Are Spider Plants Toxic to Cats? | Gardener’s Path (2024)

As any new cat owner quickly finds out, some felines like to nibble on houseplants.

If your home is full of – pardon the pun – unvetted plants, the situation may land you at the emergency animal hospital with a very sick pet.

Luckily, Chlorophytum comosum, commonly known as “spider plant” or “spider ivy,” is not harmful to your feline friend.

Are Spider Plants Toxic to Cats? | Gardener’s Path (1)

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However, you might still find yourself with a few questions:

Should you give your kitty free rein to chew away at this houseplant? Why are those long thin leaves and dangling spiderettes so fascinating to our feline friends? And how do you keep your spider plant out of kitty’s reach?

These are the topics I’ll be covering in this article:

What You’ll Learn

  • Spider Plant Safety
  • Why Cats Like Spider Plant
  • Protecting Your Plant

Spider Plant Safety

It only took me one long, frightening vet visit with my kitty, Louie, for me to get the message that houseplants and cats aren’t always a good combination.

Unbeknownst to me, he ate some of my pothos vine, and when I found him he was drooling, lethargic, and behaving very differently from his usual active, inquisitive self.

Luckily, there was no lasting damage, but it took a long, expensive vet visit to determine that, and I spent the next twenty-four hours observing Louie to make sure his symptoms didn’t worsen.

Are Spider Plants Toxic to Cats? | Gardener’s Path (2)

After Louie recovered from his very upset tummy, I immediately researched all my houseplants to check for toxicity, including the one he had sampled, and rehomed those that weren’t safe for my feline companions. (Goodbye, pothos!)

So thank goodness for spider plant, an easy to care for, highly adaptable houseplant that’s safe to keep around both dogs and cats.

Unlike peace lilies and pothos, Chlorophytum comosum is one houseplant that can be safely nibbled by your kitties without requiring a trip to the emergency animal hospital.

According to both the ASPCA and the National Capital Poison Center, aka Poison Control, spider plants are non-toxic to both cats and dogs.

A Note of Caution

If you have more than one type of houseplant in your home and any of your pets are showing symptoms of illness or distress, don’t wait – contact your local vet immediately and make sure you have noted the identities, or at least snapped photos of any houseplants your pet may have ingested.

Even though this tropical species is nontoxic to felines, should you let Fluffy treat this houseplant’s foliage like dessert? The answer to that question is no.

Cats are obligate carnivores, which means they don’t have the option of choosing between a vegetarian or meat-based diet – for felines, meat is what they must eat.

If they were allowed to eat a wild diet, housecats would normally ingest a small amount of vegetation via the stomach contents of their prey. However, their digestive systems aren’t adapted to eating large quantities of leafy greens or vegetable matter.

So if your kitty does get a little carried away nibbling on your spider ivy, you’ll likely find the results of that indulgence later, in the not so distinguished form of a pile of regurgitated leaves.

Are Spider Plants Toxic to Cats? | Gardener’s Path (3)

There is another caveat to consider as well. Are you fertilizing your spider plant with a foliar spray or spraying it with leaf shine? Or have you applied a pesticide or fungicide to its foliage?

If so, these applications could change the status of your houseplant from safe to dangerous, depending on the product you use.

If you spray your spider ivy with any of these types of products, it would be wise to keep your kitty from sampling your houseplant’s leaves, unless you can be absolutely sure that they are safe for your pets to ingest.

And again, if your pet has been chewing on any of your houseplants and is exhibiting symptoms of not feeling well, collect all the information you can, including the names of any products you have applied to your plants and contact a veterinarian as soon as possible.

Why Cats Like Spider Plants

When our feline friends are allowed access to the outdoors, they frequently nibble on grass.

But for housecats with no outside roaming privileges, houseplants may be the closest thing they can get to scratching that itch for fresh greens.

And spider ivy in particular, looks a lot like grass.

Are Spider Plants Toxic to Cats? | Gardener’s Path (4)

But if felines are natural born carnivores, why do they want to eat grass – or our beloved houseplants?

Pet parents aren’t the only ones asking this question – scientific researchers are looking into it too.

Research presented in 2019 suggests that domestic cats eat vegetation as a holdover from when their ancestors had to deal with frequent infestations of parasitic worms. The indigestible fiber in the grass or other vegetable matter helped to purge parasites from their digestive tracts.

This research also suggests that younger animals may eat more grass than older ones, possibly because of their still-developing immune systems.

If you have a multi-feline household like I do, you may notice that your younger kitties are more interested in sampling your houseplants than the older ones.

This may give us plant lovers some hope that our feline companions will outgrow their vegetation eating phase – or at least lose some interest in treating our houseplant collection like their own personal salad bar.

This is certainly the case among my cats – Louie seems to have outgrown his penchant for fresh greens.

Are Spider Plants Toxic to Cats? | Gardener’s Path (5)

In addition to fulfilling an evolutionary imperative to eat vegetation as an anti-parasitic measure, an observant pet owner might find that there is something else going on as well.

