units bought and sold in a particular fund. It is best explained by way of an example.


Units in a unit trust are purchased on dates indicated.

Date​No. of units ​Cost per Unit ​Cost​
1 October 2001​100​15.00​1500​
1 November 2001​50​16.00​800​
1 December 2001​150​17.00​2550​
1 January 2002​100​13.50​1350​

On 28 February 2002 125 units are sold for R2 125.00

The weighted average unit cost is R6 200 / 400 = 15.50

The base cost of 125 units is therefore 125 x R15.50 = R1 937.50.

The capital gain is R2 125.00 – R1 937.50 = R187.50

Date​No. of units​Cost per Unit​Cost​
28 February 2002​-125​15.50​-1937.50​

If an additional 100 units were bought for R18.00 each on 1 April 2002, the weighted average cost may be calculated as follows:

Date​No. of units ​Cost per Unit​Cost​
1 April 2002​100​18.00​1800.00​

The weighted average unit cost is R6 062 / 375 = R16.67

If you have acquired units before and after valuation date, the opening entry on 1 October 2001 in any such calculation would be the number of shares owned on that date and the market value of the shares on that date. Thereafter purchases and sales could be recorded in the normal way.

Unit trust management company reporting

In order to simplify matters still further, management companies have been given the responsibility of submitting returns of the sale of units by investors. These returns are similar to the annual returns of interest earned that are already prepared by the management companies and disclose the–

  • Number of units disposed of by the unit holder;
  • Cost of those units determined on the weighted average basis;
  • Proceeds on disposal of those units; and
  • Gain derived from, or loss incurred in respect of, the disposal of those units.

Unit holders who do not wish to use the weighted average cost method to determine capital gains on the disposal of their units are not bound by this return. However, they will have to keep the records necessary to support the alternative they select.

Unit holders who adopt the weighted average method are obliged to adopt the method for all their units in the various unit trusts in which they have an interest. For example if a unit holder holds units in three different unit trusts and adopts weighted average for one of them, he or she will also have to use the method for the other two.

I bought LISTED shares in 1999 for R100 each. The average price at the starting date for CGT (1 October 2001) is R60. I then sell these shares at a date after 1 October 2001 for R70. Am I now liable for CGT on the R10 being the difference between the realised price and the valuation date value when in fact I made an actual loss of R30 per share?

The answer depends on which asset identification method you have adopted.

First in, first out or specific identification

If you adopted the first-in-first-out or specific identification method for identifying which shares you have disposed of, your valuation date value will be restated to R70 under paragraph 27(3)(a) of the Eighth Schedule. There will, therefore, be no capital gain or loss on this transaction. A similar principle applies under paragraph 26(3) when an asset is sold for less than its valuation date market value but more than its historical acquisition cost.

Weighted average

If you adopted the weighted average identification method, the market value gain of R10 (R70 – R60) must be brought to account. The reason is that this method uses the market value of your shares on 1 October 2001 as its starting point. The gain and loss limitation rules do not apply if you adopt this method.

Do paragraphs 26 and 27 apply to listed shares and units in a unit trust?

Generally yes, but these rules do not apply to –

  • foreign listed shares and foreign unit trusts for which you have not determined a market value; or
  • when you have adopted the weighted average method for determining the base cost of the relevant assets.

Can interest incurred on the acquisition of shares in a private company be added to base cost?

No – this is specifically prohibited by paragraph 20(2)(a) of the Eighth Schedule. In the case of listed shares and unit trusts, however, paragraph 20(1)(g) allows one-third of the interest incurred to be added to base cost.

Why does the time-apportionment method give different results in the scenarios set out below?


An individual acquired an office block 16 years before 1 October 2001 for R250 000. A set of storerooms were added at a cost of R60 000 two years before 1 October 2001. A new wing was added at a cost of R300 000, a year after 1 October 2001. The office block was sold for R2 000 000, two years after 1 October 2001.


The same facts but the cost of adding the storeroom and new wing was all incurred one year before 1 October 2001. Why is it that if you incurred it over a period your gain is higher than if you incurred it once?

Well, inSCENARIO 1:

Expenditure incurred pre- and post- valuation date

Pre-valuation date expenditure is R250 000 + R60 000 = R310 000

Post-valuation date expenditure = R300 000

Total expenditure = R610 000

Proceeds R2 000 000

Period property held before valuation date = 16 years.

Period held after valuation date = 2 years.

Total = 18 years.

Pre-valuation date proceeds = Proceeds x pre-valuation date expenditure

Total expenditure = R2 000 000 x R310 000

R610 000

= R1 016 393

Gain produced by pre-valuation date expenditure =R1 016 393 – R310 000 = R706 393

Portion of capital gain attributable to period before valuation date = R706 393 x 16 years

18 years

= R627 905

Valuation date value = R310 000(pre-valuation date expenditure) + R627 905 = R937 905

Total base cost = R937 905 + R300 000

= R1 237 905

Capital gain = proceeds – base cost

= R2 000 000 – R1 237 905

= R762 095

and in SCENARIO 2:

Expenditure all incurred in the year of purchase before CGT

Proceeds are all attributable to pre-valuation date expenditure = R2 000 000

Total costs = R610 000

Gain = R1 390 000

Time apportionment base cost R1 3900 000 x 16/18years = R1 235 556

Base cost = R610 000 + R1 235 556 = R1 845 556

Capital gain = R2 000 000 – R1 845 556 = R154 444

It is not the fact that you incurred the costs over a period rather than all at once that necessarily affects the result. The gain in scenario 1 is higher than in scenario 2 because nearly half the costs were incurred after valuation date and thus generated nearly half of the post CGT gain.