I’ve noticed that my felines are particularly attracted to my spider plants, even more so than they are to my other houseplants. And if I try to look at the world through my cats’ eyes, when I look at a spider ivy I see a basket full of exciting kitty toys – long snakelike strands and thin wands with a tuft on the end – that thing looks like hours of fun, right?

In this writer’s opinion, curiosity and playfulness are also largely responsible for our felines’ attraction to this particular species.

Just like us, cats like novelty. They like to rub, flop, and exercise their claws on a variety of different textures.

I have observed that anything with a new texture that is brought into the home is considered by my cats as something worth investigating. And tasting things is – sometimes with unfortunate consequences – one of the ways that domestic cats explore the world.

Protecting Your Plant

If your kitty seems particularly keen on eating your houseplants, you might want to supply him or her with a tray of cat grass to enjoy.

Some cat owners successfully use this method to redirect attention away from their houseplants to a specially designated, feline-friendly source of vegetation.

Are Spider Plants Toxic to Cats? | Gardener’s Path (6)

When our kitties have their own dedicated tray of vegetable matter to nibble from, they sometimes forget about their previous intentions of devouring our cherished houseplants.

Cat grass is easy to grow at home and can be a fun indoor gardening project for kids or beginning gardeners.

You can purchase kits for growing cat grass at home, complete with a mix of organic wheat, oat, barley, rye and flax seeds, soil, and BPA-free plastic containers from The Cat Ladies Store, via Amazon.

Are Spider Plants Toxic to Cats? | Gardener’s Path (7)

Organic BPA-Free Cat Grass Growing Kit

In spite of the fact that it’s not toxic to your pets, you don’t want your spider plant chewed to a nub, either.

So to protect your spider plant from the overzealous attention of your kitty, there’s a readymade solution: a hanging basket, where these houseplants look right at home.

Are Spider Plants Toxic to Cats? | Gardener’s Path (8)

Even those of us with low ceilings will likely be able to find a spot in our home with good growing conditions for our spider ivy that is also out of reach of our curious feline.

You can, of course, repot your spider plant from its nursery pot into a hanging basket, but there are other ways of getting your plant to levitate as well.

Are you into an eclectic or vintage decorating vibe? If so, you might appreciate the nostalgic look of macrame plant hangers.

You can use macrame hangers to place a regular nursery pot, or more decorative cachepot, directly into the hanger and suspend it from a ceiling hook.

Are Spider Plants Toxic to Cats? | Gardener’s Path (9)

Set of Three Organic Cotton Macrame Plant Hangers

If you’re onboard with the macrame revival, you’ll find a set of three organic cotton macrame hangers that will fit pots measuring up to seven inches in diameter from Mkono via Amazon.

Or for a more modern, minimalist look, you might enjoy this rectangular, black iron plant hanger, which can hold a plant pot by its rim, available from Terrain.

Are Spider Plants Toxic to Cats? | Gardener’s Path (10)

Rectangle Iron Plant Hanger

If hanging a plant from your ceiling isn’t really an option for you, another tactic I have used to situate my houseplants beyond the grasp of my curious felines is to use metal wall brackets to hang them.

Of course, if you have a feline-inaccessible bookshelf, that might also be a good location for your spider ivy to live – just make sure it’s somewhere that is not so out of the way that you will forget about your houseplant. While this species is very forgiving when we neglect it, it’s not invincible.

A Purrfect Relationship

Even though spider plants are nontoxic to cats, allowing your feline friends to overindulge in this green delight is not recommended – either from the point of view of your kitty’s belly or for the health of your houseplant.

So consider keeping your plant out of reach and offer your pet some cat grass instead.

Are Spider Plants Toxic to Cats? | Gardener’s Path (11)

Do you have a kitty that likes nibbling on your spider plant? Have you found any creative solutions to keep your houseplant nibble-free? Let us know in the comments section below.

And one more thing:

What I didn’t tell you at the beginning of this article about my kitty Louie and his unfortunate run-in with my (former) pothos, was that I thought I’d placed the vining tropical plant well out of his reach.

It obviously wasn’t, or he would have been spared a very upset tummy and I would have been spared my 24 hours of worry.

So if you haven’t vetted all of your houseplants yet for pet safety, it might be time to do so, and consider rehoming any that are toxic and replacing them with pet-safe plants.

Here are some more articles to help you zero in on the best houseplants to keep – and those to avoid – when you have a kitty at home:

  • Are Peace Lily Plants Toxic to Cats?
  • Are Poinsettia Plants Poisonous?
  • Is Christmas Cactus Toxic to Cats?

Photos by Kristina Hicks-Hamblin © Ask the Experts, LLC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. See our TOS for more details. Product photos via Dualshine, NW Home, Terrain, and The Cat Ladies Store. Uncredited photos: Shutterstock.

Are Spider Plants Toxic to Cats? | Gardener’s Path (2024)


Are Spider Plants Toxic to Cats? | Gardener’s Path? ›

But are spider plants toxic to cats and other pets? Thankfully, spider plant is considered nontoxic to cats as well as dogs, according to the ASPCA. 1 So you can keep this plant without having to worry about your feline becoming very ill or needing to make an emergency trip to the vet.

Can cats be around spider plants? ›

Spider plants are great, non toxic plants for cats. They can be nibbled and ingested in small quantities without worry. However, cats are prone to nibbling on spider plants as a method of settling an uneasy stomach (as they do with grass), so it is best to avoid having spider plants where cats can reach them.

What happens if cat eats spider plant leaves? ›

While considered non toxic, these compounds can still result in an upset stomach, vomiting, and diarrhea. For this reason, it is recommended that you keep cats away from the plants to avoid any spider plant toxicity, regardless of its mild effects.

Are there any house plants that are poisonous to cats? ›

Beautiful though they may be, lilies are one of the most toxic house plants for cats. Ingesting even a small amount or licking a bit of pollen off their coat can cause kidney failure and death. Philodendron. These resilient, easy-to-grow houseplants contain high levels of calcium oxalate crystals.

Will cats stay away from poisonous plants? ›

Generally, cats will stay away from plants that will harm them, but sometimes curiosity and boredom get the better of them and they might nibble on your plants. Consumption of poisonous plants can cause a range of symptoms from vomiting to serious illness and even death in some cases.

Do spider plants need sun? ›

A spider plant is sensitive to direct sunlight, which can scorch its delicate leaves. Hence, it's best if you place it near a window that receives bright, indirect light. Chlorophytum comosum can tolerate low-light conditions, too, so it won't suffer during overcast spells.

Is a spider plant like catnip? ›

Some believe the Curly Spider Plant is a feline foe, but in truth, it's as harmless as a ball of yarn. However, it does have a catnip-like effect. Cats might go a little gaga over it, which can lead to some tummy trouble if they overindulge.

How to keep cats away from spider plants? ›

To prevent your cat from eating a spider plant, keep the plant out of your cat's reach. This may mean your spider plant lives on a high shelf or hangs from the ceiling where your cat can't access it.

How often are cats poisoned by plants? ›

Most cats are fastidious creatures and are careful about what they eat. Poisoning in cats is therefore generally rare. It is the young inquisitive cat or kitten that is most at risk of eating harmful plants, particularly household ones.

How bad is pothos for cats? ›

The needle-like calcium oxalate crystals in golden pothos are toxic to cats. Although moderately harmful, the symptoms from ingesting the plant (even in small quantities) can be quite uncomfortable, causing stinging sensation in your kitty's mouth, drooling, vomiting, and a stomach upset.

What house plant do cats hate? ›

Rosemary is a great indoor plant that cats hate because it is highly aromatic. In addition to growing without cat interference, it also provides you with fresh sprigs for cooking and makes your house smell great. Scaredy cat plant is another plant that deters cats based on the smell, thus the name.

Do cats know which plants are poisonous? ›

Cats have natural instincts and know when to stay away from toxic-smelling plants. These plants also do not taste good and require more than just a lick or a small bite to cause severe problems. Although this is the case, you should still discourage your cat from getting close to toxic plants.

Is lavender toxic to cats? ›

Is Lavender Toxic For Cats? While it is not deadly, lavender is toxic for cats. Lavender contains linalool and linalyl acetate, which cats cannot process in their livers. This means that consuming too much lavender can lead to liver damage.

Are spider plants toxic to cats? ›

But are spider plants toxic to cats and other pets? Thankfully, spider plant is considered nontoxic to cats as well as dogs, according to the ASPCA.

Do cats know when something is toxic? ›

Dogs and cats instinctively know not to eat certain things that can make them sick or kill them. Many animals, especially those in the wild, do have a combination of instinct, experience and training that keeps them from consuming things that are harmful to them.

Can cats be in the same room as toxic plants? ›

Cats that are around toxic plants may get the seeds or pollen trapped in their fur or on their paws. Then, while the cat is grooming themselves the toxic substances are ingested.

Are cats safe around spiders? ›

Most spiders, especially small house spiders, are generally harmless to cats. However, any poisonous spider that can harm people can also harm your cat. Because your cat is much smaller than you, venom from a spider bite can do more damage to them than it could to you. Black widow spiders are poisonous to cats.

Can cats be around house plants? ›

To keep your cat safe, we recommend avoiding toxic plants and flowers altogether. Any plants or flowers marked as caution-advised should be kept out of reach, particularly if your cat is a nibbler.

What happens if my cat eats a house spider? ›

Typically, if your cat consumes a common house spider, it's unlikely to cause any major health issues. Spiders are part of the natural diet of many wild cats, and their domestic counterparts have inherited this predilection. The primary concern arises when the spider consumed belongs to a venomous species.

Are spider plants toxic? ›

Spider plants, scientifically known as Chlorophytum comosum, are a breath of fresh air for pet owners and parents. Non-toxic by nature, they're a safe bet for households bustling with children and furry companions. Despite the occasional rumor, spider plants don't belong on the no-fly list for your home garden.

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