In scenario 2 all these post-valuation date costs are thrown back 16 years to the date of acquisition prior to the valuation date with the result that 16/18 of the gain is attributable to the pre-valuation date period.

Base Cost | South African Revenue Service (2024)


What is base cost South Africa? ›

Base cost includes those costs actually incurred in acquiring, enhancing or disposing of a capital asset that are not allowable as a deduction from income.

What is the service tax in South Africa? ›

The tax is designed to be paid mainly by the ultimate consumer or purchaser in South Africa. Goods and services are either exempt from VAT or are levied at two rates, namely a standard rate (15%) and a zero rate (0%). Very few business transactions carried out in South Africa are not subject to VAT.

What is the PAYE in South Africa? ›

What is PAYE? Employees' Tax refers to the tax required to be deducted by an employer from an employee's remuneration paid or payable. The process of deducting or withholding tax from remuneration as it is earned by an employee is commonly referred to as PAYE. See How to register for PAYE on eFiling.

How much must I earn to submit a tax return in South Africa? ›

Tax Threshold changes for Individuals

The South African Revenue Service together with the newly appointed SARS Commissioner Edward Kieswetter announced a new filing threshold in June 2019. The threshold of individuals who are required to file tax returns was increased from R 350 000 to R 500 000.

How do you find base cost? ›

Calculating Cost Basis

To reiterate, the cost basis of any investment is equal to the original purchase price of an asset. Every investment will start with this status, and if it ends up being the only purchase, determining the cost is merely the original purchase price.

What is an example of base cost? ›

If the asset is property, the base cost includes the cost of any improvements you make to it at any stage. Improvements, however, do not include maintenance. You can improve a property by adding a room, a wall around the property, a garage or a pool, but painting it or repairing a broken garden wall is maintenance.

Is VAT charged on service in South Africa? ›

The standard VAT rate of 15% applies to all supplies of goods or services (which do not qualify for the zero rate, an exemption or another exception), the importation of goods by any person, and (in certain instances) the importation of services.

Do foreigners pay tax in South Africa? ›

South African residents are taxed on their worldwide income. Credit is granted in South Africa for foreign taxes paid on income from a non-South African source. Non-residents are taxed on their South African sourced income. The same rates of tax are applicable to both residents and non-residents.

What services are exempt from VAT in South Africa? ›

Goods and services exempted from VAT are:
  • Non-fee related financial services.
  • Educational services provided by an approved educational institution.
  • Residential rental accommodation, and.
  • Public road and rail transport.

Who pays PAYE tax in South Africa? ›

The PAYE calculated as a result is based on the employee's earnings and includes basic salaries, bonuses, fringe benefits and other allowances. PAYE is calculated monthly and paid to SARS by your employer monthly, even if you are paid weekly / fortnightly.

How do I calculate my PAYE in South Africa? ›

Calculating PAYE on Regular Income
  1. Step 1: Calculate the year-to-date taxable income. ...
  2. Step 2: Calculate the annual equivalent. ...
  3. Step 3: Calculate the tax on the annual equivalent. ...
  4. Step 4: Determine the projected annual tax liability. ...
  5. Step 5: De-annualise the annual tax liability. ...
  6. Step 6: Calculate the PAYE due.

Is PAYE compulsory in South Africa? ›

Employers must deduct PAYE from employee's wages where they earn over R73 650 per year. Employers must pay the tax that has been deducted to SARS. The employer must register with SARS as an employer and submit an EMP201 return with the payment every month.

What income is not taxable in South Africa? ›

Interest from a South African source, earned by any natural person under 65 years of age, up to R23 800 per annum, and persons 65 and older, up to R34 500 per annum, is exempt from income tax.

What happens if you don't submit a tax return South Africa? ›

The administrative non-compliance penalty for the failure to submit a return comprises fixed amount penalties based on a taxpayer's taxable income and can range from R250 up to R16 000 a month for each month that the non-compliance continues.

How far back can SARS audit you in South Africa? ›

For taxes that are not assessed by you, such as Income Tax, SARS's assessment normally becomes final within three years from the date of assessment. For self-assessed taxes such as Value Added Tax, SARS's assessment becomes final five years from date of assessment.

What is base cost used for? ›

Cost basis is the original value of an asset for tax purposes, usually, the purchase price, adjusted for stock splits, dividends, and return of capital distributions. This value is used to determine the capital gain, which is equal to the difference between the asset's cost basis and the current market value.

What is the average base cost? ›

Average cost basis is defined as the means to attribute the purchase price to shares underlying a mutual fund or an account managed by a custodian (broker). It is calculated as the total amount paid to purchase the mutual fund or investment in a custodian account divided by the total number of underlying shares.

Does base cost include tax? ›

In most situations, the basis of an asset is its cost to you. The cost is the amount you pay for it in cash, debt obligations, and other property or services. Cost includes sales tax and other expenses connected with the purchase.

What is the meaning of total base cost? ›

The total bid cost of an item is called the base cost. It is derived by multiplying the unit price of an item to the total number of items. It comprises just the price per unit and the total number of items. It is also referred to as the Base Price.

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Name: Nathanial Hackett

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: Apt. 935 264 Abshire Canyon, South Nerissachester, NM 01800

Phone: +9752624861224

Job: Forward Technology Assistant

Hobby: Listening to music, Shopping, Vacation, Baton twirling, Flower arranging, Blacksmithing, Do it yourself

Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.